Dark_One's write-things-you-remember-so-you-don't-forget-them-blog-thingy |
lets see. im 18, live in norway and play basketball along with an interest in anime and manga. i draw, write, read, listen to music, paint and play warhammer/warhammer 40K and go to school.
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Posted: Sun Feb 06, 2005 @ 08:41pm
Posted: Tue Jan 25, 2005 @ 10:13pm
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Posted: Sat Dec 25, 2004 @ 07:28am
first time writing anything for a long time
i mainly blame lazyness mixed with busyness and with a large hunk of Gaia fishing in there somewhere. okey since last time i've been christmas shoping, gave gifts to some people, to broke to give gifts to other people, got gifts from some people and met one terribly cute girl heart 3nodding . also an ex friend of mine seems to be trying to hound me online, for him i have to say that it's very creative for him to waste his time in such a way rolleyes , espeically all the mules it seems he's created because i blocked his main gaian account 3nodding . okey you might want to hear the whole story so i'll get right into it. but before that, a little mule reminded me of the halloween party i'd been to so i'l pretty much start of with that. first of all me and Maia were going togethere since Maia hadn't been to Thomas's place, and since that's where the party was going to happen she needed a guide and since i know Maia best out of all my friends with the exception of her boyfriend Damien, who wasn't coming to the party, i said i'd show her the way. anyways we missed the train so we had to wait an extra half hour for the next one, while we were doing that Maia started singing, basically because we were bored and we might as well have something to do. a girl who satt waiting for a train said she had a good singing voice which Maia thought was great fun. anyways, when we finally got there we saw what people were dressed up as, Thomas and Heidi were a sort of Vampire lord and vampire lover/dark bride get up, Thomas had done a good job on his costume, even creating a sort of armour for himself along with a cloak 3nodding . then there was Are who was dressed as a Zombie, with makeup and a torn T-shirt, the only other couple there, Elisabet and Scetch were a pair of devils. then there was Petri who had dressed up as a goblin, i haven't seen him for a long time so it was great 3nodding . then there was Espen who'd dressed up as a warlock/wizard, looked really cool when we didn't drag the hood off of him or he pulled it down himself xd . then there was some guys from Thomas and Christans class that i didn't know too well, one was dressed as a comando soldier or anti terror soldier and the other i think was dressed up as some sort of pimp thing, then again i could be wrong on that last one sweatdrop . then there was the self proclaimed best costume. Christian. who'd basically just painted his skin green with makeup and wore a pair of boxers, most people actually thought that Benedicte had the best costume as she looked really cute as a witch 3nodding . then there was Maia who was a fallen angel, the original plan had been to be a fallen vampire angel, but she couldn't get the teeth to stick properly so she decided to drop that. then unless i've forgoten someone there was me, i was Vincent Volaju, i thought it was pretty good, most people who's seen the show agreed though Christian kept claiming i hadn't done a thing and it was a bad costume because i hadn't done much work on it rolleyes . then after dinner we ended up watching some old horror movie, can't remember the name though i know it was the prequel to Army of Darkness. anyway most of the party were laughing at the movie instead of screaming in horror. Christian, from a corner fartherst away from the tv claimed that the ones that are laughing the loudest during a horror film are most often the ones that are most afraid. Maia said something about the fact that ,unlike the rest of us, he was sitting as far away as possible with poor eyesight, basically not seing the movie at all. i think he shut up after that, i can't remember too well. and after the film there was Cake, a chocolate coffin with a vampire in it and besides that a pumpkin pie. then after that there were photo's taken, while we were taking my photo Thomas managed to sit on a cactus, the comical thing about it was not that he sat down on a spikey plant but the way he said it and his expresion. i can't really explain it but i thought it was bloody funny xd . then after that there was some talking and then we all went home. i catched a ride with Maia's parents who picked her up. all in all quite a fun night 3nodding i'm going to add the rest of what's been hapening in here somewhere but im lazy and i got tired of all the typing so it won't happen today sweatdrop
Posted: Fri Nov 12, 2004 @ 10:18pm
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Posted: Sat Oct 09, 2004 @ 09:00pm
Posted: Sat Oct 02, 2004 @ 10:17pm
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Posted: Sat Oct 02, 2004 @ 06:35pm
Posted: Mon Sep 27, 2004 @ 10:29pm
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Posted: Sat Sep 25, 2004 @ 09:26pm