I'm now CL 3.8, regularly farming Kokeshi Dolls and Taiko Drums in the Zen Gardens. I've even made a brief foray to Bass'ken Lake, and by teaming up with a crew even got to participate in killing the She-Wolf. Can't get much further than that, though, as now the quests require stuff like iron ore and things you can only get from Buzzsaws and Outlaw Pups. Both of which are very good at killing me dead. neutral
I've also yet to complete the Battle of Three Bridges quest, since the nexus monsters are really freakin' hard. Seriously. I can hardly touch them, even with Hot Foot 5.0 and Fire Rain 5.0. Meanwhile my health gets taken down in 50-point chunks. gonk
Crew plz?
EDIT: Found a crew to run with through the Three Bridges quest, so that's done and dusted. Win! Now to get to the point where I can survive on the Bass'ken Lake map. pirate
- Zahir