kuraku... what a gal... |
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Posted: Tue Feb 15, 2005 @ 06:53am
Posted: Tue Oct 26, 2004 @ 06:59pm
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Community Member
Posted: Thu Oct 14, 2004 @ 05:02am
Posted: Sat Oct 02, 2004 @ 11:12pm
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Community Member
Posted: Mon Sep 27, 2004 @ 12:56am
AWA 10!!!
oh man, that was awesome. i just got back and settled and now i'm in the post-con depression: where you realize that no everyone loves anime as much as everyone, especially in a small Christian school. i want to go back so badly. i want all of those peopel to go to school together so we can just talk about anime all the time... i'm crying on the inside. this sucks like whoa.
i had a table in the artists alley to sell my kodama sculptures and fairies and i also sold someone's hats for them, spent 113 dollars and ended up with 46ish. so i'm pretty happy. i mean i got some great swag.
-complimentary old issue of newtype -dvd in issue with two episodes of random animes with trailers -X poster for free inside complimentary old issue of newtype -fruits basket #1 dvd which my boyfriend won, along with complimentary poster -set of 6 ghibi keychains that include porco rosso, a dust bunnie, a kodama, totoro, yakul (mononoke), and gigi from kiki's. -2 hats, an AFK and a lain bear hat for selling the chick's hats for her -a hand painted totoro pillow that i ordered for a very awesome chick that bought 3 of my kodama -a congoleramte miyazaki picture photo album. this man's art was amazing and he had made a huge blanket with the picture on it but copied it to make the photo album. i was quite happy. -a set of 5 figurenes from tales of symphonia for the bestest boy in the world, patrick, which igave to him. -pocky, my first ever, from patrick. -lots of business cards
i found out that there is another con in nashiville that's decent sized, one in huntsville that's okay sized and another one in atlanta that's larger than AWA. HUZZAH!!!!
...i need to go to japan because that's the only way i'll buy soundtracks. they are f*@%ing expensive in america. not worth it AT ALL... but anyhow...
if i think of something more to say i'll post it later because now i'm goignto watch my anime bfore i do my homework. or i'll alternate.
it's hard on your mind and heart to be so so happy and so down at the same time....