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Dripping The Blood Of Dispair

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RP Idea
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x[ Male Or Female ]x

. . .

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Its late, the rain is hammering down hard upon the darkened city as if buckets of tears were being thrown down by gods, causing little kids to stop playing and run inside by the blaze as old family members tell stories of 'back in the day'. Your walking home [ from where ever ] when you take a short-cut threw a dark, lonesome alley. Suddenly your eyes fall upon a box in a corner that is drenched with rain, as well as moving. Curiosity takes hold of you as you slowly make your way over, only to see a small girl, with cat like ears sprouting from her head, and a tail that matches, covering her cold, shivering body from the rain that falls down so hard into the opened box. Looking down at this cold girl, you think to your self...
Take her home.

And this is where our RP would continue;
any way you wanted.
You could mold her to become a fighting maciene!
Or make her do all your dirty dishes.
You decide...

Learn About Pooty (Oh-So-Updated)
1. What is your full name?: Mia
2. Nicknames?: Pooty Applewater
3. Age: 15
4. Sex: Juggalette
5. Who have you talked today?: My parents, Pixel, Comatose, RaRa
6. Where do you live?: Seattle, WA
7. What school do you attend?: Nathan Hale
8. Siblings and their ages?: None.
9. Pets?: Dog and a cat.
10. Zodiac sign?: Gemini
11. Righty or lefty?: Both - more righty though o_O

**********YOUR LOOKS**********
12. Hair colour: Died redish - more black
13. Eye colour: dark dark brown
14. Height: 5'7
15. Do you wear contacts or glasses?: Nope
16. Do you have any piercing's?: Yes.
19. If so, what and where? : 8 on ears, let my bellybuttion close up
20. Do you wear any rings?: Nope, but I wear bracelets
21. Do you follow a certain fashion?: Raver - hottopic haha
22: How are you today?: I'm okay thank you! How are you?
23. What pants are you wearing right now?: My last pair of hottopic pants
24. What shirt are you wearing right now?: My slipknot shirt
25. What does your hair look like at the moment?: poofy, curly.
26. What song are you listening to right now?: Something by Sneaker Pimps
27. What was the last thing you ate?: AirHeads haha
28. How is the weather right now?: Its raining sad
29. Last person you talked to on the phone?: Pixel
30. Last dream you can remember?: It had Coma in it
31. Who are you talking to now?: Coma and RaRa
32. What time is it? Somewhere around 6 i tink

*********MORE ABOUT YOU**********
33. What are the last four digits of your phone number? : 6096
34. If you were a crayon, what color would you be?: Neon. Oh yes, just Neon.
35. Have you ever almost died?: Not really, car crashes are the worst.
36. Do you like the person who sent you this?: No, I dont like myself.
37. How do you eat an Oreo?: I dont like oreos
38. What makes you happy?: Coffee
39. What's the next Cd that your going to buy?: ICP (( haha I still need The Calm and thats it ))
40. What's the best advice ever given to you?: He's nothing but a boy, dont let what he did hurt you.
42. Have you ever won any special award?: No, cause I'm not special.
43. What are your future goals?: Pass highschool
44. Do you like to dance?: HAHA YES
45. Worst sickness you ever had?: Raver Plague
46. What's the stupidest thing you've ever done?: Try to fly.
47. What's your favorite memory?: Meeting coma
48. If you could change one thing about yourself what would it be?: Lose Weight
49. Where do you shop?: online
50. How many kids do you want to have?: I dunno, maybe one or two
51. Son's names?: Lestat, Joe, Bob, Rob
53. Do you do drugs?: Yes.
54. Do you drink?: Barily.
55: What kind of shampoo do you use?: Garnier Fructis
56. What sport do you hate the most?: Baceball
57. What are you most scared of?: Spiders
58. How many TV's do you have in your house?: 3
59. Do you have your own?: Yeah... I dont watch it though haha
60. Do you have your own phone line?: I have a cellphone
61. Do you sleep with stuffed animals?: yes...
62. Have you ever broken, fractured, or sprain anything?: my tailbone...
63. Who do you dream about?: COMA
64. Who do you tell your dreams to?: No one, I usually forget them
65. Who is the loudest friend you have?: RaRa
66. Who is the quietest friend you have?: Hannah
68. How many licks does it take to get to the center of a tootsie pop?: 3
69. Which came first..chicken or egg?: Chicken

