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Our Last Tears: The First to Fall Chapt. 3
Chapter 3
Warm Welcome

Drip. Drip. Drip. Drops of water fell into the cool stone floor of the hideout in the main entrance. High-pitched whistles could be heard through the small cracks in the cavern halls. Whispers echoed off the walls and into the shadows, where candlelight could not reach. All things considered though the headquarters were quiet.

Kiara was sitting on a mound of silk cushions in the corner waiting and thinking. There was a fire near by heating the room and herself. Maps and letters lay scattered around her. She kept herself distracted by braiding and unbraiding her hair.

Mira and the small group had been gone longer than expected and she feared that her friends and the prince might be in grave danger. Though her thoughts were slow and calm, she could feel the worry burning at the inside of her.

The candles and fire flickered as cool mountain air rushed in, along with rain. With a loud thud, the storm stopped flooding in and thee only the clip-clop of hooves. They approached the area Kiara was sitting in.

Kiara looked at the oncoming stranger. Judging by how loud and heavy the steps were this was a heavy set person, most likely from muscle but what was interesting was that based on the squishing of water he was carrying something. A thought entered her mind and she smiled politely.

“Hello Peter. May I ask what brings you here this evening?” Kiara asked gesturing towards the fire.

“There is something I found this mourning in the plains that might interest you.” Peter said setting down the soaked object he had been carrying near the fire, probably to let it dry.

She rested her head on her hand. “Is that so? I’m guessing this…thing in front of me is what you found.” She said turning her head in the direct of the object.

“You have guessed correctly. This thing in front of you is Prince Rocku, the last heir to the throne.” Peter said proudly, there was a small smirk on his face figuring this was worth a descent reward.

Kiara’s head perked up and her expression changed. Cautiously she felt the object and sure enough, she felt some ones cold, wet face. Her head jerked up at where Peter was sitting.

“Were you seen by anyone?” She asked sternly, her expression grim.

“No. I made sure of it.” He said softly, making a chair creek as he sat down in an old oak chair.

“Good. Go tell someone to get some blankets and send a message to Sweratine for the greeting committee to return at once.” Kiara said facing the fire as if she were looking into it. Peter did not say anything but she knew he had nodded. The chair creaked once again as he got up. Once his heavy footsteps faded, she turned towards the prince. Searching his memory, she slowly shook her head.

“You’ve got a lot to learn before you’re ready to face anyone.” Kiara said gently moving his hair off to the side. Her hand moved over his face lightly, absorbing as much detail as possible. When she was finished, she relaxed slightly but still gazed at him with slightly saddened eyes. Some of his memories disturbed her deeply, including one of a letter from his mother.

Peter returned with the blankets and soon afterwards two messengers went out the main entrance. The two did not say anything but there was a sense of understanding. The quiet was more peaceful now that her worries were subdued, if only for the moment.

After what seemed like hours, He gently placed his hand on her shoulder. Kiara gave a solemn smile and nodded. With that silent farewell, Peter got on his horse and left through the main doors. Kiara let out a long yawn and rested her head on another one of the cushions.

Welcome to rebellion headquarters, Rocku…


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Our Last Tears: The First to Fall Chapt. 2
Chapter 2
A Trip Fit for a Prince

Rocku’s body slammed into the side of the mountain as the rock that had given way disappeared into the mist below. Hissing in pain, he struggled to get his balance back. Frigid gusts of wind made his cheeks sting and his eyes water. Every bone in his body ached and his fingers were going numb from gripping to icy rocks.

If this was where the rebellion was, they certainly made it hard enough to get to. The rebellion. What was it like? Would they accept him? Betray him? Who was their leader and why didn’t they find him by now?

These were all questions that haunted him as he hoisted himself on to the ledge. For a moment, he just laid on his back staring at the grey, cloudy sky that, no doubt would pour freezing rain, the size of pebbles on his shoulders. After a few more minutes of catching his breath, he stood up and looked around.

His heart dropped to the pit of his stomach along with his jaw. The only thing in front of him was a small village surrounded by a small forest mostly made of pines and strange trees that had leaves that curved into what looked like little tiny spheres. All those strange letters that he had been finding were all leading to a pathetic little town that had less people than those living in the castle.

