Happy St. Patrick's Day! (Not Really - March 7th)
Hey Everyone! This is Nina's Profile (her homepage). I wanna wish everyone a Merry Springy Breaky .. lol So, anyways, what was I saying? Oh, yea, well, about me? Um ... I am 15 years of age (gosh I'm getting old), I live in DELAWARE - for those of you who do NOT know where that is it's the smallest ever known state in America. So, while I'm bored out of my mind here, I have two pets that entertain me (or try to). One's a cat (Blue Russian) named Andy (B). The other, a mix between a Pomeranian/Pekingese named Rocky (hes a fat hog!). Boy = B in case your wondering. I'm a redhead, people say I get mad easily (overly sensitive), but that's just how we redheads can be. Hot headed. I am known to be nice. Funny. Very random. Expressive (very creative). Determined with my school work. =) Um ... if anyone has any q's or cmt's just feel free to let me kno on my pro. ~Peace out~ mrgreen