Here is the full background for Lazerith:
"My name is Lazerith Baynarth. I am the middle daughter to my mother, Heaven De Braun, and father, Michel Baynarth. I have three older siblings. My oldest sister, Ruby Baynarth. Other older sister, Ava Baynarth. My older brother and only boy of the family, Robin Baynarth. And two younger sisters, twins. Rose and Delia Baynarth. My family was great. But of course, it all had to go downhill from there... If only I had been there to possibly do something. Or at least- die with them and not have to live with this heavy burden on my shoulders.. No.. Not a burden.. This nightmare. Live with the thought of that everyday of my life in this damn hell hole of a world..."
At a young age Lazerith had to help take care of her younger sisters. Her older siblings were more then well enough to go out and do heavier things in the world. Collecting fire wood. Running errands. That type of thing. And not only that- it was tough being born after her brother. Always being compared to him. As well as being compared to her older sisters and even younger sisters! But she lived with it. She was okay with it.
Growing up was okay too. She wanted to be a seamstress and help make clothes and blankets for the town! It was her little girl dream. She thought it would be good too since she lived in a nice area due to her father being in the Military Police.
Though- one day. He didn't come back. Her mother waiter and waited. Until they were told that no one could find him anywhere. Rumor was that he left to another town with another woman. Lazerith's family was forced to move out of the town they were in. Moving to a lesser, outer wall.
After a few years, her two older siblings were out and at training camp. And after the years they spent there it would seem as though her Eldest sister became a higher up in the Military Police and her other sister got into the Survey Corps.
Lazerith and her brother were about to go to training when they got the news that Ruby was dead. With this news, Lazerith was in denial. Not wanting it to be true she headed out with her brother. Though running off to go find friends to confide in she lost track of him and went off on her own.
Thats when Titans were spotted in the town. Not many, just small ones that got into the gate that they opened to let troop squads in. But still.. They where a threat. And her home was close to the gate.
Turning right back around, as foolish as a child can be and leaving her closest friend behind on his own as well, she moved as quick as she could to find her home. Which in turn- was broken down.. And what more- she had stepped on something. Something which shattered under her feet. Her brothers pocket watch.
Taking a while to compose herself the best she could, Lazerith moved to look in the remains of the house. To find her sisters or mother- but what she found was a crushed body under some ruble. Her mother.
Again- devastated. How could she go on?
Running up behind her had she not noticed her friend, Julius. He ran up to her, finally catching up. Thank god he was alright. But still- there was no evidence that her sisters where gone like her mother and brother. She knew where they would run to if anything ever happened-
Taking her friends hand in hers, they made haste to the side of the wall. A place where Lazerith's uncle worked as a Garrison. And just arriving, the screams of two girls was heard. And it was defiantly Rose and Delia. They sounded the same.
A smaller class titan had stooped down to where it seemed they were hiding in the small space between buildings. Lazerith couldn't do anything. She was so scared of the titan and so scared for her sisters. Julius, her friend behind her, let go of her hand, and ran over, not too far from it and screamed at it. Trying to be a hero..
Though that got an adult's attention- it was too late when the titan slammed down its hand in anger or for some reason- maybe to grab them.. And had broken Rose and Delia. Pulling them up and dropping them into its mouth.
After a few years and training.. Lazerith got into the Garrisons. Julius was to be in the Survey Corp. Separated, she wondered how he was. It seemed that she had gotten news that her sister was MIA.. Which they all presumed to pretty much be dead...
With the only person left she knew of, She grew to love Julius. They tried to meet up when they could. But by the age of 18, on a day to meet up, it would be that he had passed away due to injuries.
With the past that haunts her. Her distrust of the Military Police. Loosing faith in the Survey Corps. And a future to come. She works hard. And by the age of 20, she had the title of Captain of the Garrisons.