I would for her.....
Girl and a guy were madly in love with eachother, they were only highschoolers, but treated their relationship like a marriage,one day the girl found out she had to move one million miles away, so they spent the night before she left together (not having sex) talking and cuddling with one another, sharing memories, and good times, then the boy said, " dont worry, we wont be apart long, i WILL come and visit you", then the girl looked at him and said "how??", because she knew his family did not have the money to buy a plane ticket and he didnt have a car, but he insisted "dont worry i'll come and see you", and she believed him ...
that next day she left, they said their goodbyes and she was on her way, when she finally came to her house she called him, but he wasnt home, so she just assumed he was at work or something, so the next day she called, he never answered, she was a bit confused, but she still assumed, and kept going about her day, days went by, and he never answered the phone or the emails she sent out, she started to get worried, REALLY worried, till one day she freaked out completely and decided to end everything, until she heard the doorbell, she opened the door and there he was, standing there,perfectly fine,without thinking of how he got there she jumped in his arms and screamed "I LOVE YOU", then later she asked him, "wait, i live one million miles away from your house, how'd you get here" he looked up at her, smiled and said "i walked" ...