**********YOU AND LOVE**********
70. Do you believe in love? : yes
72. Do you have crush on any one?: yes
73. Who is your crush?:
74. Did you send this to your crush?: ummm no...
75. Where do you want to go on your honeymoon?: I dont think im gonna get married. OH WAIT! I ALREADY AM *clings to coma*
76. What song do you want played at your wedding?: I dont know.. Something I can liquid to
80. What is the first thing you notice about the opposite sex?: Eyes/hair/lips
81. Are you to shy to ask someone out?: Yes
82. Who do you want to spend the rest of your life with?: I dont know anymore....

87. Curly or straight hair?: straight
88. Tall or short: Tall
89. Six pack or muscular arms: muscular arms
90. Good or bad guys?: good
92. Ears pierced or tattoo?: pierced
94. Dimples or not?: Dimples are cute
96. Rugged or sporty?: Rugged
97. Studly or cutie? Cutie
98. Accent or not?: Accent, spanish.
99. Glasses?: Sure, they are cute.
100. Smart or dumb? : lol dumb like me!
101. What sport should he play?: Dont really mattter

*******PICK ONE: THIS OR THAT******
127. Lights on/off: Off
128. Sun or rain?: Rain
129. Mickey D's (McDonalds) or BK (Burger King): McDonalds - their frys are BOMB
130. Do you like scary movies or happy movies better?: Scary (when im not alone and can cling to someone)
131. Backstreet boys or NSYNC: Whats the difference?
132. On the phone or in person: Person
133. Paper or plastic: Plastic
134. Sausage or pepperoni?: Sausage
135. Winter or summer?: winter
136. Chocolate or white milk: I dont drink milk
137. Root beer or Dr. Pepper?: Dr. Pepper
138. Glass of water half full or half empty: half empty
140. Cats or dogs: cats
141. Mud or Jello wrestling?: jello
142. Skiing or boarding?: boarding
143. Day or night? : night
144. Cake or pie?: pie
145. Diamond or pearls?: diamonds
149. Sunset or sunrise: sunset

**********YOUR FAVES*******
149. Color: neon/purple
150. Food: Venti Carmal Frapachino
151. Fast food: Frys
152. Candy: Venti Carmal Frapachino
153. Beverage: Venti Carmal Frapachino
155. Sport: Football
159. Song: Too many
160. Band: ICP
165. Store: HotTopic
167. Teacher: Mr.Sylver
168. Saying: Damn Hippies

~~~HAVE YOU EVER~~~~~~~
178. Loved someone so much it makes you cry?: Yes...
179. Drank?: Yes...
180. Ever gotten dumped?: Yes...
181. Broke the law: LOL yes *nudge nudge chantal*
182. Ran from the cops?: Mmm-hmmm
184. Tried to kill yourself?: Truthfully.. Yes...
186. Been in love?: Yes... And it hurt...
187. Made yourself cry to get out of trouble?: Yeah

~~~~~~~YOUR FRIENDS~~~~~~~
188. Coolest: RaRa
189. The weirdest: Pixel
190. Funniest: Falicia
191. Smartest: Falicia
192. Happiest: Pixel
193. Cutest: Coma
194. Sweetest: Daze
195. Loudest: RaRa
196. Quietest: Hannah
197. Silliest: Emma
198. Who do you go to for advice?: Falicia and RaRa
199. Who knows all your secrets?: RaRa

~~~~~~~.RANDOM STUFF~~~~~~~
200. Eaten an entire pack of KD: Say Huh?
201. Caused a car accident?: Yes
202. Seen the ocean?: Yes
203. Chocolate Chip or Mint Chip: Mint
204. Ocean or lake: Ocean
205. Chocolate or vanilla: Vanilla
206. Lion or Tiger: Tiger
207. Love or lust: Love
208. Pencil or pen: Pencil
209. Skirt or jeans?: Skirt
210. Rose or tulip: Rose

