I'm Sharron! I'm a little crazy, but in the socially acceptable way. Most likely, I am older than you, and thats ok! I have a boyfriend I LOOOOVVVEEE his name is Stephen and you cant have him! Hmmph!! I am all about all kinds of stuff, please feel free to ask me stuff, tell me stuff and stufff. My biggest beef is with rudeness and unnessescary rudeness, so dont do it!!! I come from a long line of dislexics and half blind folks, so dont correct my spelling, I'm ok with my horrible spelling skills! What you got? I love presents! I love art trades and I love you, no..no I'm serious!! see how serious I am!! From [.rebirth.] wingless
 From [o_O]
 From TheeDarkestAngel
 From ReverseNurse
 and this duo from BettyBeat
  and these cuties from the talented Miss BettyBeat as well!

Tis me!!

Shameless self promotion vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv My devianart gallery
My Elfwood
Please feel free to add me wherever!I love new friends!
I'm also an artist, I do avatars for 3500 gold! Here are a bunch of samples!!

BackSeat Betty · Fri Mar 09, 2007 @ 04:44pm · 1 Comments |