Drifting thoughts
My first class was Science.
My thoughts kept escaping the present and returning to old times with my mother and brother. I sighed. There really wasn't much to remember.
"Ms. Brown." The teacher's voice was sharp and piercing. I sat up in my seat. "Yes ma'am!" I set down the pencil I had been playing with. "Please read the first paragraph of the student dress code." I stared at her. "Why do you need me too? You have the book right in front of you." I watched as all the eyes in the classroom went from me to the teacher. I slouched a little. "Yes ma'am. What page are we on?" She set her book on the desk next to her. "Pay attention! Page 28." I could tell she was going to give me a hard time this year.
My thoughts drifted away again only once or twice catching up to me then falling back to other memories. Some of my mom, others of my little brother.
The bell rang letting everyone know it was time for second hour class. I shoved my handbook and pencils into my bag. I didn't have time to run to my locker because my next class was two hallways over and my locker was at the opposite end of the school.
I shoved the door open to the art room and took a seat furthest away from the front, and closest to the window. And low and behold the second person to walk through those doors was Gabriel.
He was surrounded by girls of all ages. Freshmen, juniors, even a couple of seniors too. I looked out the large window and watched birds of all shapes and colors flying by. I was drifting into a daydream of me becoming one of those birds and flying away. Somewhere where no humans lurked.
"Hey Gage!" A shrill high pitched voice split through the crowd. Daisy's to be exact. "Oh! Hi." Daisy was my best friend in grade school, and most of middle school. But we sort of drifted when we got separate classes. Gabriel looked over at us. "Isn't Gabriel even cuter this year?" I switched my gaze from her and looked at him, he quickly looked away. "I guess, whatever you think." I looked at Daisy. Long red hair, bright blue green eyes, and freckles dotting her all over. I looked back at Gabriel. She was nothing like the girls surrounding him. "Hey why aren't you over there hounding him for his number or autograph or something?" I looked at most of the girls there. Short fat ones, tall fat ones, short thin ones, and tall thin ones. They were all shapes and sizes. He really had a variety to pick from.
Then Mrs. Blase walked in interrupting Gabriel's female parade. "Take a seat Gabriel." The art teacher's voice was sweet and soft. She was a short brunette with big brown eyes and red lips. A number of girl voices were calling his name telling him to sit with them, then the room went quiet as he took his seat next to me.I sighed. "I see, you were hoping I would sit here." I looked at him. "Actually quite the opposite." I sat my hands back down in my lap. He stared at me. "And why is that?" I clenched my jaws. was he really trying to talk right now. "You draw to much attention and that is something I am trying to avoid." I picked up my bag and pulled out the handbook.
Everyone in that classroom was staring at me now. Even the teacher. "Please stop looking at me." I glared at everyone. Seeing the expression on my face I guess they decided best to look away. Except one girl. A tall thin blond with bright green eyes and perfectly tanned skin. She narrowed her eyes at me and crossed her arms. When I didn't avert my stare she turned toward her easel.
I sat back and listened somewhat to what the teacher was saying. But once again I found my thoughts drifting back and forth, past and present.
"By the way Gage, you can call me Gabe." Class was over and he had followed me a little way down the hall. "I rather not."
I kept walking as a flood of girls surrounded Gabriel. The whole way down the hall I could feel a piercing glare, and could pinpoint exactly who it was.
Today is Monday. The first day of my freshmen year. Great. I was wishing and praying all summer that I would go by unnoticed. But something inside of me told me I had one hell of a year ahead of me. The disbelief that I was now in high school faded to belief, then to excitement. Now that the day is here, I want to go home and curl up on my bed and nap. I did not want the journey I knew was awaiting me. No it's not the exciting world changing adventure either. More of a drama queen, bitchy rich girls, and a bunch of stuck up guys with only one thing on their mind. Yeah that's right its high school.
The front doors to the newly built high school, for some unknown reason someone thought it would be funny to burn down the school two years ago, were crystal clear and untouched by human hands. It wouldn't stay that way for long though the minute the first bell rings a flood of greasy big and small hands will cover the glass, leaving it a muddle of prints.
The newly planted roses and tree's all aligned in a row leading to the front doors were now dying as the weather got colder and colder. I watched as pedals from the dried up roses floated to the ground landing delicately on the sidewalk, or in a dark brown puddle. "I see you like to come early too." My thoughts were interrupted.Crap! I knew coming early would draw attention. I shook my head and sat down on a dry bench near a pear tree. "No, I just didn't want to stay home while everyone else goes into a wild frenzy to get ready for school." I saw his face. Gabriel. He is one of the most popular sophomores at Lewiston high. "Your house to huh?" He laughed and sat his bag down on the empty space of the bench and took out a book. He thumbed through it a couple of times then pulled out a picture. He studied it for a minute then handed to me looking pleased. "Try getting ready in the morning with them." I took it surprised to see at least six girls and 4 guys in the picture. "Are these your brothers and sisters?" I took in the features of all of them. None seemed to resemble Gabe. All were short with dark black or blond hair, the occasional red head, and what looked to be someone with pink hair. "I guess you could say that." He took the picture back and placed it in his book again. "I don't think we have met before. Are you a freshmen this year?" He crossed his arms and looked at me. "Yeah. I am Gage Brown." He smiled and reached out his hand about to introduce himself. No I am getting too friendly. I stood and turned. "And your Gabe Hunter. No need to introduce yourself, your pretty popular among my friends." I walked up the steps to the crystal clear doors.
Pressing my small sweaty hand against it I left my print on the door. The first one of the year. Lucky me. I pushed it open and went in searching for my first classroom.