Mimi's Echo Chamber |
I love writing, but it may not be updated often.
But if you'd like a little window into what's going on with teh Mira, lookie here! |
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Posted: Tue Aug 24, 2010 @ 08:22am
Posted: Sat Jul 17, 2010 @ 12:56am
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Posted: Tue Jul 13, 2010 @ 12:24am
Posted: Tue May 25, 2010 @ 12:19am
Three Months Behind Me
So, it's been three months. Almost four. I'm still dealing with things, but life has taken some rather interesting turns. I haven't been on Gaia very often, even just getting on the internet is work sometimes. I actually got drawn back to Gaia today because I got an email saying that I had three new PM's, all from people curious about when they can get a Kitter Kat. I'm flattered that even after all this time, people are still interested in my little pixel kitties! I'm really not sure what to do about Kitter Katz to be honest. They're my "babies", so I don't want to sell the shop, but I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to officially reopen it. With everything I've been through, I've come to realize that I need to spend my time trying to make real world money. I got a job working 2 days a week, but it's barely paying for my bad habits + food. Not to mention that living with my Mother is not exactly ideal... I'd really love to find my own place.
Anyhoo, not much is new in Miraland aside from that. I went to an amazing rooftop party on Friday though, met lots of cool people, got hit on by drunken guys (and a couple of girls), danced my legs to jelly and had a great time. In fact I'm still recovering. wink But it's a new week, so it's back to looking for work and taking care of my mental health.
I hope everyone else has been doing well, feel free to shoot me a PM any time, I'll try to check back more often.
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Posted: Sat Mar 13, 2010 @ 04:30am
Awkward Silences & Drunken Cackling
Hi everyone! New update. It's been over a month since I left What's-his-face and I have news to share.
First of all, I have my internet back! Wooo! *Throws confetti and performs a really terrible version of the Running Man*
Secondly, I lost ten pounds. eek I'm a bit frustrated over the fact since now I'm (according to Wii Fit), underweight. And man, I look WEIRD. Not to mention none of my clothes fit any more. Working on that one.
Thirdly, I found out that boys think I'm pretty. eek eek
Also, I made two new girl friends! As it turns out, girls are crazy... and awesome.
Lastly, I sang karaoke last Wednesday! Fiona Apple's "Limp". Granted, it was only me and two friends actually in the room but I defeated my fear of singing in front of people that I know! lol
I've also realized that if I can't be happy, it's a lot easier for me to fake it than to bring everyone else down around me. There are too many unhappy people in this city as it is.
Posted: Sat Mar 13, 2010 @ 04:13am
Awkward Silences & Drunken Cackling
Hi everyone! New update. It's been over a month since I left What's-his-face and I have news to share.
First of all, I have my internet back! Wooo! *Throws confetti and performs a really terrible version of the Running Man*
Secondly, I lost ten pounds. eek I'm a bit frustrated over the fact since now I'm (according to Wii Fit), underweight. And man, I look WEIRD. Not to mention none of my clothes fit any more. Working on that one.
Thirdly, I found out that boys think I'm pretty. eek eek
Also, I made two new girl friends! As it turns out, girls are crazy... and awesome.
Lastly, I sang karaoke last Wednesday! Fiona Apple's "Limp". Granted, it was only me and two friends actually in the room but I defeated my fear of singing in front of people that I know! lol
I've also realized that if I can't be happy, it's a lot easier for me to fake it than to bring everyone else down around me. There are too many unhappy people in this city as it is.
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Posted: Wed Mar 03, 2010 @ 10:01pm
Posted: Mon Feb 08, 2010 @ 02:21am
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