They Call Me: Sir Isaac
But to my Enemies I Am: Hosha'na; Hosanna
I Have Seen Many Things in My Life: 26
I Was Born A: Male
My Past Is Hidden In Shadows: Both of Isaac's parents were Knights. In fact, everyone in Isaac's family has been a Knight, though they only produced one child each generation. As such, Isaac was raised with a lot of ancestral history to swallow. Rather than training and fighting, Isaac was subjected to days on end of studying, memorizing, and improving his mental skills. He was allowed some practice time to hone his physical skills, but not much, and developed into a very frail, but incredibly intelligent, young man. His history of study had granted him a virtual library of information and knowledge about not only the Knights, but also the Angels and Demons as well. He has developed somewhat of an obsession with the demons, particularly where magic is concerned, and collects any and all literature he can find about them and their connection with Solomon.
I Am Who I Am: Isaac has never been a very temperamental man. He's very level-headed, precise, and quick-witted. He spends most of his time alone, in solitude, researching. Some would call him aloof, or even angry, but most of the time he is rather at peace with himself and the world. He spends most of his time in the library, sorting and organizing the vast collection of literature.
My Role: Librarian; healer.
The Leader Gave Me This: An ivory staff. Isaac hand-carved symbols of protection and divinity into it, and at the rounded top there is a pentacle.
I Vanquish Demons Using This: The same staff.
My True Name: Auto Fellatio
My Theme: The Farthest Star