The old Japanese story tells of a beautiful woman who was so self-absorbed with her own face, and her husband grew tired of hearing of her beauty. He accused her of having an affair with another man, and cut the corners of her mouth to from ear to ear with his sword. With her hideous face, the woman became a spirit.
It is late at night, and you are going home down a dark street after a long day at work. You can hardly see a thing, when a woman with a mask covering the bottom half of her face appears from the shadows. She approaches you, and asks "Am I beautiful?"
Having a surgical mask on is not weird in Japan or Korea, as it is used to protect oneself from viruses in crowded areas. To be polite, you respond "yes", and try to make your way around her.
She grabs your arm and doesn't let go. She removes her mask and asks, "Am I beautiful now?"
To your horror, her face is terribly deformed. Her smile reveals two rows of sharp teeth, a huge, rolling tongue, and a slitted mouth that goes from ear to ear.
You have three choices here - answer "yes", answer "no", or run away. If you run away, she'll catch you, definitely, and she'll cut you in half with her giant scissors that are in her other hand. If you say "no", she'll get angry and cut your head off. If you say "yes", she smiles and you please her. She gets her scissors, and when you think that she's about to leave, she says, "Then I'll make you just like me." and she slits your mouth in a grin from ear to ear. The only escape is to say, "You look normal." She won't know how to respond to that - she wants to be pretty, but she doesn't want to be ugly either.
There are reports of Kuchisake-Onna in Japan and South Korea. A slit-mouthed woman with a mask on attacked children in Japan in the 1970s. Although this is just a rumor, there are record of a woman chasing a child and dying after being hit by a car. She had a slit mouth, supposedly from another car crash or a plastic surgery that went wrong.
In South Korea, Kuchisake-Onna is known as "Bbal-gan Masuku", which means "Red Mask". The Korean version says that she can enter homes as well and there are also different "Masks" - yellow, blue, and green. Red's mouth is not from ear to ear, but Yellow's is. Blue is either a woman or a man, and his ears are nicked. Green is supposedly only a little bit slitted at the mouth, but he protects people from the other Masks. This is just a fanatical version that branched off of the original Bbal-Gan Masuku story, but the Red Mask was supposedly sighted in 2004, attacking children.
You must trust me, I have one piece of advice and you must follow it without question: you must stop reading this and go straight to the last paragraph. Do so without reading any other paragraphs and do it now. me.
What happens next is entirely your fault. You failed the test and now you're in danger. I didn't write this. They made me write it. It's my fingers on the keyboard, that's all, and your eyes on these words. Whatever happens, do not look away from these words. Keep reading until I tell you otherwise. And when I tell you otherwise, do exactly as I say. For if you do not read this exactly how I tell you to, you will die. Listen carefully. First, you must skip the paragraph that follows this one. Whatever you do, you must never read the paragraph following this one. You must ignore it completely, casting your eyes down to the paragraph that follows it. Promise me, for the sake of those you hold dear. This is your only chance to redeem yourself for not trusting me earlier. Skip the paragraph following this one, and do so now.
The Forbidden Paragraph: You had to do it, didn't you? They knew you would. Nothing you do now will make any difference. If there are people you love, call them. Tell them whatever people tell their loved ones when they know they're about to die. Settle any scores. Make your final arrangements. From this moment on, you will stay alive only as long as you can stay awake. The next time you fall asleep will be your last. They're watching you. They're listening to your thoughts. They'll wait for you. And when you fall asleep, they'll come for you. You should have trusted me.
If you skipped the paragraph above, you've done well. But your troubles are not over. For placing your trust in me at the second asking, you have given yourself a chance to live. This is what you need to know. They're watching you. They're listening to your thoughts. They're waiting for you to make a mistake. When you do, they'll come for you. To stay alive, you must draw blood from someone you love. A drop, that's all, and place it on your tongue. That's what they want. That's what they need. They're inside you right now. And they're waiting. If between waking up and falling asleep you fail to deliver the blood of a loved one, you will never wake up again. Follow this advice. And never, never go back and read the forbidden paragraph. Trust me.
