- Name: Ville J. __(last name up for debate)__
Age: 19-21
Looks: Short brown curls that reach the ends of his ears (or butched quite short to the tops of his ears depending on age) with bright greenish blue eyes (or bright green if strung out). High cheekbones and a thin face, pale skin (with a bit of a farmers kinda of tan) and standing at 6'4'' with long legs and lanky arms. Despite being thin, there's muscle behind the arms and shoulders he has as well as having a long torso. He's got a full sleeve tattoo down his left arm and several more noticeable ones when he's shirtless.
Casual Wear: Ville most often wears either baggy jeans or tight low riding ones on his waist with a belt and either different band t-shirts. Wife-beaters (always black) or a long sleeve button up. He likes pinstripe and plaid, as well as plain colors and band tees. Ville always wears white socks with black and white styled converse that are almost always scuffed and muddied up. Definitely a boxers guy, plaid or solid colors is preferred. When not being told to take it off a hundred times, Ville wears a black plain beanie over his dark curls that rests normally against his eyebrows. Ville wears contacts but most don't know unless they see him take them out at home or wearing his glasses(which is very rare).
Formal Wear: Despite his naturally bad boy don't ******** with me attitude, Ville can clean up nice. He looks good in a black tux or if need be a nice dress shirt, though its normally unbuttoned at the cuffs and pushed up to his elbows. He doesn't like dressing up unless its absolutely necessary.
Bedtime Wear: Ville never sleeps in anything but boxers when he goes to bed. He's strict about it and won't hesitate to sleep in someone's guest bedroom. The boxers are normally always plaid, though he does have some solid colored ones hanging about.
Personality: Ville is an a*****e. There's no doubt about that, the man is good looking and he knows it. He's a womanizer, alcoholic, pothead and later on as he gets older, becomes a drug addict and dealer. Ville spends almost every night drunk or baked. But under that rough and cocky exterior, he's a hopeless romantic that adores making a woman feel good. He's got difficulty believing in commitment despite being with his girlfriend for six years. Part of him hates who he's becoming and feels horrible for turning Kaylee to hard drugs. He's a sexaholic and isn't afraid to do it in a public place if the mood hits. He's had sex in the bathroom during his first hour on the sink as well as screwed around during a movie at the theater. Ville has no respect for teachers who don't show respect in return and spends a ton of time in detention or out in the hallway. The principle has seen him so much he's gotten to know so much about Ville he could name the man's favorite food. Later on in his life, after getting sober, Ville is a wonderful father, naturally good around kids.
Living Habits: Ville is a typical male. Upon entering his room, there's clothes thrown everywhere, cigarette burns in the carpet and on some blankets, a laundry basket overflowing and an unmade bed. The bathroom attached is normally never cleaned, but for someone who doesn't clean it, its not disgusting. There's dust in the corners, a little bit of a soap ring around the base of the tub and a little bits of hair in the sink from shaving.
History: Ville was technically born in Finland. When he turned 17 he was expelled from his school for doing Acid in the bathroom and then pulling the fire alarm. His mother moved him to the states after meeting a tourist in a local pub (who later became his alcoholic abusive step-father). Since moving and attending Burbank Highschool, Ville has failed to graduate twice making him a 19 year old senior turning 20. If he fails this year, he is required to go to adult ed or drop out. Ville met Kaylee for the first time when she returned from Rotary and upon coming up to his French Class, Ville was laying on the floor outside. After six years together and the breakup between he and his girlfriend sends Ville back to Finland where he inducts himself into a Rehab Program. Clean, Ville turns to his passion in music, becoming a vocalist, lyric writer and pianist in his band. Ville rarely gets to see his son he knows he has, but when he does finally meet him Ville is a natural father and starts to fall back in love with Kaylee.
-An odd tribal sleeve on his left arm, a butterfly is incorporated into the crook of his elbow inside the barbed curls.
-A heartagram around his left n****e.
-A floral heartagram design on his lower stomach leading down to his groin.
-A simple heart on his inner right wrist.
Illnesses or Deficiencies:
-Ville has a very mild case of asthma that is only brought out by running for a long period of time or if he doesn't take his daily asthma medication (or if he has a panic attack), most don't know he has it unless they go through his pockets or he has an asthma attack.
-Ville has a very serious drug addiction to heroin and others after starting when he turns 20.
-Ville is nearsighted as well has an astigmatism in his eyes that makes it hard to read or work on the computer without glasses or contacts.
-Ville is terrified of heights, if he's up high enough he could get seriously injured if he fell he starts shaking violently and hyperventilating, most often that leads to an asthma attack.
-Ville has very serious claustrophobia from his step-father locking him in a ceder chest when he was younger, when in small spaces like zipped inside a sleeping bag or locked in a small closet causes him to panic and have trouble breathing.
-Ville has an unexplained fear of driving. Riding in the car or on public transit isn't bothersome, but behind the wheel, Ville has strict panic attacks that impairs his ability to even press down on the gas smoothly or turn the wheel without shaking. Due to this, he does not have his drivers licenses and most likely never will.
-Ville can play the piano well after eight years of practice
-Ville is awful in History and English but excels in Math (Advanced Calculus) and Science (Advanced Physics and Biology).
References: Reference 1 By -Tonwe-
Reference 2 By -Tonwe-
Refrence 3 By thecatsred
Disclaimer: Why yes, I do in fact know that this character is based off Ville Valo. It is a long running joke between a friend of mine from when we were in middle school. The appearance is closely the same as well as some aspects of his life. But I do not claim or endorse in any way that this is Ville Valo or that I own the original Ville Valo. This is more of a BOAFPOC (Based On A Famous Person Original Character)
Well heyyy Click here xxx for Kaylee's reference!