...I was bored so i made this...
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Posted: Tue Apr 19, 2011 @ 10:39pm
Posted: Thu Nov 12, 2009 @ 06:20pm
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Community Member
Posted: Mon Sep 21, 2009 @ 05:58am
Stressed to the max
Well things have not yet started looking up. In fact, they've gotten worse... I'm still out of a job and recently deferred from Biolife until November... I have absolutely no money coming in so I can't pay my cell phone bill, I have to borrow from my friends and parents, money that they don't have, to pay my monthly payment plan for my school fees, I haven't been able to buy any of my text books this year (that includes my math 1040 book, english 2010 bookS, and stage make up book). I'm finding out that Statistics is even more difficult than Algebra is and I couldn't do Algebra for the life of me. I'm already falling behind in that class and it doesn't help that I don't have the book... or that it's only one Monday a week... Just a short while ago, a friend of mine from the College died (He drowned saving his sons from drowning), and the other day, my great uncle died, one of my grandma's is getting worse and really bad Alzheimer's, and my other grandma has had two surgeries already ... I've got so much stuff going on right now that I don't have any idea what to do or where to start... I hardly get to see my friends because I'm so busy with school and everything, but I need outlets to keep even just a little sane, so then I go and squeeze more stuff into my already full schedule like Dickens Festival Theatre Company and the Field of Screams, but without them, I'm sure I would truly give up. I'm still waiting for my last paycheck from the Candy Bouquet; hopefully that will come soon and hopefully that will be at least three or four hundred dollars (Wishful thinking...) But anything will be a little bit of a relief. Right now, I'm just taking things one day at a time and I believe things will start to get slightly better if/when I graduate at the end of this semester. That will be as long as I can keep up with my English and if I magically pass my math. Actually, I think that's all that's really pushing me forward. To finish this semester so that I can take in a deep breath, devote my time to finding a good paying job, paying everyone back, then saving up to take my long awaited trip to Japan. stressed
Posted: Sun Jan 25, 2009 @ 09:22pm
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Posted: Wed Jul 02, 2008 @ 08:08pm
Preferred Fu#$ing
Don't ever rent a house that's being run by Preferred Funding unless you want to get morbidly screwed. We've been renting this house from great landlords for about 9 years. Sweet couple. Never raised the rent or anything. Then, a few years ago, they went to Preferred Funding to handle all the rent stuff. Well, for a while, they didn't do anything, and then they decided to finally do "their job". All of it BS. They always threatened to raise the rent, but never did (most likely because the Land Lords wouldn't let them). Well, recently, they wanted us to sign a new lease. They really expected us just to sign it without reading any of it. Well, after reading it, we find out how rediculous it is. All these BS fees everywhere and permission to enter our house whenever they wanted without any notice to us. Now, since we won't sign it, we have to be out by the end of July no doubt so they can raise the rent and pester some poor sucker, making their life hell.... sweatdrop stressed
Posted: Tue Feb 26, 2008 @ 06:40am
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Posted: Mon Jan 28, 2008 @ 06:27am
Posted: Thu Aug 09, 2007 @ 07:37am
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