~~~~~IN THE PAST 48 HOURS, HAVE YOU...~~~~~
211. Bought Something: Yes
212. Been in hell: The hell of my dreams
213. Gone for a drive: Yes
214. Gone out for dinner: Nope
215. Watched your favorite movie: Nope
216. Given someone a present: Yes
217. Missed someone: Yes
218. Hugged someone: Yes
219. Kissed someone: Yes
220. Danced with someone: Yes
221. Had a nightmare: Yes
222. Fought with your parents?: Yes

~~~~~~~~~FEELING SIDE~~~~~~~~~~
223. What do you feel about the Ouija board: Creepy
224. Do you believe in yourself: Sometimes
225. Worst feeling in the world: Heartbreak
226. Best feeling in the world: Knowing that someone is thinking about you
227. Are you for world peace: I'm no hippie
228. Are you a health freak: HAHA have you seen my tummy?
229. How many people are you sending this too?: none
230. Do you want your friends to write back?: yes
231. Who is least likely to respond: The people who dont read it

Community Member

Community Member
Fill It Out b***h
1)******What Am I?******
Am I sweet?-
Am I crazy?-
Am I lovable?-
Am I funny?-
Am I ugly?-
Am I psycho?-
Am I annoying?-
Am I a good person?-

2)******Would You******
Hug me?-
Miss me if i was gone?-
Listen to my problems?-
Hug me if i cried?-
Be a good friend?-

3)******If You Could...******
Give me a new name it would be?-
Do one thing with me it would be?-
Drop me one piece of advice it would be?-

4)******Just A Few Questions******
What do u like about me?-
What do u hate about me?-
What is my best quality?-

1. Who are you?-
2. Do you have a crush on me?-
3. Are we good friends?-
4. Do we know each other in real life?-
5. Am I hot? -
6. Is my avatar hot? (oO)-
7. Will you put this in your journal so i can answer these questions about you!?-

About Me ~(updated)~
1. What is your full name?: Mia
2. Nicknames?: Pooty Applewater
3. Age: 15
4. Sex: Yes Please
5. Who have you talked today?: Chantal, some guys online, some other guys on the phone, Hannah, some of her family, family friends, random people on the street.
6. Where do you live?: Seattle, WA
7. What school do you attend?: Nathan Hale
8. Siblings and their ages?: None.
9. Pets?: Dog and a cat.
10. Zodiac sign?: Gemini
11. Righty or lefty?: Both.

**********YOUR LOOKS**********
12. Hair colour: Died blue/black
13. Eye colour: dark dark brown
14. Height: 5'7-ish
15. Do you wear contacts or glasses?: Need glasses, dont wear em, people say I look cute in em.
16. Do you have any piercing's?: Yes.
19. If so, what and where? : 8 on ears, and an above the bellybutton
20. Do you wear any rings?: Nope, but I wear bracelets
21. Do you follow a certain fashion?: ummmm I guess I'm Goth/Raver
22: How are you today?: I'm okay.
23. What pants are you wearing right now?: My last pair of hottopic pants
24. What shirt are you wearing right now?: my Sugar Spice and nothing nice shirt
25. What does your hair look like at the moment?: poofy, curly.
26. What song are you listening to right now?: This Is The New s**t -Marilyn Manson
27. What was the last thing you ate?: Cookie.
28. How is the weather right now?: Its clear skys, you can see the stars and the moon.
29. Last person you talked to on the phone?: Joe
30. Last dream you can remember?: I dont remember
31. Who are you talking to now?: Joe.
32. What time is it? 12:08AM

*********MORE ABOUT YOU**********
33. What are the last four digits of your phone number? : 6096
34. If you were a crayon, what color would you be?: Dark purple.
35. Have you ever almost died?: Ummm when I was trying to drive my friends car for the first time, we almost got hit when trying to turn. He was drunk and couldnt drive lol
36. Do you like the person who sent you this?: No, I dont like myself.
