A Key!!
☒: A work in progress
☐: Almost beat!
☑: Beaten!
The list is also a WIP, mind you.
Pokemon: ☑ up to Platinum
Oblivion: elderscrolls: ☒
Overlord: ☑
Overlord 2: ☑
Starcraft: ☑ All the games for it
Portal: ☑ WOOTS
Portal 2: ☐ dat euphoria button./
Half-life 2: ☒
Half-life 2, Episode 1: ☐ Keep dying near the end D:
Half-life 2, Episode 2: ☒ FFF ANTLION D<
Dragonage Origins: ☐ God damn Deep roads.
Fable: ☑ Multiple times over.
Fable The lost chapters: ☑ Multiple times over.
Fable II: ☑ Multiple times over.
Fable III: ☐ Correction, NEW good person and Tyrant
Silent hill: ☑ All (save for the Wii)
Resident Evil series: ☒ SAD FAAACE
Bioshock: ☑maaaannny times over biggrin
Bioshock 2: ☑ ******** yeah!
Medevil: ☑ And how I hated it when I beat the game because I wanted to keep playing D:
Amnesia: The Dark Descent: ☐ FFFFFFFFFUUUUU
Nightmare House: ☒ D:
Luigi's Mansion: ☑ <333333333
Gears of war: ☒
Sudeki: ☑
Odd world: ☑
Odd world,Munch's Odessy: ☑ <33333
Assassin's Creed: ☒
Deadspace 2: ☒ AMG
Mass Effect: ☑ hee~!
Mass Effect 2: ☑
Elder scrolls V: Skyrim: Probably never goingto beat this game . _ .
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