Wednesday 14th March 2oo7
Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Chordata Class: Aves Order: Passiformes Family: Corvidae Genus: Corvus
Crows are social creatures. There are 116 types of crow. The largest crow is a Raven, and Jays are the most colouful.Crows are remarkably adaptable birds that will feed on a wide variety of foods, both natural and manmade, although some foods are favored over others and individual crows may have individual preferences.February is a slow time in the crow's year. Survival through the short, cold days is the main activity. Families are still together, hunting for food, usually on their territories, and traveling to the roost most nights. During the day they can be very vocal as they spread out across the territory and keep in touch regarding their location and anything interesting they find. Soon, depending on geographical location, the nesting season will begin shortly and very noticeable changes in behavior will take place.American crows prefer open areas with nearby trees. Agricultural and grassland areas are ideal habitat for crows to forage for their food. American crows will also use nearby woodlots and forest edges for breeding and roosting. American crows thrive in suburban neighborhoods and urban parks, as well as in coastal habitats.
Description of the American crow.
Eyes dark brown. Legs black. All feathers black glossed with violet.
Size: 40-53 cm (16-21 in) Wingspan: 85-100 cm (33-39 in) Weight: 316-620 g (11.15-21.89 ounces)

Mayonaka ninja · Wed Mar 14, 2007 @ 08:15pm · 0 Comments |
A ga bla bla. I is bored. A ga bla bla bla. I is so bored. I is always bored. A ga bla bla bla.
Mayonaka ninja · Sun Mar 11, 2007 @ 03:09pm · 0 Comments |
Welcoming back my avi art! Yay! |
27th January 2007
I haven't wrote in my journal for a long time, but that long time is over. I like my new outfit and I'm hoping that I can keep hold of my Goddess so I can sell it in a few years time. Maybe 1 year or 2. I found out it wasn't grandad's birthday, but it was someone's. I had a lovely time out but the potatoes weren't very nice. I liked the pudding alot though. It's the first time I've bothered to type so much for a while. Even though I keep making spelling mistakes. In my journal I try to have my best spelling. I spose I better get on with making money, oh oh, and I'm going to my cousin's bday party today! Well, I think it's my cousin's.
Mayonaka ninja · Sat Jan 27, 2007 @ 11:03am · 1 Comments |
Sunday 21st January 2007
I am quite proud with my avatar, and a bit tired gonk . I hope I'll get full energy during the day to do all the rest of the stuff I'm doing. My brother Dark Danx, showed me this thing before I got on the computer. He was talking to a robot, and he has to say nouns, adjectives and other things, and then the robot makes a funny paraghraph. I am in a good mood today, and half ready for school tomorow. It is also my Grandad's bday, and I'm still looking forward to going out for lunch. There's not much more to write, so this is it.
Mayonaka ninja · Sun Jan 21, 2007 @ 09:16am · 0 Comments |
Saturday 20th January 2007
It has been the year 2007 for a while now, and I am currently saving up for a dream avi. I do like gaia, and I have been on for nearly a year. This is my second account, and is my active one. I was so surprized how much friends I got in 1 month, I got over 30! I do enjoy talking with my friends, but some of them don't talk with me. I have been editing my profile and stuff today, and tommorow is my Grandad's birthday. I am looking forward to going out for lunch! I'll try to write in my journal often, but that's it for now.
Mayonaka ninja · Sat Jan 20, 2007 @ 05:27pm · 1 Comments |