37. How do you eat an Oreo?: I eat the cream.
38. What makes you happy?: Coffee
39. What's the next Cd that your going to buy?: ICP
40. What's the best advice ever given to you?: Dont Like That Old Grandpa
42. Have you ever won any special award?: No, cause I'm not special.
43. What are your future goals?: Pass highschool
44. Do you like to dance?: Yes.
45. Worst sickness you ever had?: I couldnt stop throwing up
46. What's the stupidest thing you've ever done?: Try to fly.
47. What's your favorite memory?: Hanging out with Chantal
48. If you could change one thing about yourself what would it be?: Lose Weight
49. Where do you shop?: HotTopic
50. How many kids do you want to have?: I dunno, maybe one or two
51. Son's names?: Lestat, Joe, Bob, Rob
53. Do you do drugs?: No.
54. Do you drink?: Yes.
55: What kind of shampoo do you use?: OH OH I JUST BOUGHT SOME NEW STUFF TODAY!! Hold on let me go get it....... Garnier Fructis (With Active Fruit Concentratr. Fortifying Cream for Color-treated or Permed Hair.) lol!
56. What sport do you hate the most?: Baceball
57. What are you most scared of?: Spiders
58. How many TV's do you have in your house?: 3
59. Do you have your own?: Yeah
60. Do you have your own phone line?: I have a cell?
61. Do you sleep with stuffed animals?: yes
62. Have you ever broken, fractured, or sprain anything?: my tailbone...
63. Who do you dream about?: No comment
64. Who do you tell your dreams to?: Chantal
65. Who is the loudest friend you have?: Joanna
66. Who is the quietest friend you have?: Hannah
68. How many licks does it take to get to the center of a tootsie pop?: 3
69. Which came first..chicken or egg?: Chicken

**********YOU AND LOVE**********
70. Do you believe in love? : yes
72. Do you have crush on any one?: yes
73. Who is your crush?:
74. Did you send this to your crush?: ummm no... but i bet he is reading it! Ah! lol
75. Where do you want to go on your honeymoon?: Hotel in seattle
76. What song do you want played at your wedding?: Eather Drop It Like Its Hott, Milkshake, or BABY GOT BACK!!!! WOO!!
80. What is the first thing you notice about the opposite sex?: Eyes, or hair, or piercings.
81. Are you to shy to ask someone out?: Yes
82. Who do you want to spend the rest of your life with?: I dont know anymore....

87. Curly or straight hair?: straight
88. Tall or short: Tall
89. Six pack or muscular arms: 6pack
90. Good or bad guys?:Bad
92. Ears pierced or tattoo?:both
94. Dimples or not?: Nah
96. Rugged or sporty?: Rugged
97. Studly or cutie? Cutie
98. Accent or not?: Accent, spanish.
99. Glasses?: Sure, they are cute.
100. Smart or dumb? : lol dumb like me!
101. What sport should he play?: None please

*******PICK ONE: THIS OR THAT******
127. Lights on/off: Off
128. Sun or rain?: Rain
129. Mickey D's (McDonalds) or BK (Burger King): McDonalds
130. Do you like scary movies or happy movies better?: Scary
131. Backstreet boys or NSYNC: None please.
132. On the phone or in person: Person
133. Paper or plastic: Plastic
134. Sausage or pepperoni?: Sausage
135. Winter or summer?: winter
136. Chocolate or white milk: I dont like milk
137. Root beer or Dr. Pepper?: Dr. Pepper
138. Glass of water half full or half empty: half empty
140. Cats or dogs: cats
141. Mud or Jello wrestling?: jello
142. Skiing or boarding?: boarding
143. Day or night? : night
144. Cake or pie?: pie
145. Diamond or pearls?: diamonds
149. Sunset or sunrise: sunset

**********YOUR FAVES*******
149. Color: black n purple
150. Food: Venti Carmal Frapachino
151. Fast food: Frys
152. Candy: Venti Carmal Frapachino
153. Beverage: Venti Carmal Frapachino
155. Sport: Football
159. Song: None.
160. Band: None.
165. Store: HotTopic
167. Teacher: None
168. Saying: Damn Hippies

