~[M]ahou [S]ensei [N]egima! : [O]kinawa [E]scape~ |

Negi Springfield is a ten year old wizard from Wales who dreams of becoming a Magister Magi, special wizards who use their powers to help normal people using covers such as working for NGOs. Negi's reason for becoming a Magister is to find his father, Nagi Springfield, the legendary mage also known as the "Thousand Master" who many believe to be dead.
After graduating from the Merdiana Magic Academy in Wales, he is given a duty as a cover in the real world, and training, before he actually becomes a Magister Magi. That duty is to become an English teacher at Mahora Academy in Japan. The task will not be easy, however, as Negi will become a teacher to a middle school class of 31 older girls, each very special in her own way.
Now the clas 3-A is off on another grand school trip, this time to Okinawa, but what will they find there? Who is this new spellcaster that has appeared before them and claims Negi-sensei to be his longtime rival, and should Negi-sensei ever lose to him in anything, he shall steal the entire class away from him to use as a harem of sorts. Can Negi defeat this man or will it be the girls who take the matters into their own hands? Even with Asuna, Setsuna, Nodoka and Konoka already fighting by Negi's side there may still be a problem. Will Negi have to accept Pactio's from every student in his class? Will they even accept that? And Negi seems to be in a a lot of trouble, will his father the Thousand Master show up in time to aid him?
1. No godmoding 2. Please try and stay true to a canon character. If you are having trouble with trying to figure out how that character would act then please do a little research on Wikipedia or something to try and get a feel for that character 3. I'm not going to accept too many made-ups, basically just the oppsoing forces and possibly one or two Okinawa allies. 4. Please PM me character requests and/or profiles with the title 'Chachamaru' 5.No cybering please ^^;
Class List/Canon Characters
 Negi Springfield: English/Homeroom Teacher Played By:
 Student 1: Sayo aizaka Played By:
 Student 2: Yuna Akashi Played By:
 Student 3: Kazumi Asakura Played By:
 Student 4: Yue Ayase Played By:
 Student 5: Ako Izumi Played By:
 Student 6: Akira Okochi Played By:
 Student 7: Kakizaki Misa Played By:
 Student 8: Asuna Kagurazaka Played By:
 Student 9: Kasuga Misora Played By:
 Student 10: Chachamaru Karakuri Played By:
 Student 11: Madoka Kugimiya Played By:
 Student 12: Fei Ku Played By:
 Student 13: Konoka Konoe Played By:
 Student 14: Haruna Satome Played By:
 Student 15: Setsuna Sakurazaki Played By:
 Student 16: Makie Sasaki Played By:
 Student 17: Sakurako Shiina Played By:
 Student 18: Mana Tatsumiya Played By:
 Student 19: Lingshen Chao Due to the storyline of Negima! and the fact that this takes place after Mahora School festival, Chao Lingshen will not be available for play.
 Student 20: Kaede Nagase Played By:
 Student 21: Chizuru Naba Played By:
 Student 22: Fuka Narutaki Played By:
 Student 23: Fuma Narutaki Played By:
 Student 24: Satomi Hakase Played By:
 Stundet 25: Chisame Hasegawa Played By:
 Student 26: Evangeline A.K. McDowell Played By:
 Student 27: Nodoka Miyazaki Played By:
 Student 28: Natsumi Murakami Played By:
 Student 29: Ayaka Yukihiro Played By:
 Student 30: Satsuki Yotsuba Played By:
 Student 31: Zazie Rainyday Played By:
 Kotaru Inugami Played By:
 Takamichi Takahata Pkayed By:
 Nagi Springfield Played By:
Made Ups
[b]Gaia Name:[/b] [b]Name:[/b] [b]Age: [/b] [b]Grade/Occupation:[/b] [b]Birthday:[/b] [b]Sign:[/b] [b]Personality:[/b] [b]Sexual Orientation:[/b] [b]Likes:[/b] [b]Dislikes:[/b] [b]Bio:[/b] [b]Appearance:[/b]
Pengin · Fri Mar 30, 2007 @ 08:25pm · 0 Comments |
Ain't Afraid to Die (A Romance RP)(people needed) |
The way that I used to walk with you is gone But still, I always walked with you, I wonder if I'll ever be able to meet you
The snow falls gently on a hill Even though I can't reach you, I understand The flower in your room that you loved is now...
