Chapter 19. Uh-oh!!!
Day 4 - Teslim started focusing his magic into his staff. "Now to use the technique Becka thought me."
He gripped his staff and a circle appeared around everyone but Ashigo and Xeno. "This technique gives us the ability to fly for 30 seconds."
"Why 30 seconds." Ashigo asked.
"Cuz i'm still mastering it, duh." stare Teslim barked. "And Gayala Springs is only 1 mile away. At the speed i alotted to each of us we should make it there."
"What about Xeno and I?" Ashigo questioned.
"Xeno is fast so ride him there you retarded idiot." sighed Teslim.
"I have an idea, since Xeno is fast I'll hop on and ride him there." stated Ashigo.
"Brilliant!" xd xd xd xd exclaimed everyone but Teslim.
"What the hell is wrong with you guys...I just freakin said that! Screw youuuu!!!!" yelled Teslim.
They started flying north to Gayala Springs. Ashigo hopped on Xeno, his holotope, and they were off. In 20 seconds we were there."Ashigo. I won't be capable of speed bursts for a while, cuz in my current state my maximum burst level is 2 per week." Xeno sighed.
The Wanderers of Imperia approached the springs and saw Alex and Grace waving. Grace ran to Maximillian and hugged him. "My, my have you grown. I think i'll cling onto you now....i mean it." she laughed.
"I'm free, i'm free, i'm free, yeh i'm free, look at me, look at me, yes i am free." rejoiced Ashigo "Verse Two!!!!I'm free, i'm free, i'm free yeh i'm free, look at the breeze the breeeeze on meeeee, i'm free, i'm free, i'm free, i'm freeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee from the bonds that binded me. Verse Three!!!! Look at me, yeh look at me, yes i'm free. I'm freeeeeeeeeeeee, yeh i'm freeeeeeeeee!!!!.
"Hmmm????That's a catchy song." laughed Tony. "I think i'll sing too."
Tony ran to Ashigo and they started singing the melody. Xeno, pleased by the melody joined in. Ashigo and Tony sang loudly while Xeno howled. "Tony...wha...what have they done to you?" Alex whispered sadly. "Note to self: save Tony from Ashigo's stupidity."
The Wanderers of Imperia walked into the Gayala Spring building. They gave each of us a towel and escorted us to different places. Each place was 400 meters apart. The boys were sent to the Men's bruise healer springs and the women were sent to the Women's replenishment springs. "Tsskk this sucks. Being in a spring with guys." sighed Teslim.
"Who cares its just a spring, the point is to relax." Tony explained. " It's not like we could do anything about it."
"I bet Xeno is having fun in the Spring for Legends." Teslim sighed. "Oh i know! Why don't we sneak over to the girl springs and take a peek. Huh how bout that?" laughed Teslim pervertedly.
"Sure why not, we got nothing better to do." exclaimed Maxamillian calmly.
"I'm in." Tony replied.
"OKAY, Mission: P.E.R.V.E.R.T.E.D commence!!!!" Ashigo yelled.
We all put on our cloths and snuck out of the Men's springs. Maxamillian used his ninja skills to easily get passed and deactivate the security. Tony used his sword to cut a path for us to walk through. Teslim used Healaga to keep our stamina at max. Ashigo used his Earth Powwa to sense where the spring was so that we wouldnt get lost in the Gayala Forest Path to the Other Springs.
We were finally outside the spring wall. "How our we gonna see over the wall?" Maxamillian asked.
"Yeh it's like 60 feet." Tony exclaimed.
"No worries." Ashigo stated calmly. "I'll handle this."
"EARTH POWWA! SAND STEPS!" commanded the Ashigo.
The ground under their feet raised and took them high enough to see over the wall. "Oooooooooo-wwwweeeee, noice (pronounced as : Noyce.)." Tony smiled.
"Oh yeh yeh." snickered Maxamillian.
"Yeeaaahh Boing." drooled Teslim.
"Uh-oh Oreo." laughed Ashigo.
"You can sense them right? Their watching us." Yadoshi exclaimed.
"Yeh i sense the boy members watching." Grace replied calmly.
"We'll get revenge." smiled Alex twisted "Sweet sweet revenge."
We descended back to the ground and smiled. "Noice." we laughed. rofl rofl rofl rofl
We started back and heard the words. "We know you saw so now we will get you. HeHeHe."
"s**t they saw!" yelled Teslim. "Run dagnamit! Run!"
We ran as fast as we could, but three shadows appeared in front of us.
"Earth- Zooka!", Energy Blade Rapid Fire, Dawn of Shurikens, Mistaga Magic" we yelled.
Ashigo fired razor sharp cystal bullets, Tony's sword sent energy slashes, Maxamillian's shurikens rained down, and Teslim's magic shrouded our escape.
*Heavy breathing*. The men of The Wanderers of Imperia hid behind the bushes. "s**t, Teslim you dumbass. You just had to scream Yeh Boing." Tony whispered angrily. *Speaking jibberish angrily.*
We could understand Tony's anger. "I see you." laughed Yadoshi.
"O-M-G!" Tony screamed.
We started scamperring off. Tears rushed from our eyes. "What does OMG mean?" cried Maxamillian .
"I'll tell you if we survive." cried Tony .
"SHAAAAADOOOOW WOLF CLAW." yelled Yadoshi. A large shadow erupted from her hand and took the form of a giant dark wolf. It leaped at us. Tony, Maxamillian, and Ashigo managed to lunge and evade the attack. The shadow wolf extended its claw and grabbed Teslim."HEELLLPP MMEEE!" Those were his final words.
We bursted into tears out of fright. "Shooo..should we turn back to help him." cried Tony.
"Remember what Teslim said before that we should abandom our comrades in times like these." gasped Maxamillian.
We leaped from tree to tree, we took no chances, we never looked back. Grace and Alex appeared in front of us in their long white robes. Grace shot energy spheres at Maxamillian. "Time to use one of the moves i learned from Becka." Maxamillian thought to himself.
"Matrix Revolver." he yelled.
Maxamillian leaped backwards. Grace's attack suddenly slowed down and Maxamillian was suddenly moving in slow motion. He remained airborne and dodged each attack in slo-mo. "WTF." Alex Exclaimed. She tossed a grapling hook towards Maxamillian.
"Replacement Evasion!" Maximillian yelled and disappeared in a puff of smoke. Under the net Tony appeared. "Dam You Maxamillian!!!!" scream Tony yelled.
Maxamillian and Ashigo started running. "You replaced yourself with Tony!!" Ashigo asked angrily.
"He wasn't gonna make it anyway. Plus, you woulda done the same." Maxamillian replied.
Ashigo and Maxamillian could see the Male spring wall. "EARTH POWWA! SAND STEP!" The steps carried Maxamillian and Ashigo over the wall. Ashigo was about to jump back into the springs, but he noticed Maxamillian being pulled in by the girls. "HElP!" Maxamillian exclaimed. "GRAB MY HAND!" Ashigo yelled.
He stretched his hand and grabbed Maxamillian's arm. He tugged him free and Ashigo and Maxamillian fell into the Men's Springs. "We made it." smiled Ashigo.
"Thanks for helping me." laughed Maxamillian. "But what about Teslim and Tony."
Ashigo started to speak, "Who knows my friend, who knows...."
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A world that cannot be circumnavigated. For every time a path is crossed, a new road opens. This is the Land of Imperia.
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