So, in government, we're currently holding a mock-senate where we all come up with a bill that we will try to get passed. So today, we come to this girl who gets up and begins to explain her bill. The general subject of it is not only expanding the death penalty to all states, bu also adding many more felonies to the list of "Punishable by Death," including rape and drug dealing. I swear, I have never seen so many bull s**t flags called on this. So, it comes time for supporting one stands. It comes time for opposing claims, and the hands fly up. Luckily I was called first. I got up to the podium and began to rip and tear into every minor detail of this bill. As this girl looked at the shredded and tattered form that was once her bill, she began to make counter claims....she was actually trying to defend it! It took me and 3 other people bringing up common facts about the prison system and common human decency to quell this girl. Insane, I swear.
The Extra Syllable Community Member |