The day of last years final snow The promises that were hard to exchange When I remember them, they melt, and spill from my hands
The snow falls gently on a hill Even though I can't reach you, I understand The flower in your room that you loved is now...
All alone by the window, just staring at the snow While remembering you, seeing you in the glass I give you a final kiss Come on, smile, don't cry anymore From here on, I'll always be watching you
The snow falls gently on a hill Even though I can't reach you, I understand The flower in your room that you loved is now...
A light that quietly begins to color the inside of the town white You saw the season's final colors The sound of the tears that fell is cruel isn't it You saw the season's final colors The four seasons, and your colors, will soon vanish
The snow melts, and flowers bloom on the street corner The "colors" that you saw, softly begin to melt The day of this years final colors (A single flower on the street corner When I look up into the sky, the final snow melts from my hand)
The snow has melted and spring has come again. I'm not afraid to die anymore because I know that I have loved you and you have at least pretended to love me. Will we ever meet again I wonder? But what is this now? This darkness growing steadily in my heart? Now that you have gone the light has left and I don't think I can find my way... will there be a new beacon for me to follow? Something that can provide me with some semblence of hope? I do not know, all I know is that you saw the season's final colours, and as those brilliant colours faded, so did your love for me.
Can I find someone new? I'd like to be afraid of death if only for the reason being that I have someone new to love and I do not want to leave them alone.
I no longer want to be the person who is described as Ain't Afraid to Die.
Kaibara Academy is where many young people are sent to recieve a 'finer' education. But it is not only education they find. Love and heartbreak awaits around every corner, shared by students and teachers, and on the rare occasion between a student and a teacher. So enter this confusing world of love, life and laughter; hate, death and sadness.
Enter Kaibara Academy
1. Follow Gaia TOS 2. PM me your profiles and title them Ain't Afraid to Die (if you can tell me who does this song I will love you forever because I can ^^) 3. This is a romance RP, and while I encourage romance as such I request that there be no cybering in the thread. Take it to the PM's 4. Have fun
Profile code [b]Gaia Name:[/b] [b]Name:[/b] [b]Age: [/b] [b]Grade/Occupation:[/b] [b]Birthday:[/b] [b]Sign:[/b] [b]Personality:[/b] [b]Sexual Orientation:[/b] [b]Likes:[/b] [b]Dislikes:[/b] [b]Bio:[/b] [b]Appearance:[/b]
Gaia Name: Pengin Name: Imorii Amaya Age: 17 Grade: Third year, class C Birthday: February 14 Sign: Aquarius Personality: Amaya is a very loving and caring girl, basically the girl next door. She'd bake cookies for you just because she can and then deliver them by hand with a card. What you don't expect from her though is deep ulterior motives. When confronted (at least by her brother) about her acts of kindness and her virtues of generousity, patience and care, she will turn on you with a glint in her eye and an evil smile on her face that says she just got exactly what she wanted at very little cost. Sexual Orientation: bisexual Likes: Piano, violin, reading and anime Dislikes: Spiders, crabs, green ice cream and cake History: Amaya has lived most of her life alone, at home, until she was about 10 when she began traveling the world as the 'logo' for her father's company; the perfect picture of hospitality that the company wished to present to the world. Her father is the president of a large tea company and rarely had anytime for her, seeing as she was only a girl. Instead he spent more time with her slightly older twin brother, Yugiri. Amaya and Yugiri had been the product of an illicit love affair between her father and a Geisha in Kyoto. Her birth had come two hours after her older brother's and both had been unwelcome news to their father's lawful wife. It was decided, after her mother died of complications, that she would be raised in the household of her father, her brother acting as a true and legitimate heir, regardless of their parentage, for it seemed that her father had become quite taken with her, even if he could not bear to look at her for the pain in his heart. His true wife then took it upon herself to raise Amaya alone, separated from everyone else except her brother, for whom she was to serve. Everything she was was a compliment to Yugiri's own skills, even her name. Where Yugiri meant 'Evening Mist' she was Amaya (Night's Rain). Yugiri was dark, she was light, he was domineering, she was subservient, and for all that she was forced into this she loved him with everything in herself. It was when he he was sent to America