Seth and Shard the Bladed Falcon of Air the Bond of Freedom
It was a cold wet day in GrandHeyven Fortress were the sky’s where always raining as if the sky it self was crying over the heavily guarded Fortress in all of the land its was because the Queen she her self ruled with iron fist anything she wanted she toke and that also mean's she was able to take anyone away from their home's to join the knight’s of GrandHeyven man, women ,children, and even poor ppl on the street their was one time she took a child to be said to be bonded to a powerful Yamaymeckin in the future from a profit she took that lil boy form his home killed both he's mom and father making him a orphan as well as her own as she gave him the lowest ranking knight in the hole kingdom never to know freedom he was only allowed to be out of the walls during he's swordsmanship training with a lil Girl the same age as the lil boy she was better with a sword then he was and always defeated him in the practices Rounds its been 16 years since then so now are story begins
Seth Looked out the window at the shy with he's black eye's wondering what was on the other side of these wall's and why he was not able to even go out side of them why did he feel like a pension in this huge Fortress and why was the boy never aloud to just have fun it always was to train train train he let out a big sigh of sadness as he walked to the door and looked out the window one more time as he looked at the armor and he's sword on he's bed he was a bit shorter then most of the boy's in GrandHeyven but that was what made him the fastest out of them and even the grown up knights he had Brown hair that was long in the back with a ponytail that reached he's back and had to long piece’s of hair on the side's of he's face he's face was clean and clear and pure he's body was really build for a knight with a 6 pack. he wear really custom light armor that was super strong it covered ever part of he's body the color was like all the other knight dark red and sliver lines going over the chest plate he was 15 year old and today was he's 16 bday no one really cared but Karen she told him to meet her in her room in then west part of the Fortress she wanted to give him something that she new that might work for him in a fight Karen was 16 a year older then Seth and was a higher rank then him She had Short Red hair that reached her shoulders a slim body and pretty green eyes that made any man fall in love with her she was a bit taller then Seth but she thought that was cute she had on armor that covered most of her body but her chest wear she said it's a great way to districted ur enemy if its a male she would always laugh about that but it was true he should it keep her waiting.
*Seth when out he's door after putting all he's armor on and putting he's sword onto he's back he raced down the hole way as the knight all watched him ran pasted them with blinding speed they could it even see him it was like a blur to them that just shaked their head's like it was nothing but the wind as he got to Karen's door he looked at it and blushed a bit as he knocked on the door 3 time like Karen told him to do*
*Karen came to the door looking jaw dropping as always she smiled and grabbed him taking him throw the door and shutting the door as she locked it and smirked at him as he's face was bright red not knowing what the heck's going on as she got close to him as said to him*
: "Happy birthday my lil Seth close ur eye's and don’t open them tell I tell u too hold ur hand out k hun"
*Seth Blushed a lot and closed he's eye's holding his hand's out as she went into the other room and got he's birthday gift and put it into he's hands and whispered into he's ear open ur eye's*
*Seth opened his eye's to see that she gave him a sword but this one was Sky blue and the same as his long sword that he had but was a long sword then he's short sword that he had he throws away he's short sword and kept the long sword Karen gave him he smiled and said*
" t-thank u s-so m-much Karen I love my gift I should be able to do some good fast attack's with this then my short sword but why not just give it too me in my room why did u pick ur room?"
*Karen leaned in and gave him a soft kiss on he's lip's as she back away from him and smiled as she headed for the door and open it and stepped half way out and said*
" i wanted to give that to u and make sure no one else get's to see ur first kiss and mine it's something no one can take away from us.. Come up to the roof for training i wanted to try something new with u to day"
*she walked out of the room and headed for the roof where the training room is*
*Seth was blushing big time after that kiss he was in lala land as he just remembered that she told him to get to the training room so she can try some new stuff with him he wonder what it would be as he took he's new sword and headed out the door with it as he ran up the stair's and passes the hallways and then up some more stairs he reached the roof and saw Karen their waiting for him with her sword out and drawed out and yelled at him*
" let's see how well u know how to use ur new sword and see if u can beat me this time around my lil Seth she said sweetly with a smirk on her face as she charged him already he looked at her with shock as he took out he's new sword as fast as he can and blocked her sword just in time as he was sweating from how close that was she smiled as she saw that he's speed got faster with the new sword she gave him he pushed her back as she stepped back a bit with the sword pointing at him she bended down showing her breast as he blushed she found the opening that she need and raced him knocking him down and pining him down and putting the sword to he's neck and said to him*
“don’t ever let ur guard down don’t be distracted by anything this is a fight I could kill u if I wanted to if I was a enemy u would have been killed... make sure u pay close eye on ur enemy's sword not the body she got up off him and put her sword away and helped him up as she walked away and smiled and said to him before she left*
*that swords a good fit for u ur speed has gotten even more then i could have though good night my lil Seth."
