Keep it real
So I'm doing math homework, haven't done any work because my computer has really been a piece of crap lately, been freezing up, lagging, just not working, you know? So I had to erase EVERYTHING, I was able to spare my music but I'm basically running on nothing here. I'm waiting for the "stuff" to get here so I can reformat and add some stuff on my computer, so hopefully my baby will be bigger and better!
We did find a dead spider in my computer...hmm..time to dust it out, maybe? And clean my room.....gyah...
I'm playing Kingdom Hearts II, again. XD It's fun, but yeah. So report cards are friday, I got until them to boost up some grades ... gah.
I also had a "Challenge Day" yesterday, it's basically a day about opening up and being "real", being you, and showing your true self, as well as meeting people and trying to get rid of cliques by conjoining everyone with similarities I suppose. It was an emotional roller coaster, one minute we were "booty dancing", screaming, jumping up and down to music, the next moment we were in each others arms crying, even those of us who refuse to cry in public, we were in tears. Holding each other and gah, it was wonderful experience though and really opened up my eyes and I'm really trying to be more expressive, open and confident. I was able to step out of my comfort zone, my 'box' and be more considerate to other things, I'm trying to better myself as a person. A lot of my friends go "How is that possible?!" and when they said that it really made me feel good and made me realize that if people look at me as a good person now, then maybe me trying to better myself will show them that no matter how good or nice you are, you can always do better and it doesn't hurt to go above and beyond.
So I also just got back from church, and it was really great.
razz Got tons of homework to do, so ya'll have fun and keep it REAL!