If you followed my advice in the first paragraph, well done. You can stop reading now. But never, never be tempted to come back and read the paragraphs you skipped. You must trust me. And please wish me luck. I'm tired. So tired, you just can't imagine...
If you can, try and find Queen Elizabeth Elementary School, a place notable for its spacious schoolyard and aged brick building. Go to this school's playground on a Sunday evening, any time between 6:25 PM and 6:45 PM, and optionally, you can only bring one object with you. It can be a bike, your means of getting there perhaps, or a camera, but nothing that could distract you from your surroundings. You will fail to get far if you're not focused on the schoolyard.
Go to the swing set and pick the last swing on the right, and swing. Optionally, you could simply sit on it, but the process could take much longer. If everything is going correctly, you should see a child's form walking the perimeter of the grounds, waving a black bat. Do not stare for too long, or he will notice and run out of the yard. At that point, you have an unknown amount of time to get as far away as you can from the school before he comes back.
Continue swinging long enough, and you'll hear him call out to you, heading towards you slowly from behind. Only look back at him once or twice at first, but as he gets closer, he will ask your name. Under no circumstances should you ever reveal your name to him, as he'll as you more and more questions that you'll be forced to answer. He'll remember everything you tell him, and while he is not able to hurt you with this, but he likes to tell his “friends” everything about the people he meets. Instead, just tell him politely that your name "isn't important."
He'll at first ask you from afar if you've ever played baseball. Then, the boy will stop beside the swing set. You'll notice he is approximately seven, with a blonde buzzcut, an oversized camouflage print hoodie, and he's chewing on some sort of stick. You will not have enough time to identify what it is, but it had been described as a coffee stir stick or even a long nail. This is when he'll ask you if you want to play baseball.
This is the last chance you'll have to leave. If you must, tell him that you aren't good at baseball, or maybe that you need to go home for dinner. The boy will try to persuade you to stay, and maybe even offer to teach you to play. But turn him down politely, and promise him that other children usually come to the grounds around that time. Leave and head straight to your destination.
If you do choose to play baseball with him, he will not seem excited at first, but lead you straight to the baseball diamond on the other end of the yard. He may not say much, but mention that he's been looking for people to play with him for a while. His game of baseball, as it will turn out, involves you throwing a ball to him, and he'll hit it with his bat and then run around the diamond. You'll repeat this over and over again, and it isn't known how long it could take until the boy will be contented. It could be anywhere from ten minutes to three hours.
If at any time you try to leave the game prematurely, he will try and persuade you to stay. You’ll notice a different look in his eyes, and looking directly into them will give you a burning feeling in your skull. Giving him an excuse or even staying will have no effect, and at this point, the best thing you could do for yourself is to onto the adjacent street and throw yourself in front of a car, lest you experience what the boy will do to you.
But play baseball with the boy all the way to the end, and he'll come up to you, overjoyed. He'll thank you for your time and give you the baseball. From there he'll take his bat and go home, and you are free to leave too, but exit in the opposite direction and do not turn around at all until you have left the grounds.
When you reach a safe place indoors, you will now be able to study the ball. There's nothing about it that appears odd; it's simply a battered old baseball. You can either display it, or even play with it, but try stripping a small piece of the ball off and carrying it around in your pocket. You may experience headaches at first, but you'll notice a change in yourself afterwards. You'll be able to predict any accidents around you, know who's sneaking up behind you, and expect nearly anything out of the ordinary. Carry the piece around with you enough, and the power of it will absorb into you to the point where you won't need it anymore. Your friends will declare you a psychic, but sometimes the weight of the power will give you bodily aches.
Most likely, you'll never meet that little boy again. But it you're one of unlucky ones, and you see him in any form, turn right around and run as fast and as far as you can.
Because he wants his baseball back.
Did you ever see one of those videos where you are asked to look for, or follow, a specific thing through out the video? Then, at the end, they reveal that as you were watching, something large and intrusive moved around in plain sight and you never even noticed it. It’s frightening how often that happens, like how I just moved from the doorway into your room as you read this.