while they was five that her father took notice of her and her skills to entertain, her amiable features and pleasing virtues. He spirited her away from his wife, who indeed had been beating the child for years, and put her in the care of another Geisha he had locked away in one of his finer mansions. It was here that Amaya learned to cook, sing, play many different instruments and essentially, entertain. At age ten she was carted around the world, hostessing parties and entertaining people with her early aquired wit and skills. It wasn't until she was fifteen that she rebelled and demanded to go to Kaibara Academy, with her twin brother, Yugiri whom she had not seen in years. the only reason he let her go was because he knew that if he didn't he would lose the face of his company and his heir. Appearance:

Gaia Name: Pengin Name: Imorii Yugiri Age: 17 Grade: Third year class C Birthday: February 14 Sign: Aquarius Personality: Extremely quiet, though when he's got his guitar it's hard to get him to stop playing. He's been trained in other instruments but the Squire Showmaster he carries around is his life blood. He may look scary, but the wild, brooding look in his eyes and the tempestuous muic he plays draws girls to him like a magnet. He dislikes large groups of people surrounding him, yet at the same time secretly wishes for one of them to take notice and learn to know him. Sexual Orientation: Bi Likes: Guitar, rock music, homework and soccer. Dislikes: Spiders, crabs, green ice cream and cake. Bio: His father being the owner of a rather large tea company and used to cart his younger sister around the world to show her off as the logo of hospitality that the Imorii family was known for. He instead was dropped off in America when he was five, torn away from the sister he loved so much and thrown into a ritsy Beverly Hills school to learn business and such. He tore himself out of that lifestyle though when he was fifteen and his twin sister rebelled against her father's wishes, forcing him to bring Yugiri home to Japan and allow them to board at Kaibara Academy. Yugiri in the mean time had become quite the businessman and showmaster. He had gotten into rock and guitar like there was nothing else in the world, nothing else that is except for Amaya. He brought himself home to Japan and has been with his twin ever since. Yugiri has suffered greatly in love, falling in and out of it with many girls, never seeming to find the right one. Now he sticks with his twin, not allowing anyone in their world. Appearance:

Gaia Name: Pengin Name: Himura Rikuo Age: 29 Occupation: Japanese History Teacher Birthday: October 31st Sign: Libra Personality: Cold, uncaring, and yet the ice that seems to coat his heart looks as if it can be melted... Sexual Orientation: Bisexual Likes: onigiri, roasted chesnuts, bento, books, reading, painting and history Dislikes: rude people, annoying students, fan clubs and overly loud music Bio: Having just arrived at Kaibara Academy this year, Himura-sensei seems to be completely indifferent to the way the other teachers in the school act. whereas the other teacher's interact with their students quite often, Himura-sensei tends to steer clear of them. The other teachers tend to n** fan clubs in the bud, whereas Himura ignores them completely and hopes they will go away. It is rumoured that he had a woman who he loved years ago when he was a body guard, but after she was shot and killed on his watch he tried to commit suicide. Bleeding out didn't work for him and he was hospitalized and immediately put into therapy. He was never really the same again, though he took a new fascination in history. Now he is a teacher, educating the kids at Kaibara in the history of their country and beoming more distant from the world each day. Appearance:
Pengin · Fri Mar 30, 2007 @ 08:24pm · 0 Comments |
[O]uran [H]igh [S]chool [H]ost [C]lub ((Open!)) |
All your favourites have left high school, heading out for bigger, better things in life, all except for Tamaki. His lasting love for the Host Club has kept him at Ouran, or at least it did over the summer. He had enlisted the Little Devil Hitachiin's and his beloved Natural Haruhi to find new student for the Host Club, but that had failed. Now, after spending the summer devising a plan he has dragged Kyouya back to help him find the newest members of Ouran's Host Club. But... will another girl join their ranks? Will they be able to find another set of twins so perfect for the Little Devil type? And where would they find another Loli-shota when they were already in such short supply? The race is on, for if they do not find new members in two months the Host Club will be gone forever! But there seems to be something else that can save the Host Club... a faction of girls joining up as Hostesses to entertain the men of the upper crust society. Will they completely take over or will things be balanced?
