I wanted to go to marketplace something about but
1. couldn't get to my administration of it 'cause Excell crashes the moment I start it.
2. I want to have 16k before doing anything, and I'm too lazy to get that last 150 gold.
So I was bored and decided to do some doodling but
1. Photoshop crashed
2. Paint Shop Pro crashed
3. Oekaki sites didn't want to load Java
Hence the fact that I was doomed to use Paint. Pixely! sweatdrop (Which I absolutely hate.)
But whenever a Lwuun doodles or CG's or 's making homework or doing anything that doesn't contain sleeping, she needs music. So she puts on her profile where she has a playlist. But:
1. The playlist bores me after some while
2. It made Firefox crash so that I had to type my complaints all over again.
Anyway, Paint didn't crash (WOAW) and afterwords PSP was being nice to me for some minutes, so I got this out: (Imageshack crashed too, so try two this is DX)

Now I wanted to start my list of good things for today, but I have to do the dishes. T___T That fades away my good mood so I won't say good things about today. mourn the wide mountainside, for some mere howler just might
hear your sobs and cries, under the dark trees there he lies
his wickedness unattended by our kin, foreseen as being a sin
hawkhawk mad mom approaching me for she wants to cut my tree