{o1;; Original Character}
Luar Hunt Airplanes - B.o.B. ft Haley Williams. XX With Lyrics
Age: 19
Race: {Werewolf ;; Human}
Personality {ies};;
Luar isn’t very shy, but she’s not very talkative. She’s strong and very independent, although she longs to belong to a pack, like she did in the past. She travels all over the place searching for someone who may know her hardships.
Luar is not the quiet type, spending most of her time in coffee shops and book stores. Her wardrobe however is a little unorthodox, and she prides herself on being ‘out of the norm’. She’s usually very cheerful and fun to be around, although most people her age tend to stray away from her.
Hair;; Short cut, blonde with blood red tips.
Eyes;; left is neon green, right is bright blue
Extra;; Luar has a tongue ring, a lip right on the right side of her lip, corset piercings on her back and both sides [references provided], and an eyebrow ring.Side Piercing, Back Piercing.
Skin tone;; Luar is very dark, and is of Brazilian decent [Human]. [Either race she is still very dark skinned.
Clothing;; As a werewolf, she is ALWAYS in the dress in the reference picture. In human form, basically anything she can run in. Blue jeans, corsets, tank tops, tight graphic tees.
Reference;; [base reference]
Art Received;;
AkakiaDemonツAlice in Candylandツ
{o2;; Original Character}
Samantha Kennedy La Roux - Bulletproof XX With Lyrics
Age: 23
Race: Human
Samantha is very outspoken and wild. She makes danger sexy, and she prides herself on her abilities as a mercenary or in combat. She carries herself very well, and usually has a very magnetic personality. Sometimes, because of how outspoken she is, Samantha is a little off putting. She is goofy usually, in social interactions, but when it comes to work and serious aspects, she becomes a completely different person, caring about nothing but getting the job done.
Hair;; Long, wavy and blonde with red and purple highlights.
Eyes;; Very bright blue
Extra;; Samantha is covered from shoulders done entirely in tattoos. Almost. Full sleeves, down her right side and right leg. Her entire back. These can be tribal, you can surprise me if you like, but one aspect are the ‘Kratos blades’ [Blades of Chaos] on each arm. The ‘chains’ wrap around the area below her elbow and the blades line the underside of her wrist. A ring in the right and left side of her lip [Snake bites]. And a tongue ring. If you cannot get the tattoos right, that's fine, just put her in her hoodie. Also, her hair is usually a little curvy, but if you can't do curvy, straight and without the highlights will be perfectly fine. :3 The only constant is her eyes and base haircolor.
Skin tone;; Fair skinned.
Clothing;; The most common is a tank top with a pair of cargo pants. Samantha's battle gear would be a bikini top [with a punk like design or plain] and a pair of shorts. To leave as much skin bare as possible. She wears a hoodie over the bikini top until she's actually fighting.
Reference;;By Me [[I hate drawing guns. xD: I never color them >.> /shot.]]
Art Received;;
Age: 23
Race: Human
Samantha is very outspoken and wild. She makes danger sexy, and she prides herself on her abilities as a mercenary or in combat. She carries herself very well, and usually has a very magnetic personality. Sometimes, because of how outspoken she is, Samantha is a little off putting. She is goofy usually, in social interactions, but when it comes to work and serious aspects, she becomes a completely different person, caring about nothing but getting the job done.
Hair;; Long, wavy and blonde with red and purple highlights.
Eyes;; Very bright blue
Extra;; Samantha is covered from shoulders done entirely in tattoos. Almost. Full sleeves, down her right side and right leg. Her entire back. These can be tribal, you can surprise me if you like, but one aspect are the ‘Kratos blades’ [Blades of Chaos] on each arm. The ‘chains’ wrap around the area below her elbow and the blades line the underside of her wrist. A ring in the right and left side of her lip [Snake bites]. And a tongue ring. If you cannot get the tattoos right, that's fine, just put her in her hoodie. Also, her hair is usually a little curvy, but if you can't do curvy, straight and without the highlights will be perfectly fine. :3 The only constant is her eyes and base haircolor.
Skin tone;; Fair skinned.
Clothing;; The most common is a tank top with a pair of cargo pants. Samantha's battle gear would be a bikini top [with a punk like design or plain] and a pair of shorts. To leave as much skin bare as possible. She wears a hoodie over the bikini top until she's actually fighting.
Reference;;By Me [[I hate drawing guns. xD: I never color them >.> /shot.]]
Art Received;;
{o3;; Original Character}
Hope Kennedy Demento OST - Endless Zero ~Eljen Wien Mix~
Age: 21
Race: Human
Hope is very, very quiet. She usually hangs around her sister [Samantha Kennedy] when she is around and able. Hope seems generally shy around people. Most of her aspect is very mysterious.
Hair;; Very long, solid white, and mostly Straight.
Eyes;; White, with a black loop outlining the iris. Seemingly soulless, deep, and empty.
Extra;; Hope is always seen with a red teddy bear, in a sundress of some sort [usually white] and is always barefoot. She also always has a vacant kind of stare. Almost child-like.
Skin tone;; Fair skinned
Clothing;; White sundress. Nothing else.
Reference;; By me. [Best art of Hope may replace reference.]
Art Received;;
AkakiaDemonツminteaツThe wonderful and amazing Cactus!ツ Alice in Candylandツ
{o4;; Original Character}
Emily DeLeoncah Bubbly - Colbie Caillat. XX With lyrics
Age: N/A [Very Old]
Race: Vampire
Emily is usually very friendly, and always willing to meet new people and friends, though she hardly gets a chance, given what she is. She has been through a lot in her lifetime, and though she has all of the money in the world to do whatever she wanted to with, Emily prefers to stay in the same home that she has been in for centuries, and in her same hometown.
Hair;; Long and white, with a hot pink streak through the front.
Eyes;; Very pale blue
Extra;; Sometimes, when angry, frightened or overwhelmed, her eyes turn purple.
Skin Tone;; Very pale.
Clothing;; Anything fashionable and 'in style'. But she is sure not to be too obnoxious with her clothing. Subtle and stylish.
Reference;; By the Wonderful and Amazing Cactus! 8D
Art Received;;
Age: N/A [Very Old]
Race: Vampire
Emily is usually very friendly, and always willing to meet new people and friends, though she hardly gets a chance, given what she is. She has been through a lot in her lifetime, and though she has all of the money in the world to do whatever she wanted to with, Emily prefers to stay in the same home that she has been in for centuries, and in her same hometown.
Hair;; Long and white, with a hot pink streak through the front.
Eyes;; Very pale blue
Extra;; Sometimes, when angry, frightened or overwhelmed, her eyes turn purple.
Skin Tone;; Very pale.
Clothing;; Anything fashionable and 'in style'. But she is sure not to be too obnoxious with her clothing. Subtle and stylish.
Reference;; By the Wonderful and Amazing Cactus! 8D
Art Received;;
{o5;; Original Character}
Aurora Pecoda David Guetta feat. Akon - Sexy b***h.
Age: 23
Race: Human
Aurora is a Brazilian Mafia princess. She's very powerful, on her beauty alone, and she often times uses this to her advantage. She is very promiscuous and outspoken, and she has a habit of speaking in Portuguese. She's an amazing dancer, and one of her favorite hobbies is seducing both men and women.
Hair;; Very pale blonde. Somewhat curly, and usually tied up elegantly.
Eyes;; Red
Extra;; She always wears a different colored rope as a belt that leaves it tied on her right hip. A sign of a master in Capoiera. The rope's ends dangle at her knee. Capoiera Reference Video. She is very passionate about break dancing, or dancing in general and is very good at it [thanks to Capoeira.] A sample of the dancing she is capable of can be found in this amazing video! [[Be sure to comment and fave on that one. ;]]]
Skin Tone;; Very dark skin.
Clothing;; Anything revealing. Shorts, short skirts, corsets, tank tops, Vests. Anything sexy and revealing. Always wearing a heel of some kind.
Reference;; Base Reference By me.
Art Received;;
Stingie [From GaiaOnline.]ツ The wonderful and amazing Cactus!ツAkakiaDemonツOrdered from: Lady Silverine Paid for by: The wonderful and amazing Cactus!ツ
{o6;; Original Character}
Victoria Bianci Lady GaGa - Love Games XX With Lyrics.
Age: 18
Race: Human
Victoria is very outspoken and promiscuous. She's been known to dabble in a bit of drugs here and there, but nothing too serious. She's playful and affectionate.
Hair;; Curly, long, and brunette.
Eyes;; A subtle blue/green.
Extra;; Victoria has a tribal tattoo down the base of her spine. She's a smoker, so if you'd like, draw her with a cigarette.
Skin Tone;; Lightly tanned. Very lightly tanned.
References;; By Me
Clothing;; Usually, anything revealing. Low cut tops, shorts, NO SKIRTS, blue jeans that have been TERRIBLY torn and ripped but are tight. Sometimes she can be seen with a straight black hoodie. The hood will almost always be up. Anything sexy.
Art Received;;
IggyツSnake-bite-addictionツ The wonderful and amazing Cactus!ツ
Age: 18
Race: Human
Victoria is very outspoken and promiscuous. She's been known to dabble in a bit of drugs here and there, but nothing too serious. She's playful and affectionate.
Hair;; Curly, long, and brunette.
Eyes;; A subtle blue/green.
Extra;; Victoria has a tribal tattoo down the base of her spine. She's a smoker, so if you'd like, draw her with a cigarette.
Skin Tone;; Lightly tanned. Very lightly tanned.
References;; By Me
Clothing;; Usually, anything revealing. Low cut tops, shorts, NO SKIRTS, blue jeans that have been TERRIBLY torn and ripped but are tight. Sometimes she can be seen with a straight black hoodie. The hood will almost always be up. Anything sexy.
Art Received;;
IggyツSnake-bite-addictionツ The wonderful and amazing Cactus!ツ
{o7;; Original Character}
Glace Reine Lady GaGa - Beautiful, Dirty, Rich. XX With Lyrics
Age: 24
Race: Human
Glace is an overacheiver at best. She strives her hardest to become the best, and usually assumes that she is better than all those around her. She is rich and usually snide, rude, and snobby. She is the daughter of the richest man in town, but that is all her family is known for. She decided that she would change that, and she was driven by herself to be better. The best. Since she could train, which was around age six, she trained and conditioned her body to endure ridiculous damage, conditioned her body to be agile, trained in the art of Aikido and Crane kung fu. If urged to be so, Glace can be somewhat caring, but it certainly takes time.
Hair;; Long [about the small of her back], red, curly and parted mostly to the left.
Eyes;; Red, usually narrowed.
Extra;; Glace is usually always seen with a sneer and her arms crossed. Her legs were always crossed elegantly when she sits, and she always wears stylish vest suits. Pinstripe pants, a white tank top with a pinstripe vest and opened toes stiletto heels.
Skin tone;; Very Fair.
Clothing;; See Extra.
Reference;; Not my art. The closest reference found. The best art of Glace will replace this image as a Reference.
Art Received;;
Age: 24
Race: Human
Glace is an overacheiver at best. She strives her hardest to become the best, and usually assumes that she is better than all those around her. She is rich and usually snide, rude, and snobby. She is the daughter of the richest man in town, but that is all her family is known for. She decided that she would change that, and she was driven by herself to be better. The best. Since she could train, which was around age six, she trained and conditioned her body to endure ridiculous damage, conditioned her body to be agile, trained in the art of Aikido and Crane kung fu. If urged to be so, Glace can be somewhat caring, but it certainly takes time.
Hair;; Long [about the small of her back], red, curly and parted mostly to the left.
Eyes;; Red, usually narrowed.
Extra;; Glace is usually always seen with a sneer and her arms crossed. Her legs were always crossed elegantly when she sits, and she always wears stylish vest suits. Pinstripe pants, a white tank top with a pinstripe vest and opened toes stiletto heels.
Skin tone;; Very Fair.
Clothing;; See Extra.
Reference;; Not my art. The closest reference found. The best art of Glace will replace this image as a Reference.
Art Received;;
{o8;; Original Character}
Divina Serenidade
Age: 24
Race: Human
Divina is very soft spoken, calm and serene, although she isn’t often shy. She is the type of person to believe in the best in everyone, even those who showed no promise. After losing her mother in high school, she began to strive harder to become better. To become the woman that her mother had wanted her to become. She went to school with Glace and is one of the few people who had managed to befriend the Ice Princess. Glace protects her and she protects Glace to the best of her abilities. She is very exotic and beautiful, though often puts herself down in favor of Glace’s beauty.
Hair;; Very long [about to the middle of her calves], usually in a high ponytail and board straight. She usually has some kind of flower or butterfly accessory in her hair.
Eyes;; A deep amber color.
Extra;; She is Brazilian, so her wardrobe at times can often be unorthodox. She wears lots of halter tops and shorts. When she wears shorts, she always wears thigh high stockings that match the outfit. Think Christie Montiero in outfits.
Skin Tone;; Lightly dark skinned. If that makes sense. xD;
Clothing;; See Extra
Reference;; Closest Reference Found. This is not my art. This will be replaced with the best piece of art received for her.
Art Received;;
Age: 24
Race: Human
Divina is very soft spoken, calm and serene, although she isn’t often shy. She is the type of person to believe in the best in everyone, even those who showed no promise. After losing her mother in high school, she began to strive harder to become better. To become the woman that her mother had wanted her to become. She went to school with Glace and is one of the few people who had managed to befriend the Ice Princess. Glace protects her and she protects Glace to the best of her abilities. She is very exotic and beautiful, though often puts herself down in favor of Glace’s beauty.
Hair;; Very long [about to the middle of her calves], usually in a high ponytail and board straight. She usually has some kind of flower or butterfly accessory in her hair.
Eyes;; A deep amber color.
Extra;; She is Brazilian, so her wardrobe at times can often be unorthodox. She wears lots of halter tops and shorts. When she wears shorts, she always wears thigh high stockings that match the outfit. Think Christie Montiero in outfits.
Skin Tone;; Lightly dark skinned. If that makes sense. xD;
Clothing;; See Extra
Reference;; Closest Reference Found. This is not my art. This will be replaced with the best piece of art received for her.
Art Received;;
{o9;; Original Character}
Lola Hepheastus La Roux - In For The Kill [Skream Remix]{{Lyrics in Description}}
Age: [Human] 21 [Werewolf]N/A
Race: Human ;; Werewolf.
[Werewolf and Human are the same]
Lola can often be considered very manly. She is visually gorgeous, but she is always out for a fight of some sort and can take a hit like no one would believe. She prefers to hang out with men, as women are too dramatic she says. She’ll take a beer or a Jack and Coke over a Martini any day. Sometimes, her edgy attitude is often off-putting, but Lola is of the mind that those who matter don’t mind, and those who mind don’t matter. She loves looking for excuses to fight or confront people, and she is always very VERY protective of her friends.
Hair;; Shoulder length, and bleached blonde. Usually up in a ponytail, and a sliver of hair usually covers the right side of her face.
Eyes ;; Very bright green.
Extra;; Lola has a scar stretching from the right corner of her lip to her cheekbone in a half grin. [Something like Heath Ledger’s Jokers scar]. She has an X shaped scar over her left eye, and the eye itself is a cloudy color, as if she were blind in it. Her wardrobe can be described as something between Punk and grunge. Ruined jeans. Tight tee shirts.
Skin Tone;; A little tanned.
Clothing;; Baggy cargo pants [usually with a bit of boxer shorts peeking out] and tank tops that are decently tight. No shorts, no skirts. NOTHING GIRLY. [see also Extra]
References;; By Me
Art Received;;
Age: [Human] 21 [Werewolf]N/A
Race: Human ;; Werewolf.
[Werewolf and Human are the same]
Lola can often be considered very manly. She is visually gorgeous, but she is always out for a fight of some sort and can take a hit like no one would believe. She prefers to hang out with men, as women are too dramatic she says. She’ll take a beer or a Jack and Coke over a Martini any day. Sometimes, her edgy attitude is often off-putting, but Lola is of the mind that those who matter don’t mind, and those who mind don’t matter. She loves looking for excuses to fight or confront people, and she is always very VERY protective of her friends.
Hair;; Shoulder length, and bleached blonde. Usually up in a ponytail, and a sliver of hair usually covers the right side of her face.
Eyes ;; Very bright green.
Extra;; Lola has a scar stretching from the right corner of her lip to her cheekbone in a half grin. [Something like Heath Ledger’s Jokers scar]. She has an X shaped scar over her left eye, and the eye itself is a cloudy color, as if she were blind in it. Her wardrobe can be described as something between Punk and grunge. Ruined jeans. Tight tee shirts.
Skin Tone;; A little tanned.
Clothing;; Baggy cargo pants [usually with a bit of boxer shorts peeking out] and tank tops that are decently tight. No shorts, no skirts. NOTHING GIRLY. [see also Extra]
References;; By Me
Art Received;;
{1o;; Original Character}
Radia Snaff Emilie Autumn - Opheliac {Lyrics Included}
Age: N/A
Race: Vampire
Radia is very off of the wall, very old, and very powerful. She has often been referred to as a Malkavian because of her ability to contort reality around her. Despite her power, Radia is playful and crazy. Literally. Another reason she is referred to as Malkavian because of her 'mental instability', known more simply as 'Malkavian Madness'. Radia is very cunning and clever, despite the possible Dementia, as well as cruel and potentially violent.
Hair;; Usually Candy apple red in various crazy styles.
Eyes;; A sparkling green.
Extra;; She is a little demented, this should be displayed. She plays the violin, this can be displayed in favor of Dementia. The heart tattoos below her eyes are a must. My inspiration for her WAS Emilie Autumn with a few more undertones. Her hair and eye color is not are in stone, as she is VERY erratic. Go crazy. owo As long as the hair is long. The 2nd close up is more for makeup. xD;
Skin Tone;; Very pale.
Clothing;; Anything out of the ordinary, anything sexy. NOTHING NORMAL AND BASIC. Think Sexy lolita.
References;; Close up. XX Second Reference. XX Ref 2 XX Close up 2
Art Received;;
Age: N/A
Race: Vampire
Radia is very off of the wall, very old, and very powerful. She has often been referred to as a Malkavian because of her ability to contort reality around her. Despite her power, Radia is playful and crazy. Literally. Another reason she is referred to as Malkavian because of her 'mental instability', known more simply as 'Malkavian Madness'. Radia is very cunning and clever, despite the possible Dementia, as well as cruel and potentially violent.
Hair;; Usually Candy apple red in various crazy styles.
Eyes;; A sparkling green.
Extra;; She is a little demented, this should be displayed. She plays the violin, this can be displayed in favor of Dementia. The heart tattoos below her eyes are a must. My inspiration for her WAS Emilie Autumn with a few more undertones. Her hair and eye color is not are in stone, as she is VERY erratic. Go crazy. owo As long as the hair is long. The 2nd close up is more for makeup. xD;
Skin Tone;; Very pale.