1. No Godmoding 2. Follow Gaia TOS 3. We can't start up the new Host Club until we have a complete cast of new members 4. No cybering please, take it to the PM's 5. PM me your profiles please, I don't really care what you title it, just PM them to me. 6. Please tell us when you are going offline! I will sit there for thirty minutes clicking 'refresh' on my subscribed threads page waiting for a reply if I can't find anything else to do besides this RP
[b]Gaia Name:[/b] [b]Name:[/b] [b]Age: [/b] [b]Grade:[/b] [b]Type:[/b] (like little devil, loli-shota etc.) [b]Birthday:[/b] [b]Sign:[/b] [b]Personality:[/b] [b]Sexual Orientation:[/b] [b]Likes:[/b] [b]Dislikes:[/b] [b]Bio:[/b] [b]Appearance:[/b]
Profiles:Suoh Tamaki - Played by: Pengin  Kyouya Ootori - Played by: Pengin New Host Club
Princely Type:
Cool Type:
Natural Type:
Little Devil Type:
Loli Shota Type:
Wild Type: Gaia Name: Pengin Name: Imorii Yugiri Age: 17 Grade: Third year class C Type: Wild Birthday: February 14 Sign: Aquarius Personality: Extremely quiet, though when he's got his guitar it's hard to get him to stop playing. He's been trained in other instruments but the Squire Showmaster he carries around is his life blood. He may look scary, but the wild, brooding look in his eyes and the tempestuous muic he plays draws girls to him like a magnet. He dislikes large groups of people surrounding him, yet at the same time secretly wishes for one of them to take notice and learn to know him. Sexual Orientation: Bi Likes: Guitar, rock music, homework and soccer. Dislikes: Spiders, crabs, green ice cream and cake. Bio: His father being the owner of a rather large tea company and used to cart his younger sister around the world to show her off as the logo of hospitality that the Imorii family was known for. He instead was dropped off in America when he was eight, torn away from the sister he loved so much and thrown into a ritsy beverly hills school to learn business and such. He tore himself out of that lifestyle though when he was twelve and his little sister was kidnapped from their tokyo mansion. She was held for ransom and when his father didn't pay up exactly, she was raped and killed. they found her mangled body not long afterwards. This tore Yugiri apart and he began to be even more anti-social than before, spending all his time in his room with his guitars and odd music. It was then that his father sent him off to Ouran, hoping the boy would make something of himself and take over the family business. Yugiri is now in the third year and is Tamaki's prime candidate for the 'wild' type. Appearance:

Princess Type:
Cool Type:
Natural Type:
Little Devil Type
Kawaii Lolita Type:
Rebellious/Wild Type:
Gaia Name: Pengin Name: Sakurazaki Saya Age: 16 Grade: year one class C Type: kawaii Otaku Birthday: March 5 Sign: Pices Personality: Happy, bubbly, very hyper at times though she can be very serious. Sexual Orientation: bisexual Likes: soba, ballet, anime, manga and games Dislikes: jello, math, English, fish Bio: The daughter of a Yakuza mafia boss and one of France’s top ballerinas, Saya has lead an… interesting life. Having been kidnapped several times through her life during gang wars or simply for ransom she is now followed almost everywhere by a small horde of yakuza thugs. She adores them all and they dote on her quite a bit. Though she’s been kidnapped so many times she is still very open and trusting. She moved back to France a few months after meeting Yugiri and helping him past his sister’s death. Living in France she got the very best of training in her ballet and has only returned to Japan recently Appearance:
Pengin · Fri Mar 30, 2007 @ 08:24pm · 0 Comments |