~~~HAVE YOU EVER~~~~~~~
178. Loved someone so much it makes you cry?: Yes...
179. Drank?: Yes...
180. Ever gotten dumped?: Yes...
181. Broke the law: LOL yes *nudge nudge chantal*
182. Ran from the cops?: Mmm-hmmm
184. Tried to kill yourself?: kinda O_o
186. Been in love?: Yes... And it hurt...
187. Made yourself cry to get out of trouble?: Yeah

~~~~~~~YOUR FRIENDS~~~~~~~
188. Coolest: Chantal
189. The weirdest: Hannah
190. Funniest: Chantal
191. Smartest: Hannah
192. Happiest: Hannah
193. Cutest: Chantal
194. Sweetest: Hannah
195. Loudest: Me
196. Quietest: Hannah
197. Silliest: Chanta;
198. Who do you go to for advice?: Chantal/Joanna
199. Who knows all your secrets?: Chantal

~~~~~~~.RANDOM STUFF~~~~~~~
200. Eaten an entire pack of KD: ...????
201. Caused a car accident?: Yes
202. Seen the ocean?: Yes
203. Chocolate Chip or Mint Chip: Mint
204. Ocean or lake: Ocean
205. Chocolate or vanilla: Vanilla
206. Lion or Tiger: Tiger
207. Love or lust: Love
208. Pencil or pen: Pencil
209. Skirt or jeans?: Skirt
210. Rose or tulip: Rose

~~~~~IN THE PAST 48 HOURS, HAVE YOU...~~~~~
211. Bought Something: Yes
212. Been in hell: The hell of my dreams
213. Gone for a drive: Yes
214. Gone out for dinner: Yes
215. Watched your favorite movie: Nope
216. Given someone a present: Nope
217. Missed someone: Yes
218. Hugged someone: Yes
219. Kissed someone: Yes
220. Danced with someone: No
221. Had a nightmare: No
222. Fought with your parents?: Yes

~~~~~~~~~FEELING SIDE~~~~~~~~~~
223. What do you feel about the Ouija board: Creepy
224. Do you believe in yourself: No
225. Worst feeling in the world: Hurt
226. Best feeling in the world: Knowing that someone is thinking about you
227. Are you for world peace: I'm no hippie
228. Are you a health freak: HAHA have you seen my tummy?
229. How many people are you sending this too?: none
230. Do you want your friends to write back?: yes
231. Who is least likely to respond: You

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About Me

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Its all a lie... Nothing is ever true.... These words I spill... I am spilling to you... You break my heart... Then mend it again... Pretending the love... Will never end... The more you lie... The more I cry... More pain to say goodbye... So let me be... And go away... Ill kiss up to you another day...

It was like BANG .... The way it suddenly came out.... i knew this would happen, with out a doubt... But why now...? At this time... I seriously think im loosing my mind.
I stare at the figure, lurking in the mirror.. Tears after tears, layer all the years.....
Take a breath in. Let none out. The wails of pain... help me scream and shout.
It bounces off the walls. Passes threw ears.
I cant take it... a knew mommy is here.

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******** Me
wink ~*Eat me, beat me, bite me, blow me...Suck me, [******** me very slowly...If you kiss me don't be sassy...Use your tongue and make it nasty*~ wink

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