Pokémon: Crobat - Ezmeralda
Level: 45
Struggle Attack: leach life
Standard Attacks: poison fang, acrobatics, cross poison, wing attack
Power Attack: giga impact
Support Abilities: protect, attract
Pokémon: Scrooge - Drapion
Level: 30
Struggle Attack: bite
Standard Attacks: Veno shock, poison fang, pursuit, sludge bomb
Power Attack: hyper beam
Support Abilities: flash, leer
Pokémon: Nidoking - Blazer
(missing his right arm)
Level: 45
Struggle Attack: Peck
Standard Attacks: Double Kick, Poison Sting, Earth Power, Poison Jab
Power Attack: Mega Horn
Support Abilities:
Name (& pronunciation): Zack Prolanger (pr-all-enge-er)
Date of Birth (& age): 8/15 (26)
Place of Birth: Haruba Village
Gender: Male
Social Class/Community Status: trainer/thief/team rocket member
Language: english
Family/Friends/Pets/Etc: Sarabi (mother), Akota (brother), and Foster (father)
Height: 5'8"
Weight: 120lbs
Hair: black - dyed green
Eyes: brown
Detailed Physical Description:
Typical Clothing/Equipment: black team rocket uniform, pokebelt, hat OR a black/white striped long sleeved shirt, black jacket, black skinny jeans, black belted boots
Personality/Attitude: 'get out of my way'
Skills/Talents: Heavy hitter, fast runner (not like the ninjas or people from fourtree but fast for an average pserson)
Favourites/Likes: poison type pokemon
Most Hated/Dislikes: rock and ice types
Goals/Ambitions: make money, feed the family
Strengths: dexterity
Weaknesses: cant stand cold places
Fears: beartic
Hobbies/Interests: painting
Regular Routine:
Philosophy of Life:
Attitude Toward Death: its coming to me
Fetishes/Strange Behaviors:
Most Instructive/Painful/Memorable Experience: dad coming home beaten and bruised from being mugged
Sexual Preference/Experience/Values: bisexual
Education/Special Training: 4th grade
Place/Type of Residence: small town house
Occupation: team rocket member
Place of Work: team rocket / the world
Work-related Skills: thievery, haggling, swindling
Past Occupations: peddler
Extra notes; hes not really all that bad, just needs the money
received art;
by Shiro Otemba
by Shiro Otemba
by Shiro Otemba
by shiu_sana_moon