Gaia Name: Pengin Name: Imorii Yugiri Age: 19 Instruments: a left-handed Azureglo Rickenbacker 4001, a 1961 Gibson EB-0 and a 1967 Gibson Flying V. Birthday: February 14 Sign: Aquarius Personality: He can be extremely quiet, though when he's got his guitar it's hard to get him to stop playing. He's been trained in other instruments but the Azureglo he carries around is his life blood. He may look scary, but the wild, brooding look in his eyes and the tempestuous music he plays draws girls to him like a magnet, not to mention the fact he's the lead singer of ShatterHeart. He dislikes large groups of people surrounding him, yet at the same time secretly wishes for one of them to take notice and learn to know him. When he's with people he knows well or likes immensely he opens up and becomes as outgoing and happy as anyone else. Sexual Orientation: Bi Likes: Guitar, rock music, sake and origami. Dislikes: Spiders, crabs, green ice cream and cake. Bio: His father being the owner of a rather large tea company and used to cart his younger sister around the world to show her off as the logo of hospitality that the Imorii family was known for. He instead was dropped off in America when he was eight, torn away from the sister he loved so much and thrown into a ritsy beverly hills school to learn business and such. He tore himself out of that lifestyle though when he was twelve and his little sister was kidnapped from their tokyo mansion. She was held for ransom and when his father didn't pay up exactly, she was raped and killed. they found her mangled body not long afterwards. This tore Yugiri apart and he began to be even more anti-social than before, spending all his time in his room with his guitars and odd music. It was then that his father sent him off to a prestigious academy, hoping the boy would make something of himself and take over the family business. These dreams were shattered when Yugiri ran off from the family business in his last year of high school and decided to make his own band. His brooding good looks, beautiful singing voice, alluring lyrics and whole attitude all worked in his favour and got the band a contract with the Tokyo branch of Sunrise Records. Now they're the hottest band in Japan, but Yugiri is swiftly growing tired of keeping up appearances with these fake, whorish fan girlfriends of his and is searching for something new. The fact that he is technically 'on the market' has been the hottest news for weeks.
There it was. The rumble of the amps as the lead guitarist, Kaoru, began his riff, then came Takeshi on the other guitar, he was using a Fender Strat tonight, it sounded high pitched and whiny, giving an ethereal feel to the riff as Takeshi backed up Kaoru with the intricate patterns of his fingers on the fretboard of his guitar. Now, there was his cue. His fingers strummed out the low, mournful tones of his bass and Yugiri felt like he was soaring.
ShatterHeart had reached the top of the charts weeks ago and was still hanging there with their number one hit 'Mugetsu'. The band had been overjoyed and had spent the night partying it up with girls and, inevitably, some guys. There had been a lover's spat between Takeshi and Kaoru, but it had all been resolved by the next morning and they were making doe eyes at each other over breakfast at the condo the next morning. Kiba had only made a derisive noise and went back to bed with that sweet little thing he had picked up0 the night before. He had offered to share her with Yugiri, but the lead singer and only bassist of ShatterHeart had declined.
There was nothing for him there in the hopeful eyes of the fan girls, nothing even in the eyes of the boys that threw themselves at him, nothing that drew him to them. He was the only one that had left the party early, not enjoying the fawning attentions of the morons that surrounded him. But now, here he was, on stage, strumming away at his bass, the hostile lights of the stadium burning on his overly pale skin, glinting off of his naturally silver hair and playing on the makeup that adorned his face. This was J-rock.
