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Beep Bop

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War of the Lasers
By Brent Cesear

4:43pm Eastern Time
July 10, 2008

“Mickey De get down” said Captain Warhurst. “BOOM” a bomb lands right next to Mickey De and obliterates Martinez, the gunner on the 50 cal. Mickey De looks around its only him, Warhurst, Garroway, and 5 others from second platoon. Warhurst calls a retreat back to base camp. Mickey De picks up his M16 and starts to retreat and the others follow.

One year earlier.

5:04pm Eastern Time
October 16, 2007
Mickey De just got home from work went to the answering machine. “Mickey De, you have just been drafted into the Marines.” “We’ll need you to come down to South Carolina by October 24, 2007.” Mickey De was horrified. He didn’t want to go into the Marines. He had finally settled in to his own little apartment. But that didn’t matter anymore.

4:57 pm Eastern Time
October 24, 2007

“Mickey De is your name huh.” “Well welcome to the Marines Mickey De”
After completing the entrance exam and physical he is accepted in to the Marines. “Now go walk down this hall until u find the end of the line private.” Mickey De Walks down the hall and to the back of the line. He asks the person in front of him “What are we doing?” We’re getting our haircuts.” Mickey De waits until it is his turn. He sits down in the barber chair and gets all of his hair shaved off.
“Listen up privates.” says Lieutenant Warhurst.
“You all have just entered basic training.”
“You will now be trained to your very limits in disciplinary, strength, and mentally.”
“You will have three says to choose whether you want to stay.” “After that third day you’re stuck in the Marines.”
“Is there anyone who would like to quit?” Nobody raises their hand.
“Ok then, welcome to the Marines men.”
The next day was rough on Mickey De. It all started at 0400. They had to make their beds and line them up perfectly or they had to start all over again. Next was running. They had to run 10 miles up a hill and back down. After that was the obstacle course. After the whole platoon had become muddy and wet they had to do gun drills. Starting with position drills to taking the gun apart and back together. After that they had a small lunch break then started all over again. This continued for 6 weeks getting harder along the way.

6:00 pm Eastern time
September 28, 2007

Today was graduation. Their entire platoon had gone through basic training just the same as everybody else. Mickey De had made friends with some of his platoon including Martinez, Garroway, and Lucas. They were all in the same fire team. Four men to a fire team. Three fire teams to a squad. Four squads to a platoon. Now they would be shipped over to the war in Iraq. They would be sent straight to the front lines. To fight, to defend, to kill.

3:00am Eastern Time
December 3, 2007

Mickey De was in a huge line to get onto the B-57 cargo plane. They would be shipped to Iraq in this plane. It would be a 20 hour flight. The plane would be crowded. But they had no choice.

11:07pm Eastern Time
December 3, 2007

Finally they were about to land the plane. They would then be told what to do and what was happening now.
“Listen up maggots.”
“You all know we’re at war.”
“You will all be stationed around the perimeter of this base.”
“You will shoot anything that comes your way.”
“We don’t have any troops that will be coming in or going out.”
“First platoon, you’ll have center of the perimeter.”
“Second platoon, you have right and Third platoon you got left.”

10:00pm Eastern time
July 9, 2008

“Martinez, get over here.”
“It’s your shift” said Mickey De.
“Oh, come on.”
“Could you take my shift?”
“I’ll help you later” said Martinez.
“Fine but you better do something later” said Mickey De.
“I promise, I promise ok” said Martinez.

10:27pm Eastern time
July 9, 2008

Boom! Rat-a-tat-tat. It all started. Mickey De got on the 50 cal. and started shooting. As he looked as far as the horizon all he could see were Iraq soldiers. They were charging in an oncoming horde. Most of the horde was soldiers. Some of the soldiers had ladders to climb the wall Mickey De was defending. There were some tanks in there also. But those tanks wouldn’t last too much longer. To his right Mickey De could see a Javelin (heat seeking rocket launcher) locking on to one of the tanks. Mickey De started firing at the front line of the crowd. But it just seemed like it would never end.

