Story Time!
So... first post... never know what to put on here. Okay, well.... I'll tell you a story. There was this girl. She had many, many friends. And she loved all her friends very much. Especially 6 in particular. But she knew none of them did not love her back. So she did not do anything about it. Then one day one of them died. And she was very sad. Another one soon afterwards said his goodbyes and she never saw him again. One day, she found out that one of her friends that she was especially fond of loved her too, and they kissed. But then he kissed someone else and she was sad once more. Another one left her in the dust and laughed while he did it and now they are no longer friends. She was sad about this also. One more moved away, but they still talk occasionally. And so she was left with the final one. But then they fell off a cliff and imploded their head while soaring out into space after being ejected by a flying raccoon, so she was once more sad. But she still had all her other not-so-close friends so she was content. But never really the same. Then one day she met someone. And they didn't become friends. But she was fine with that. Because they became closer than what friends can become. And then, finally, she was happy. The End. (Man, I wish that would happen to me... rolleyes )