Just last week they had met up with Dir en Grey, Gazette, En Cafe, L'arc en Ciel, Last Alliance and Asian Kung-Fu Generation at an awards ceremony. The party had been huge and it had been amazing to talk vocals with Kyo, trade jokes with the guys from Cool Joke and discuss possible bass and guitar techniques with the lead singer of Last Alliance. It was amazing and yet it felt so empty.
His lips parted as he began to sing his song, his voice filling the stadium with it's preternatural tones. His pronunciation was flawless, his Japanese rising and falling in the melodical tones that had made him a star. Then, there was the English parts. Hardly an accent. "There was no moon that night, the night that you stopped loving me. So I guess this is mugetsu, I guess this is goodbye," he sang, looking into the crowd for a glimpse beyond the fanatic worship and superficiality.
Pengin · Fri Mar 30, 2007 @ 08:23pm · 0 Comments |
Dark Moon Rising; An Anthro/Werewolf/Demon/Vamp RP |
As the darkened moon rose over the land a magic was released that had been sealed away centuries before, a deep lying animal magic that had been sealed away within the heart of Gaia herself. But now, with the titan moon reigning over almost all humans have turned into animals, though there are many who have stayed frozen in a cross between animal and human and a few who have remained completely human. These animal people are the Anthros. They fight for a way to bring humanity back to what it once was, but there are those who oppose them. Vampires and werewolves, finally at peace due to these new changes, have taken to roaming the earth freely, no longer forced to hide in the shadows of humanity. There is really no good or bad, for the lines are blurred. Without humanity being what it once was the earth is beginning to heal from it's poluted wounds, but without the technology, anthros are dying from diseases carried by both animal and man.
But the true force of evil is that in which lies the demons of hell. They roam the earth as well, searching for pure souls to feed off of. Beware these demons, for they work hard to fulfill their purposes.
Rules: 1. No Godmoding 2. No cybering 3. Romance is encouraged 4. I don't mind swearing, but please keep it to a minimal 5. Have fun!
Gaian Name: Name: Age: Gender: Race: (human, vampire, demon, anthro or werewolf) Animal: (fill this out if you have chosen Anthro) Appearance: Bio: Personality: Weapons:
Pengin · Sun Mar 04, 2007 @ 08:47am · 0 Comments |
Angelic Layer RP: Millenium Battles |
Angelic Layer; The game has taken Japan by storm within the last couple of and is now coming to a head of furious battles and edge-of-your-seat tournaments. Now, with the regional championships just around the corner, Tokyo is getting ready for some of it's most intriguing battles yet.
The game Angelic Layer involves two mobile dolls(Angels), created and personalized by their owners(Deus). They are made to fight using the brainwaves of their Deus; in other words, the Deus visualizes in his or her mind what they want their Angel to do and the Angel does it!. The battles are played on specialized tables called 'Layers' which can be found at a Piffle Princess location near you. The two players hook up to the Layer by placing a special headset on and saying an entry line with their Angel's name in it before throwing the doll into the Layer and using his or her mind to manipulate it.
Contents: 1. Rules 2. Battle Rules 3. Profile Codes 4. Profiles 5. Black List
1. No Godmoding! the Battle Rules are in place so we can keep this a Godmoging free zone! 2. PM all profiles to me and please remember if your stats do not add up to 43 then you will be asked to to the profile over again. 3. Follow Gaia TOS 4. Don't complain to me about losing a match, ok? It's not my fault. 5. PM me to change stats and such on an Angel. 6. Romance is encouraged but please keep it appropriate. 7. Have fun!
