this was my rando sig. Moving it here for now.
Sinopa · Mon Sep 29, 2008 @ 06:33pm · 0 Comments |
*Gasp* I've drawn avi art |
Ever since I joined in March of '04 I've had purple hair. Always purple.
Today I am being a dark elf so I have WHITE hair. Thats right white, not purple. After the Rejected Olympics I think I'll keep this hair style, but in purple. ^___^
Sinopa · Tue Jul 22, 2008 @ 02:29am · 0 Comments |
I got my first Scam attempt today. biggrin It makes me feel all important and special. It said:
`ADM` wahmbulance You have been suspected of hacking multiple accounts on Gaia
We have received a few reports of you "hacking" accounts on Gaia. In order to avoid an immediate ban, we require your password to check your trade history. If you take longer then TEN minutes to respond to this warning, your account will be permanently banned. If you chose to cooperate and we find you guilty, your ban will only be temporary. But if you chose to disobey, your account will lose all of its rights and your IP will be blocked from our site.
Please read our TOS, Rules and Regulations. Sincerely, The Gaia Administrators wahmbulance
Haahaa Come on, I mean you Gaia gives us this lovely warning:

Haahaahaahaa That seriously made my day. XD My first scammer and I've been here since Mar '04. I guess I don't look "rich" enough for them? Haahaaa
Sinopa · Wed Feb 21, 2007 @ 07:33pm · 1 Comments |
...And the Money kept rolling in from every side. |
I got a call from my financial aid officer yesterday. She said she wanted me to come in and sign some papers about my financial aid. I though it ment that I owed more money or something. It ended up being quite the opposite.
I got there and she said that I had gotten a whole lot of grant money. Enough grant money that this quarter and next are paid without my loan money and they had to return 4k of my student loan money. I am one happy Sai; less debt when I get out of here, Yay!! She also says I need to take only 4 classes the next two terms or I will only have 1 class my last term and be unelligable for financial aid. Thats not too bad, I was kinda looking forward to only one class my last term though.
Heather from work sent me a copy of Mom's and my halloween costumes. The costume Mom is wearing was my costume last year. ^__^
Clicky Clicky
I'm Acchan and Moms Arwen. XD ...kinda. My Mom decided that she wants to make me a Yoko Kurama costume for next year. Yay for Moms who are interested in Anime!
Sinopa · Wed Nov 08, 2006 @ 05:22pm · 0 Comments |
Peircing and a Haircut... |
2 cents!!!!
Well not really. Anyways my earring was beyond hope so I got some new ones. I got a pair of 12 gauge and a pair of 14 gauge, black earrings. Since I hate causing myself pain I went to the tattoo parlor my cousin used to go to. Mom was with me so we got her ears pierced, a new hole in my ear and larger gauges put in. I got my ear pierced up on the cartalige, I like the conversation I had with the guy piercing me.
Ron: *drived neetle through my ear.* Me: ...that hurt. (in a sort of monotone voice) Ron: Wus! (sp?) Me: Hey at least I just said it hurt and didn't scream or flail! D: Ron: Thats true.
Once this side heals enough I'm going to get two holes on the other side. I have 7 holes now and I'm going to end up with 9 XD
I also got a haircut. Its great people haven't recognized me at school untell I start talking. I have pics to show, you can even almost see my earrings in one. They are larger then 500X500, so I will just put links here.
1 2 3 4 5 6
Sinopa · Thu Oct 12, 2006 @ 06:58pm · 0 Comments |
So today I was taking my shower as usual, yay for non stinkyness. Anyway I was combing my hair when the comb caught one of my hoops. OMG, the pain! I even pulled out the ball in the earring and I haven't found it yet. I hope no one else takes a shower in that bathroom till I find it. sweatdrop
Friday's Club Meeting was fun. ^__^ I brought my PS2 and Karaoke Games. 4laugh At first no one wanted to play, then, I finally got two people to join me. We slowly gained more singers and people realized we where having fun. Also after a couple people got booed off, so at least they weren't first.
The fun part was when I plugged in the eye toy. There was the usual bunny ears and waving when they saw themselves on screen. The real fun came when I set the stage to the Eye Toy Cinema and they realized there were motion sencing on the eye toy. They where like "ZOMG!!!! Sparkles!!!!!" *flails around like a monkey on crack* It was really funny then, because they would just sit there till the sparkles then go nuts. Then there was the stand behind the singer in a line and flap your arms. The singer them had multiple wings. When they did it to Wayland (I think thats his name) the first time he turned to them and said, "You all suck." at the end. Its hard to sing with people goofing off behind you.
No one wanted to leave even though club was supposed to be over at 9:30. One of the security guards came by and I thought we where going to get kicked out. Instead we got the Security Guard to sing Karaoke as well. xd It was kinda funny to see a guy in uniform sing Play that Funky Music. It was great fun and we didn't leave till after 10 at night. That was a great end of the term party.
There was also ice cream mochi, pocky and pizza. It had been requested at the beginning of term for the last day. Even with the cooler the ice cream mochi melted so at the end we had mochi shots. They drank them out of the plastic containers. Heehee Yeah, good times.
Sinopa · Mon Sep 25, 2006 @ 06:56pm · 2 Comments |
Well I have one more week left of summer break then I'm back to school. This next semester is going to be really busy for me. Not only am I taking a lot of work intensive classes have a couple other jobs on my plate. I'm going to be tutoring for Principles of 2D animation. Kati says that she will recommend people to me so I'll have people before the Midterm crunch. The job pays $10 an hour so I'll have more money during the school year this term.
I also got a call back yesterday that I passes my interview for the Mentorship Program. I'll be helping 5 mentorees next term. This is a year long commitment too. I just hope I can do a good job. Well wish me luck!
Sinopa · Fri Jul 01, 2005 @ 10:53pm · 0 Comments |
Artistic stuff not by me. |