Gandhi, Stir Fry, and Pot?
So today, instead of our 1st block, We had this 'assembly' in the large gym.. It was the "Gandhi Conference" 'cause The whole week @ Shep was Peace Week...
So we got to sit there for over an hour, listening to people talk about peace and Gandhi [and his accomplishments]
I found it somewhat enjoyable.. Didn't like having to sit on the floor while the 11s & 12s sat in the bleachers tho...
& the Guest speakers had some good stuff to say. I like history, so I actually paid attention to most of it. (:
Next I had music..It was okay, didn't get to play the songs I liked tho. I've also gotta remember terms for a music theory quiz coming up soon ;.;'
& near the end of the class...I burnt one of the teachers without meaning too..I felt so bad...but we all laughed so hard. xD Eh. whee
For lunch, I had Improv today, so me & Linda went there until the teacher had to leave for supervision...Freaking hilarious. xD But then again, Improv is comedy. I like my Wednesday/Friday lunches. (: ...most the time
In English, We watched normal movie on Romeo & Juliet, Act 3 Scene 1, and then the 'modern', more gangsta version after.. I swear.. Whoever directed/produced that gangsta movie was on drugs >.o After, We had to plan for our big assignment that we have to do on Wednesday gonk Blaahhh v.v;
For Foods, we got to make Stir Fry today.. All it was, was meat & veggies...No rice or noodles. ;.;' Made a coupla new friends too. (:
Afterschool, I had to go get some herbs for my mom, and when I was waiting for the bus, this guy (I swear he was high or something), who is wearing an Oilers shirt, had an Oilers breifcase (wtf?), held an Oilers mug, and had some other Oilers stuff too.. Anyways.. He's got headphones on, and when he asked me a Q, he's all "I can't understand you!" & this girl who was waiting as well, standing behind him almost laughed out loud..
Then he points to his damn shirt and was like "Hockey. You you like Ho-Key?" Frick. I may be Asian, but it's not like I don't understand english. rolleyes
...Then he pulls out what I'm asusming is pot..and he smokes it.. Horrible smell, it is. >.o
& on the bus..I swear he was high. x.x;
Yeeeahh. Good way to end the week hm? >.o
Ah well. Hopefully Tam'll call me later..
After a long absence..
..I think it's time to start posting in here again. Last time I did was.. May. xD whee
Sooo. As of today..
I actually woke up on time this morning! Lately, I'd sleep in like a half hour, then I'd rush out the door after everything (like lunch) is done. And today, I leave later too, since it's a Day A.
On Day As, I go to Tam's stop & wait with him. On Day Bs, I go to a few stops before his & get on with the girls.
Today.. Was Day A. xP
Day As = Sci, Gym, Social, Spare Day Bs = Math, Band, English, Foods
Science..was really annoying today. I wanna punch Amanda everytime I see her. She's such a dunce. Such an attention seeker. Goddddd. I was so glad when Mario kept telling her to shut up. I wish I sat by him.. I sit at the end of my row, and I don't talk to the person who sits next to me..and Yvonne's 2 seats away. ;.;' and the stuff we're learning isn't so bad, but because of that damn annoying b***h, its hard to learn in the damn class. BLAH.
Next was Gym..GRRR. Its like.. 4° F out in the mornings, and we had to do a powerwalk and football today (and for the rest of the month) I decided to talk with Lynda today. Dude..I thought she told me she liked to powerwalk? But nooo. I almost came in last if I didn't speed up near the end..and even then, one of the girls in front of me who came back from getting the footballs..she asked why I was so slow!! Grrr. In laps & stairs, I'm usually 1st or 2nd done. '>.> Then we had like..20 mins of football. neutral Also...There were these girls who wore SHORT SHORTS and there's frost on the ground..one of them.. she looks like her face got plastic surgery done more than once.. BLAH. Girls like that annoy the hell outta me..
Lunch. Eh. I've had better. '>.>
Social..Not too bad. I got 20/20 on my Prime Minister Want Ad. (: Tam got 32/35 =D
During my spare, I went to the library to start on my science.. Me & Erica (My Spare friend ^^) had this totally blonde moment..I'll share if you ask xP
About 20mins left of school, I realized I forgot to go get tickets from my band teacher..So I went to do that. There's this thing for band, wear our 1st concert is Nov 1st, and for every 2 tickets we sell, we get our name put into a draw for a new iPod Nano or PSP =D
So yea..I'm gonna try my luck for that. I have 20 tickets that Ima try to get rid of within the next week. Wish me luck. (: