Mage's Rant |
Just a little place to rant about stuff. |
Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2006 @ 07:47am
A little explanation about me...
The kitsune are ageless, being spirits, but are not immortal. Kitsune manifest, and can live a lifespan of 900 years, before they are likely to leave/die, and return to the spirit world.
Kitsune older than 900 years old are rare, as the amount of essence to fuel their existance on the physical plane would be extreme, and they would be doing more harm than good.
"Almost 200 here.."
Kitsune are not truly good or evil. Quite literally, they embody the concept of the amoral, those who do not accept, or understand, the idea of Good or Evil, instead, paving the way of balance between the two.
"And Altair wonders why the hell I always try to tell him there IS no good or bad..."
Kitsune follow their own code of ethics, though they adapt the morals of those around them, more for the sake of being accepted than for any other reason.
If someone offends what a kitsune considers 'correct', they can become evil, malicious, and disruptive. If someone behaves according to their ethics, they will become polite, kind, and helpful.
Kitsune are notorious for seeing a weakness in someone, and aggravating the weakness, until others see it. To those who are 'immoral', they tend to 'help', making the person more immoral, or guiding the person down the path of self-distruction. To the ones they consider 'moral', they become friendly, and helpful, though they may still play a trick, or show a small flaw in the person, to teach them humility.
Kitsune have to keep their promises, and especially follow their word of honour. They become self-distructive if they break a promise, and when someone else breaks a promise, they become deadly enemies.
Kitsune are also a victim of their own feelings. A kitsune's emotions can cause them harm, or distract them. The Sin of Regret can even kill a kitsune outright.
Kitsune are emotional and very vengeful. Kitsune will lose their temper at the slightest provocation. Once someone has earned a kitsune's enmity, the kitsune will begin enacting revenge that can become quite extreme. On the other hand, those who have earned a kitsune's trust and loyalty will see a friendship that can last through many trials.
Freedom is very important to the kitsune. They do not accept being forced into something they do not wish, and do not like being bound or trapped.
"Got that Rigel?"
To the kitsune, the number of tails they have are a show of prestige, skill, age, and rank. A kitsune may gain a tail for bringing honour to their family and clan, or could lose one for breaking kitsune law.
Celestial - Protective and noble, these kitsune believe they must guard all under their domain.
Fire - Quick-tempered and reactionary, Fire kitsune are constantly moving, and very emotional.
Kitsune females have litters of anywhere between 1-8 kits and can breed best after 600 years of life. Any breeding before hand risks miscarriages, still borns, and even death of the mother before or just after birth.
"Uhm.. oh.... crap." >_>Whether Gin is a Celestial or not is yet to be seen. Since she's still relatively young and 'inexperienced' she doesn't even really know much magic either as it is. *feels around for that second tail* >_>(all info from Kitsune Lore not to be credited to me as these are just amusing little facts that happen to be mostly true about Gin, without me having really looked this up before >_> *knew some things, but not all* Bwahah. )
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Posted: Fri Oct 01, 2004 @ 03:48am