4:35am Eastern Time
July 10, 2008

The battle had gone on for hours on end. The wall had too have had at least 5 holes in it from the tanks. But that stopped after the final Javelin fired and killed the last tank. But the Iraq army was getting ever so closer to the wall. They had to be a hundred yards away by now. Twelve people had died since the battle had started. That’s when Martinez came up behind Mickey De and tapped his shoulder. Mickey De got off the 50 cal. and Martinez jumped on it.
“Remember, I owe you.” Said Martinez.
“I just need you to go get me some ammo.”
“I brought some of mine over here but it won’t last.”
“My position was clear so.”
“Ok, well I’m gonna go get you some ammo you fire on that crowd like hell” said Mickey De.
“Roger that.”
Mickey De ran to the ammo dump and grabbed a whole bunch of ammo cases for the 50 cal. He ran back and loaded it into the 50 cal. that’s when Captain Warhurst came over.
“Hey, Mickey De” said Captain Warhurst.
“I need you to look out for any mortars we’ve seen some around the other parts of the wall.”
“Thanks for the update” said Mickey De.
“Oh Martinez, make those shots count, we’re running low on ammo.” said Captain Warhurst.
“Why wouldn’t I make them count Cap?”
“Then just keep firing.”

4:43pm Eastern Time
July 10, 2008

“Mickey De get down” said Captain Warhurst. “BOOM” a mortar shot lands right next to Mickey De and obliterates Martinez. Mickey De looks around its only him, Warhurst, Garroway, and 5 others from second platoon. Warhurst calls a retreat back to base camp. Warhurst hands an M16 and Mickey De starts to retreat and the others follow. They all jump into two humvees and start to drive off. Garroway jumps on the fifty cal. Warhurst takes the wheel. Mickey De takes shotgun. Two others jump in the back.
“So where do we go now” asked Mickey De.
“We’re going to go to the air base 15 miles out” says Warhurst.
“Once there we’ll get planes started up and take defensive positions.”
“If we can’t hold out any more we’ll hitch a ride back to the grand old U.S.A.”
“Not much of a plan Cap” says Mickey De.
“That’s for more of what we have to do.”
“I don’t think we have a choice.”

6:02pm Eastern Time
July 10, 2008

After an hour and 15 minutes of driving they finally made it to the air base. It was and exhausting trip. It was about 100 degrees Fahrenheit. The humvees were stationed in defense positions and the others grabbed their M16s and took up other defense positions. Warhurst, however, went straight to the officer command post to talk to the officer. After just a couple of minutes both Warhurst and another officer came out of the command post.
“Start those engines up boys” said the officer.
“The rest of you go grab the biggest guns you can find cause we gonna need them.”
“What’s going on, sir” said one of the engineers.
“We’re gonna see quite a bit of action today.”
“Those of you who survive, you can expect an advancement up the rank line.”
The engineers started up the B-57s and the F/A-22s so if they needed to they could flee the base. All of the documents were either put on the B-57 or shredded to the point where they couldn’t be put back together. Some of the fighter jets were placed on the runway ready to take off when action started so they wouldn’t get damaged and they could give ground support. Mickey De heard something and turned around to see what it was. He turned around to see an Apache helicopter getting started up.
“Well, I guess whatever’s coming at us ain’t gonna last too long” said Mickey De to his partner Garroway.
“You can say that again” Garroway said.

8:19pm Eastern Time
July 10, 2008

It was quiet. The planes were turned off to save fuel.
“Here they come boys” shouted Warhurst.
“Lock and load.”
Right then all of the F/A-22 fighter jets started up. The Apache helicopter started to take off. The B-57s were started up. The defense perimeter consisted of 12 men. And two humvees. Three men were in the center. Next to them were the humvees. On the sides of them were two more groups consisting three men each. Warhurst and the other officer were up in the watch tower. The other officer had a 50 cal. sniper rifle. Warhurst would be his spotter and commanding officer. The final battle was about to begin. But why would they put so much effort into taking out such a very small group?

8:23pm Eastern Time
July 10, 2008

“Open fire” yelled Warhurst.
Right then noise just exploded all around. The 50 caliber’s opened fire. What rockets we had were fired at enemy vehicles. The Apache helicopter started up and was already on its way. The F/A-22’s were taking off, fully loaded. The B-57 was started up and ready to take off if they needed to retreat. With the aerial help they were able to start to drive the Iraqi troops back.
“Hey maybe this won’t be so bad after all” said one of the soldiers from the air base.
“That’s what they want you to think” said Garroway.
“Ya he’s probably right” said Mickey De
“We we’ll have to see what turns out.” said Garroway
“This is probably just gonna be the first wave.”
“The next ones will probably have stronger troops and vehicles”

