Ayy yo dudee listen up your gonna wanna know.
This is my best friend in the whole world.
We have been best friends in real life since second grade.
Becca is the world to me, she is the one person that is ALWAYS there for me no matter what. She has helped me through soo much. She is even re-doing caticism because i need to get my first holy communion.
Becca and me played that nerdy a** game runescape together.
she introduced me to gaiaonline and im dayum happy she did (:
Becca always comes to support me.
She goes to some of my softball games.
She came with me on my first date (:
she also attended my graduation and its party.
Becca and I make kick a** Videos (:
If you mess with Becca, all hell will come loose.
I will personally come to your house with my bare hands and beat the living s**t out of you!
i would take a shot for this girl (i am mortified of shots!)
Becca and i just got in our first fight, hope she will for give me ): i hate seeing her sad ): makes me sad and wanna cry.
Love you Becca Bear,
xoxo- "Me"