Battle Rules
Battle formulas:
Now, this Angelic Layer RP has a specific rules on how to RP the fight. First you must roll a dice in a single post, see what the number is and then edit the post to create a battle outcome. Secondly you must calculate your attack. The attack formula is as follows: Your Angel's attack points multiplied by the strength points and then divided by the number you rolled on the dice. Next you must calculate the speed at which your attack with fly at which is calculated by this formula: your Angel's speed points multiplied by your opponent's speed points and then divided by the number you rolled on the dice. If the product of the second formula comes out less than your opponent's speed points then the attack is dodged. If it comes out the same as your opponent's speed points then the attack is cut in half. If it comes out more then the attack hits with full force.
Here is an example to help you if you don't understand:
x= multiply /= division
Ok, so say we pit two of my character's angels against each other, say... Yue and Usagi.
Yue Vitality: 25 Strength: 4 Speed: 7 Attack: 7
Usagi Vitality: 30 Strength: 5 Speed: 3 Attack: 5
Ok, so, say Usagi rolled the dice and got a 3. That means her attack forumla is: 5 x 5 / 3 = 8.3, (her attack times her strength and divided by the dice product) so that is how many HP points she can take from Yue if she hits her, but the the speed ratio factor comes in which is a formula of Usagi's speed multiplied by Yue's speed and divided by the number rolled therefore getting: 3 x 7 / 3 = 7 so their speed is therefore matched which means that Usagi's hit will land and Yue will lose 4.15 HP. If the product of the speed formula were to fall short of the speed stat of the oponent then that would mean the the oponent will have dodged the hit. If it were to have been higher the attack would have hit full force and Yue would have lost 8.5 HP instead of just 4.15 HP.
If you have any other questions about it please PM me
Note Angel Cards will be distributed later this week when I ahve the time to do it. They will track your characters and how many battles you have won. Once you win a certain ammount you will be able to level your angel up and that will give you more stat points. Please be patient with me though because I start my new job soon so I might not be able to go as quickly on these cards as some would hope.
Profile Code
Deus Code
Gaia Name: Deus: Age: Gender: Appearance: (no like avis please) Personality: Bio:
Angel Code Please remember that you are given 20 extra stat points to put where you wish for your Angel in the categories of Vitality(HP), Strength, Speed and Attack. The maximum you can have for Vitality is 30HP. If your stats don't add up to 43 then your Angel shall be denied and you shall be asked to do it over again.
Angel: Appearance: Vitality: 20 Strength: 1 Speed: 1 Attack: 1
Pengin · Sun Mar 04, 2007 @ 08:44am · 0 Comments |
Kingdom Hearts: Failed Experiments |
Table of Contents 1. Story (you are here) 2. Rules & Profile Codes 3. Key Blade Wielders 4. Organization XIII 5. Other Profiles 6. Black List/White List
Story Kingdom hearts was closed, right? Sora sealed it away and yet, years later, Heartless and Nobodies roam the worlds, taking over different sects of the most powerful cities known. Now a new hero must rise, but it is not just one or two heros, but many, the failed experiments of Organization XIII.
These experiments were created in an effort to hold sway over each world by creating the purest hearts available and then meddling with them to manipulate hearts and keyblades of these worlds and experiments. But the experiments were able to escape the grasp of Organization XIII, all except one, the most powerful experiment; Dual Wielder Kainashi.
The girl held the dark powers of Namine, though to a much broader extent. She could manipulate the memories of all those she came in contact with. For years she slept beneathe Organization XIII in the World That Never Was. But she awoke and escaped, losing her memories of the place and ending up in Traverse Town.
She has unwittingly called the other Experiments to her in a concious effort to save the world... right? Maybe not...
