This was a reply to a topic asking if you prefer wether Gino or his fater. Here's what I said.
Now I remember that time when Jhonny K gambino gave us all a sealed envelope with a signed picture of himself and Gino, ok, this one

At those times, Gino was so shy, so quiet so sad.
But what if you suffered half of the things that happened to gino?? when, at the olimpics he was almost forced to win da race? icon_rolleyes.gif Poor him.. lost, then found, then winning and finally.. whatever... His father excepted a lot from him. And he couldn't do it.. then kidnapped, then, lost conscience...
and now you complain because he has a weird pompous personality.. he's just confused, knows all what his father was, because the ppl that has been taing care of him at this time told him and so, but he really doesn't have a clue of how was he or how his life used to be, because nobody really knows, never what happens inside every family.
Add to this the fact of him, reappearing as a sweetie. And the first person he meets it's Sasha, wich whom he suddenly falls in love.. let's call it the hanging bridge effect, when you fall in love with the person that saved you-was with you in any scary, critical or whathever is hard to afford situations....
Oh what a compound of theories that will pass as if they never existed in the forum...
I voted for Gino.
But i liked Jhonny too.
I'm a Gambino Supporter--- I want a G Pin. Thanks.
Rancita Snape · Mon Feb 20, 2006 @ 01:23am · 0 Comments |