8:42pm Eastern Time
July 10, 2008

The fight started to die down. Everyone was cheering except the men from the first battle. Mickey De started to walk over by Warhurst. He just had to find out why the Iraqis wanted to take them out so bad.
“Hey Captain Warhurst” yelled Mickey De.
“What is it private” said Warhurst.
“Do you have any idea why they keep attackin us?”
“Yes, indeed I do and I think it’s time you know.”
“One of our scouts reported seeing them testing out laser weapons on a secret weapons range” said Warhurst.
“Well then why don’t we just radio it down to D.C.?”
“Couple reasons.”
“First we don’t have any code words for those terms.”
“Second there’s media personnel that listens to our military channels and if they hear they’ll tell every one and all hell will break loose.”
“Well, Then that explains a lot” said Mickey De.

9:03pm Eastern Time
July 10, 2008

“They’re coming!” Everyone got into positions
Mickey De went on top of the roof and over to the 50 cal. This time they would be better positioned. Knowing they would have anti-vehicle weapons they used the humvees as road blocks for enemy vehicles. Warhurst this time wouldn’t be sniping but would be marking targets for everybody in the helicopter. Some of the other soldiers would be stationed on the roof tops the rest would be on the ground. Instead of waiting for the enemy to come at anytime and not knowing which way they would come from the F/A22 had gone on recon missions.

9:04pm Eastern Time
July 10, 2008

In just seconds the second battle had begun. Mickey De looked out across the battlefield. The front of the oncoming horde was soldiers on foot. Behind them were tanks spread out so a rocket wouldn’t take two tanks out. Behind the tanks were more soldiers. HE couldn’t quite tell what they were carrying but it looked like RPGs and Ak-47s. He mainly concentrated his fire on the front of the enemy lines though.

10:47pm Eastern time
July 10, 2008

Mickey De looked around it was Captain Warhurst, PFC Garroway, an Engineer, and himself. The enemy was growing closer. He was right though about carrying RPGs. But all in all they were losing. Warhurst gave the signal to retreat to the B-57 bomber plane. Just then there was a huge explosion. The B-57 exploded destroying it and everything on it. Only the pilots and the engineer had been on it though. Warhurst was thinking of a way to get out. Garroway and Mickey De were shooting randomly into crowd. Then Warhurst tells us to follow him. As were running they see the some Iraqis. They realize that the Iraqis had sent a squad around to the back of the base to destroy the plane then attack us from behind. We shot at them and took down a lot of them but then Warhurst was hit in the leg. After we took out the rest of Iraqis, Warhurst tells us to run to the helicopter. Right there was the Blackhawk Helicopter.
So they ran to the helicopter and got inside. We got there then realized none of knew how to fly a helicopter. We set Warhurst down in the helicopter and ran to the office building right next to it. Luckily there was a pilot hiding in the corner there we got him and took him to the helicopter. Warhurst gave him some directions and we flew away from the battle.

12:59pm Eastern Time
July 7, 2008

We landed our plane out in the desert somewhere.
“Captain Warhurst you still with me?”
“Ya I’m here Mickey De.”
“Ok good well where are we?”
“We’re outside the city of Tikrit.”
“The plan is to get to the airport and fly back to the U.S.”
“But Captain, why didn’t we do that back at the air force base?”
“I thought if we could hold out we could get more info on the lasers.”
“But apparently it didn’t work out that way.”

4:25pm Eastern Time
July 9, 2008

“Ok men were going to head in into the city of Tikrit.”
“We’re going to fly to the airport and head back to the U.S.’
“We’re gonna have to do this quick and clean.”
“Pilot do you know how to fly a plane?”
“Sir, yes, sir.”
“Cut the boot crap private.”
“Now the idea will be to head in.”
“Find the first plane ready to fly out.”
“Grab and fl as fast as we can.”
So they started to fly out towards Tikrit. To their luck the airport was the first thing they saw. The bad news was there were troops around the airport. But the weirdest thing there was the huge satellite on top the radio tower. But they flew straight in. Once they were in the airport section they started to take fire from the ground troops. So Mickey De and Garroway got on the Gattling guns on each side and gave return fire. The armor on the Blackhawk was no match for the AK-47s.
So they were safe in the helicopter. But then the pilot noticed the satellite was facing right towards them. A great blue light flashed right before their eyes and obliterated the rotors. All of a sudden they were crashing into the ground. Then Mickey De all scratched up looked around everybody was lying around. Then he turned to look out the door and the butt of an AK-47 hit him straight in the face and he fell unconscious.

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