“Garr! What am I suppose to do while I’m here? Teach these people how to build paths!” He yelled out to thin air. Fuming he began his walk across the small plain separating him from the forest and village. This was getting old very fast and he could not waste his time going from town to town while the Darvonus were getting closer to taking the throne his throne.

He felt at the sword that had been given to him what seemed like ages ago but in reality it had only been about two weeks. I know I promised to wait until I was ready but I can’t take watching our kingdom fall much longer… He thought, a lump forming in his throat as he looked down at the dimly shining golden hilt. A drop of water hit the ruby in the gold hilt and split into tiny droplets. Then another hit his back and soon it was a steady drizzle.

Rocku scowled as he picked up the pace, cringing each time his wet pants slapped against the cut on his leg from the collision earlier. He was about half way across the plains when the rain began coming down harder to where he could barely see five yards ahead of him.

A flash of lightening caught his attention. The thunder came barely a second after it. It was dangerous to be on this open land. He would have to find shelter soon but it
would be difficult. There was another flash and he could smell smoldering wood. That one had hit one of the strange trees nearby. With a low growl he took off in a jog. He had to speed up progress any way he could.

The small huts became larger but ever so slowly. Even in the steady pace he knew that he wasn’t going fast enough. Finally he decided what he would have to do. With a deep breath he took off in a sprint, the ice cold rain drop pelting him with each stride. This sped up the distance he covered but took a dramatic toll on his energy.

Items became heavier and his hunger-weakened body began to give out, just as that rock on the side of the mountain had. He had to slow down into another slow jug but soon that became a trudge. Slowly keeping his eyes open became a burden. He dropped to his knees and supported himself with his shaking arms. Eventually his arms collapsed as well and he gently fell to his side.

All he could hear was the rain drops falling to the ground, the occasional roaring of the thunder, and his own heartbeat. The cold water seeped into every part of him, feeling like the marbles he and his sisters used to play with, landing his exposed side. A chilled wind he hadn’t noticed before, blew over him making even colder. The last thing he saw before slipping out of consciousness was someone’s boots landing next to a white stallion’s hooves, directly in front of him.

Next Chapter: We rejoin Kiara at the rebellion. She is worried, her friends have been gone longer than she had been expecting and there is a bad storm raging outside headquarters. Have they been captured, killed? Then there is this new guy who comes into the picture. Where did they meet before and what the heck did he come with? Find out in the next chapter in
Chapter 3
Warm Welcome

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Our Last Tears: The First to Fall Chapt. 1
Chapter 1
A Troubled Mind

Kiara slammed her fist on the map she was having explained to her. It did not matter how much the others wanted to believe that it was not true, they were losing no matter of planning could change that.

“It will work and we can’t waste any more time arguing on these headquarters! We need to be up close to the source and this is our best chance. Now send a small group of constructionists out there to build it!” She said heatedly tired of them arguing to her the risks. She knew full well of the risks and could care less. There were plenty of risks, heck just speaking with her was a risk but they needed to be taken.

“Yes my lady.” Said one of the men at the table. Then within seconds she heard the door open and close.

“Now, moving on to news of the prince. I have learned that he is heading towards the near by village of Sweratine. I want five men stationed in that town to keep an eye out for him. We can’t miss him, especially with him so close to our base, is that clear?” She said firmly with authority filling her voice. If anything, she had learned you had to be strong to earn respect of her followers.

There was some mumbling around the table. Kiara shot them an irritated look.

“I said is that clear?” She repeated this time a little more threateningly.

“Yes ma’Am.” a chorus replied. Kiara gave them a satisfied smile and nodded.

“Good, now back to your stations.” She said and then listened as chairs screeched against the floor. It took a while for the small group of captains to leave her living corridors. When they were finally all gone, she heard one last screech and light footsteps. She sighed and gave a sympathetic smile at her long time friend Mira.

“I think they’re loosing faith in me…” Kiara said softly, resting her head on one of her hands. Reading minds was a burden she had recently discovered; it was usually quite useful but sometimes hurtful at the same time. At today’s meeting, she had had the pleasure of hearing some rather indecent thoughts.