*She walked away as she did the Queen called for him as a knight came to bring him their in front of her he went all the away to the queen's room not to far from the roof like a walk down a hallway or 2 as he opened the door and hated to keel in front of her he did it cuz he had no choice but to or he would be hit over and over aighn the Queen said to him*
"Seth today's ur bday and yet I see their is no power from u yet how long dose it have to take! I have fed u and put a roof over ur head where is this all powerful yamameckin that is going to be I with u so we can start taking over more land for my kingdom answer me!"
*Seth looked up at her and had always told the queen he had no idea what she's talking about he never hear anything of a yam what ever she said as he told her*
"Like every bday I am telling u I have no idea what u are talking about my queen... what do u want me to do u keep me in this place and i cant even go outside these walls maybe if u let me out I would be able to get this whatever ur looking for!"
* the Queen got so pissed at the way she was being yelled at she sent for the top class knight to take him away to the cell's after the beating like always after a few days went by he was in the cell still beat up and had dirty drinking water and rat's all over the place with he's one slice of bread he looked up at the stone wall as reached he's hand and thought to him self will I ever be free... just then a gust of wind blow in to the cell as it make it's own lil whirlwind by he's feet and took a shape of a falcon with metal wing's covered in sky blue armor and had a long sky blue scarf around it's neck covering it's mouth and put it's wing out to him and said*
"Seth i have been watching u lately and it had sadness me to see u caged up in this crap hole of a place this is not how u should live u should be free what keep u hear that lady throw's u into this hell hole every year and some time’s dose it even let u out of her I know u like that girl but she want u to be free to she even told me so she prays to the sky every day and begs me to free u and to give u ur freedom back u don’t need to suffer anymore my boy u can merger with me ill give u everything u need to be free.. free Seth something u dreamed about or year's Just take my hand and merger with me u want to be with ur friend’s Rocky Zero Endy ur all part of something big so big that that Queen will be over ruled by the ppl but they need u to stand up and say ur going down and I am going up so far up into the sky u would be able to touch me.. Seth all u have to do is say Shard Sprit merge and take my hand see what freedom look's like and see what happen to ur mother and father they were killed she took their freedom away if u merge with me u will have control of the wind and even have wing's to fly to freedom u "
*Seth looked at the Yamameckin and thought Freedom... can’t really have my dad. I well be free for u he then looked up at him and nodded he's head let's do this! Shard!!! SPIRT MERGE!!! as he reached for he's wing a huge bright Sky blue like hit throw the cell and busted it open as he's soul left his body and merged with Shard he's body changed as well he's hair changed to Sky blue and still long like it was but with a wavy look like the wind as a scarf went around he's neck he's eye's changed to Sky blue Falcon eye's as well as he's hole armor and then had the same armor that Shard was wearing he's back was in pain as it busted out huge sky blue metal wing's as he's sword became 4 their were 2 at his side and 2 on he back on the side's the wind blew so strong that the hole Fortress is like a huge whirlwind he's soul goes into the new body with Shard as he's feet touched to ground he opened he's eye's he felt he's freedom back into he's heart tear's of joy rolled down he's face as he ran with god like speed he was even faster now like the wind no one saw him as he reached the roof and looked at the sky with he's hand up and then looked at the side to see Karen with a hole bunch of knights waiting to take him down Karen looked at him with a sad face knowing she had to take her best friend but secret love she had to as tears started to come out of her eye's as she was what he became what she want came true he became free she turned around and stabs one of the guard and start's to fight them all off she turn around and said with tears in her eyes*
“Fly!!! Fly away lil Seth!! Fly away my lil Seth!!! ill keep them from getting u be free!!!
*Seth looked at her shaking he's head as he tried to go help her*
*He throws one of the knight’s helmet’s at him and said*
"go get out of here u think I like u please I only used u for my own game I never loved u were nothing more then a play thing u lil puke get out of here I am down with u bore me!!
*Seth was heart broken by what she said as he had tear's going down he's cheek's he's wings speared out as he ran off to the roof's edge he jumped off as he flew down then straight up into the sky with tear's flying down from he's eye's but he was free yes he was free... as he wiped he's face he flow off in the sunset*
*Karen was out number as her eyes could not stop crying as she set her sword on the ground and feel to her knees and said as she was taken prison *
*Seth... I love u I love u so much so much that I set u free... Even if it meant breaking ur heart.. I love u and no one will ever take that kiss away from us.."
3 year's pasted as Seth was now 19 he was able to understand why she did that for him he's heart was still shattered but she did it cuz she loved him and he loved her he had full control over Shard's power's and still Feel him inside of him he was Fully grown and looked the same but grow up a bit still a bit short but that was good for him he had a glow to him now he looked up at the sky and smiled a lil bit as he said*
"u set me free and I thank u so much for that u care about me and i cry about that.. u loved me... and i will always love u and i well cherish that.. My love... Karen...”
*he flew off into the rising sunset as he disappeared not to be see around GrandHeyven tell jugementday as a feather’s fell from he's wing's one found it's way to Karen’s cell as she looked at it and smile as she looked up with a single tear falling down her face*
End of Seth's Starter

(this is what he would look like but with sky blue in most armor and hair skyblue)
(By story Rocky)