Rules 1. No Godmoding 2. Follow Gaia TOS 3. Romance is encouraged but please take anything that's not PG 13 into PMs 4. Please PM me your profile titled as Chachamaru 5. Post before I give you the go ahead and you shall face my wrath evil ((Shane, this is for you *evil glare*)) 6. I will not hesitate to put anyone who royally pisses me or anyone else off into the blacklist. 7. No chat speak, 1337 or using * to describe your actions. 8. I'm not going to be a real stickler for high literacy, but if we can't understand it then we can't reply to it. If you're having trouble with spelling or grammar there is a program called Microsoft Word or Word Perfect on all of your computers, please use it if you struggle with your spelling. 9. If you're a keyblade wielder, the world you choose comes with a sword, you donm't ghet to choose you're own, sorry but I figured that was the easiest way to keep five people from using oblivion and ultima. 10. The original characters are not to be played in this RP please. If you want to be either Roxas or Namine I may be able to help you tweak your bios or something so they can be incorporated, but otherwise Riku, Kairi, Sora, Axel, any of those are not to be played. 11. There is currently only one dual wielder, my character, thoguh that will change with time I don't want to hear complaints about it right now.
Profile codes
Keyblade Wielders:
Username: Name: Age: Gender: World: Keyblade: ((I'll fill in the pics for this)) Appearance: (no like avi or check my sig please) Bio: Personality: Abilities:
Section XIII Members:
Username: Name: Age: Gender: Rank: Appearance:(no like avi or check my sig please) Weapon: Bio: Personality: Abilities:
Username: Name: Age: Gender: World: Appearance: (no like avi or check my sig please) Bio: Personality: Abilities:
The Keyblade Wielders Please note that I do know that some of these swords do not corroborate with the places they apparently 'come from' nor am I sure that one of them comes from the actual game (I'm talking about Hidden Dragon, and several others) The main reason for these anomalies is because I couldn't find the pictures I wanted. Apologies for the poor quality on the POC keyblade.
Also, I'm not too picky on what your characters look like but it would be appreciated if you used characters with outfits appropriate to their world. ie: if you're from Halloween Town your character is rather... erm.. 'gothic' *hates terming Tim Burton's brilliance as gothic*
Organization XIII
Pengin · Sun Mar 04, 2007 @ 08:43am · 0 Comments |
Naruto: Rise of the Bijuu |
The village hidden in the leaves had been at peace for generations, forgetting the dark past of the bijuu and the schemes of both the Akatsuki and Orochimaru. The tailed demons had all been captured and stored away in a cave of trials, one that could not be entered by any ordinary humans... Or at least that was the way it was until about 17 years ago.
Each demon had fallen into the care of certain villages who had either taken care of the bijuu before or had similar guardian deities. But the peace was not to last for long. 17 years ago each of the caves of trials had been broken into, their demons stolen and placed into the bodies of nine infants around the world in order to seemingly protect each village, but soon the demons were turned upon and thought of as nothing but monsters, and so history repeated itself.
Now, in present day fire country, it would seem that something was calling the demons to the village hidden in the leaves. Now the village must deal with this new onslaught of demons the village, either by calling the demons to their side and rising up against the new crime syndicate or by smiting the bijuu where they stand.
1. No godmoding 2. You are not allowed to kill people off without permission 3. No original characters 4. There are only five spots open for Uchihas and sharingan, we don't need Konoha to be overrun by so many of Sasuke and Itatchi's offspring that we need to start pushing them off of cliffs. 5. No Mary-sues or Gary-lous 6. PM me your profile with the title as 'Chachamaru' 7. You must request to be any rank over Jounin. I have a great dislike for amateurs trying to pull off the roles of Kages, ANBU, Missing Nin and Akatsuki. More often than not I'll grant you the spot ^^
Profile Codes
[b]Gaianame:[/b] [b]Name: [/b] [b]Age: [/b] [b]Clan:[/b] ((PM me with the specs for made up clans please)) [b]Rank:[/b] [b]Team #: [/b] [b]Pet (optional):[/b] [b]Jutsus (a small list please, just give us a taste basically of the special things your character can do): [/b] [b]Weapons: [/b] [b]Appearance:[/b] [b]Bio:[/b] [b]Other:[/b] (this is where you would put your demon affiliations aka: nekomata, kitsune and such)
Yamata no Orochi:
Kyuubi no Youko:
Missing Nin
New Akatsuki
Pengin · Sun Mar 04, 2007 @ 07:51am · 0 Comments |