I figured it would be much easier to do things since I've been doing some job hunting and it seems that I've had some luck in the templating department. So here I'm going to be posting all of my samples here. It's much easier than opening Photobucket and having to copy and paste all of the links over and over in threads so many times. So in short here are some samples to feast your eyes on.
From my own shop:

From shops I color at without templates:

 From contests:

From previous/current orders:

Now to what the title means. I'm trying to save for a few custom Soquilis and one custom SoA Wild dog that I would love to have. (a cosplay of my little mutt that was hit by a car a couple years ago.) I've been lacking in donations and just can't be online enough to get that much gold. So I'm trying to find ways to get my gold count to grow. This one of the few ways that I can think of to acheive that.
Now that I've said that I wanted gold you may be surprised or not when I say how much I am going to be charging. I've been charging 4k per piece. I'm willing to haggle on the price. If you want something that is full of texture and is quite complicated I'm going to have to say that the price will increase but that is to be expected. And if you feel kind I will love tips or a raise.
Please leave comments as to what you like or suggestions for me. Love Love to all incoming customers.
Master Wild Mage · Fri Feb 09, 2007 @ 11:51pm · 1 Comments |