“Oh, Kiara I know things don’t look good right now but everyone is beginning realize just how big it has become and, well, some don’t feel that a woman yet alone a blind woman, should lead at a time of war. I’m sure that they’ll see just how fit you are in due time now ease your thoughts or we will all be in trouble.” Mira said soothingly. She had been there for Kiara since she found her alone in the forest, covered in blood, ash, and water, most likely tears; it was not until soon after that Mira discovered that whatever had happened to Kiara had made her lose her eyesight. She had tried many times to get her to talk about her past but Kiara would always flat out refuse so after she stopped trying but she still wondered. Perhaps that was what drove her to keep looking over her especially when she came up with the idea of the rebellion about two years ago.

“It’s hard to ease them when I’m stuck with them most of the time.” She replied with a weak smile. “… Mira why have you looked out for me all these years? I’m sure you had your own dreams to follow that didn’t include a little blind girl.” Kiara said finally getting something off her chest that had been bothering her for a while now. Sometimes she wished that Mira had just left her there in that forest so she would not be put in such danger.

“Well I guess that after I met you and took care of you those first couple of days I realized that my dreams really weren’t that important to me anymore. That in some strange way you were my dream. You see my dream was to have a grand adventure, fall in love, and have a family. So far you’ve given me plenty of adventures, I love you like a sister and I’ve got my eye on a couple of your captains here, and this rebellion is my family.” Mira said lightly chuckling. As much as Mira acted happy about her current surroundings, Kiara knew it was not completely the truth. What Mira really wanted was freedom, was to do what she pleased, love who she chose, and create her own life. Kiara knew this and planned to give her friend what she wanted as soon as she knew that was possible.

“Do me a favor Mira; please don’t lie just to make me feel better. I can still hear your thoughts but even then, I can tell. You know it too and I think you also know that in the end it will just hurt me more…” Kiara said and then silently got up from her chair and walked to her bed. “I want you to be one of the five to greet the prince. Watch the others while you wait though. I am sending rebels who are suspected spies. If you see any suspicious behaviors use this.” She pulled out an elaborately decorated vial with a pink liquid inside. “This potion will make its victim tell the truth no matter what. I need you to get a few things straight. Be careful and make sure this stays hidden. It can be used on you as well. Good luck Mira, I don’t know what I would do with out you…” Kiara said as she gently placed it in Mira’s hands.

Mira smiled and said teasingly, “Probably the same things you do with me here.” Then put the vial in a small pouch that was attached to her belt. With another small smile, she left the room and Kiara was alone.

‘Mira you deserve so much better than what you have. I just wish I could make it so none of this ever happened, make it so I was still in my home with eyes that work, make it so you were off somewhere with a husband and a nice little cottage, probably starting a family, make it so that the Darvonus ever existed… But I cannot I do not think I ever will.’ She thought sadly, sitting on the bed.

Everything seemed to be chaos since the Darvonus began the take over. Secrecy and confusion filled the air everywhere you went and it had become a risk to even walk outside. If things kept traveling down this path of darkness the kingdom may be come so lost there would be no way to get back.

That is why they need to find the prince. If they had him on their side then they might be able to restore hope. After they win this war, they could already have a leader with out argument over the new king or queen. Maybe with luck, they could even get some influence into him to make some things that were already set up a little more fair towards some of the poorest of the group.

“How can I be thinking about that kind of thing now? We don’t even have him yet and already I’m planning how I’m going to deal with him!” Kiara said aloud and let out a frustrated sigh. There it was again hope. You were not supposed to have hope; it could mess with your head and make you forget to come up with a back up plan. Besides why was she being so excited over a prince that abandoned his people when they needed him most? Then again, hope gave people the willingness to fight to live. Hope was all they had to comfort those during those long nights when they did not know their fate. Would it be a crime to hold on to hope?

It did not matter now. All she knew was that these questions that bothered her mind would have to be answered and that any plans she was coming up with would need to be put into action soon. Oh how she longed for the day that they were all free.

Next Chapter:
We find out what is going on with the prince. He is tired and hungry, with a bad attitude too. What's with him and that sword anyways? But more importantly he is almost to the rebellion! As things turn on him though the odds of him making it are struck down, like the lightening flashing around him. Could Valnaylas's only hope of a peaceful end to this in trouble? Find out next chapter in

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