Well, after a long absence, I've decided to semi-regularly log into Gaia (basically means whenever I'm bored, so most of the time I will be on).
In case anyone cares, Afflatus isn't a band anymore, but the mp3s are still up. My new band, REMOTELY INSANE has a myspace which i've linked to in my profile. Check us out and add us if you wish, new music on the way.
In other news, I'm bored and need love. PM me?
  Feel Your Dead Skin Next To Mine...
remotly_insane · Wed Aug 08, 2007 @ 09:39am · 1 Comments |
Some of you may know that my band, Remotly Insane, has failed because of creative differences with our guitarist. He chose a path that we can't follow, and we all wish him well in that.
Afflatus, the band I'm currently in, will be touring around Montana, Idaho this summer, with perhaps some tour dates in both Washington and Colorado. If you like metal, progressive, or just good old rock n' roll, you should check us out. We are opening for the infamous local band, Section Three, which is a power house of classic punk-rock. The two week long tour will kick off in the middle of August. Tour dates will be posted both here and the current Afflatus site, which is Farmer People Productions
We hope to see you all on tour, and hope this post finds you in good health.
remotly_insane · Thu Jun 23, 2005 @ 07:46pm · 0 Comments |
When the end of October comes....... |
When the end of October comes, like the day after Holloween, will be my birthday!!!! HAHAHAHA I will then be able to be on the internet more often, and that means more gaia time!!!! YHEA! So anyway, on Monday last week, my new bass FINALLY came in the mail, after being back ordered for 2 ******** months. stressed yes, now that i have gotten back into the practicing groove, the band we start sessioning soon, after we f ind a rehearsal space. good times, good times. So yes, i have math homework, and i honestly dont want to do it, but in order to get staight A's i have to do it. ANd in order to get 50 dollars, i need straight A's. DAMMIT i also need to practice my tenor sax for band, and ik mr. luke is reading this, he shouldnt be cause he needs to practice his sax too. So i hope this post finds you in good health, and untill next time, dont kill magpies. (cause its illegal) scream
remotly_insane · Tue Sep 28, 2004 @ 02:31am · 0 Comments |