Clothing;; Anything out of the ordinary, anything sexy. NOTHING NORMAL AND BASIC. Think Sexy lolita.
References;; Close up. XX Second Reference. XX Ref 2 XX Close up 2
Art Received;;
{11;; Original Character}
Molov [No last name]Sick Puppies - War [With Lyrics]
Age: N/A
Race: Vampire ;; Kruxena [[Tweaked. A race of Vampires.]]
Molov is a warrior by any other standards. She is cold and callous, not speaking to anyone unless they are of the Kruxena race. She worked hard for her name in the race, having worked her way up to the top from absolutely nothing. She, like most other Kruxena, is thrown into a fit of rage at the sight of a Crustanik. The Kruxena and Crustanik are MORTAL enemies. [PM me if you would like to know more information on this and roleplay as these two races.
Hair;; White, straight and to the small of her back.
Eyes;; A bright, ocean blue.
Extra;; There is a story behind the reference picture. It is actually nothing like the character herself. She wears a long cloak That doesn't seem to have sleeves and comes over her face to mostly hide it from view unless you're up close. Beneath the cloak she wears this or this armor, down to a tee. This includes the gauntlet, as it is her weapon.
Skin Tone;; Gray.
Clothing;; See extra.
Reference;; By Me. There is a Story behind this. xD;
Art Received;;
Age: N/A
Race: Vampire ;; Kruxena [[Tweaked. A race of Vampires.]]
Molov is a warrior by any other standards. She is cold and callous, not speaking to anyone unless they are of the Kruxena race. She worked hard for her name in the race, having worked her way up to the top from absolutely nothing. She, like most other Kruxena, is thrown into a fit of rage at the sight of a Crustanik. The Kruxena and Crustanik are MORTAL enemies. [PM me if you would like to know more information on this and roleplay as these two races.
Hair;; White, straight and to the small of her back.
Eyes;; A bright, ocean blue.
Extra;; There is a story behind the reference picture. It is actually nothing like the character herself. She wears a long cloak That doesn't seem to have sleeves and comes over her face to mostly hide it from view unless you're up close. Beneath the cloak she wears this or this armor, down to a tee. This includes the gauntlet, as it is her weapon.
Skin Tone;; Gray.
Clothing;; See extra.
Reference;; By Me. There is a Story behind this. xD;
Art Received;;
{11;; Original Character}
Solei [No Last Name]
Race: Crustanik ;; [A type of Demon. Ask about the storyline.]
The Crustanik, much unlike the Kruxena, are a peaceful race. They are strong, very strong, and very fast and adept in the art of bone manipulation, but will not fight unless forced to or a Kruxena is in sight. Solei is usually calm and collected, even in battle.
Hair;; Blonde and short cut. Often kind of messy.
Eyes;; Where the eyes are usually white, they are black and the iris is golden or Amber.
Extra;; She has the two ram like horns on either side of her head. She is dressed always exactly like she is in the reference. Five scars on her right side from the gauntlet of a Kruxena.
Skin Tone;; Olive colored skin.
Clothing;; See extra and reference.
Reference;; By Me
Art Received;;
minteaツkelptomaniacツ Virus
Race: Crustanik ;; [A type of Demon. Ask about the storyline.]
The Crustanik, much unlike the Kruxena, are a peaceful race. They are strong, very strong, and very fast and adept in the art of bone manipulation, but will not fight unless forced to or a Kruxena is in sight. Solei is usually calm and collected, even in battle.
Hair;; Blonde and short cut. Often kind of messy.
Eyes;; Where the eyes are usually white, they are black and the iris is golden or Amber.
Extra;; She has the two ram like horns on either side of her head. She is dressed always exactly like she is in the reference. Five scars on her right side from the gauntlet of a Kruxena.
Skin Tone;; Olive colored skin.
Clothing;; See extra and reference.
Reference;; By Me
Art Received;;
minteaツkelptomaniacツ Virus