A baby girl is mysteriously dropped off at an orphanage in Cleveland in 1945. "Jane" grows up lonely and dejected, not knowing who her parents are, until one day in 1963 she is strangely attracted to a drifter. She falls in love with him, but just when things are looking up for Jane a series of disasters strikes: First, she becomes pregnant by the drifter, who then disappears. Second, during the complicated delivery doctors discover that Jane has both sets of sex organs, and to save her life, they most surgically convert "her" to a "him." Finally, a mysterious stranger kidnaps her baby from the delivery room.
Reeling from these disasters, rejected from society, scorned by fate, "he" becomes a drunkard and a drifter. Not only has Jane lost her parents and her lover, but he has lost his only child as well. Years later, in 1970, he stumbles into a lonely bar, called Pop's Place, and spills out his pathetic story to an elderly bartender. The sympathetic bartender offers the drifter the chance to avenge the stranger who left her pregnant and abandoned, on the condition that he join the "time traveller corps." Both of them enter a time machine and the bartender drops the drifter off in 1963. The drifter is strangely attracted to a young orphan girl, who subsequently becomes pregnant.
The bartender then goes forward 9 months, kidnaps the baby girl from the hospital, and drops the baby off in an orphanage back in 1945. Then the bartender drops off the thoroughly confused drifter in 1985, to enlist in the time traveller corps. The drifter eventually gets his life together and becomes respected and elderly member of the time traveller corps, and then disguises himself as a bartender and has his most difficult mission: a date with destiny, meeting a certain drifter at Pop's Place in 1970.
On top of a hill
inside a cave
lay the grave
of Poor ol’ Dave
poor ol’ Dave had wooden feet
porcelain hands and ivory teeth
he was never alive like you or me
his eyes are dead as coal, you see?
but that never stopped that poor ol’ Dave
from crawling up from his rotten grave
into the town at night he’d sneak
under those windowsills he’d creep
Clickity-clack Tippity-tap
those children knew ol’ Dave was there
and wet themselves in feared despair
never a word or look they’d peep
nor until day of light they’d sleep
most were lucky, others would cry
as they looked upon his eyes
he’d grin so wide and disappear
the child would cry aloud in fear
but no my child.. its much too late
those tiny hands would touch your face..
Clickity-clack Tippity-tap
It started on August 20th, 1990. Police were raiding a small warehouse in NY City under the suspicion of drug-trafficking centered upon that building. No evidence was found in the warehouse except for a floppy disk labeled "WE CANNOT STOP IT." Officer Charles F. was assigned with the task of reviewing the contents of the floppy disk. Four days later, he and the floppy disk disappeared. Charles was never seen again. The investigation was closed due to there being no more sufficient evidence after the loss of the floppy disk.
On February 28th, 1994, Harriet G. of Alabama receives a letter with no return address or stamp. It contains another floppy disk, this one labeled "HISTORY REPEATS ITSELF," and a loose-leaf sheet of paper with "YOU KNOW THE RULES" written on it. Harriet inserts the floppy disk onto her computer the same day. Reports from her friends and family indicate that she acted very paranoid and irritable and repeatedly murmured about something called "The Shift" until March 12, 1994 when she hanged herself. Both the lost "WE CANNOT STOP IT" and "HISTORY REPEATS ITSELF" disks were found on her corpse. Police confiscated both, and several days later they were stolen. No culprit for the theft was ever found.
From February 4, 1998 to February 8, 1998, Lawrence G. of Illinois receives numerous phone calls from several numbers with unregistered area codes asking to meet "us" at [location omitted]. Lawrence finally complies, but finds no one else there, only a small black briefcase with the number "4444" printed on it. When he returns home he finds the briefcase contains a note saying, "THE SHIFT IS COMING DOWN" and yet another floppy disk labeled "SHIFT 4." Lawrence went into a coma four days after uploading the disk to his computer and was pronounced dead as of July 4th, 2002. The "SHIFT 4" disk has since disappeared, but "WE CANNOT STOP IT" and "HISTORY REPEATS ITSELF" are rumored to still be around. In spite of this, no one has ever claimed to know the contents of any of the 3 floppy disks.
This is all of what I've uncovered in my ceaseless research of the little known paranormal phenomenon called "The Shift." My interest was piqued when a friend of mine was repeatedly receiving calls from a number that had an unregistered area code. According to him, each call would begin with an upbeat dail-tone jingle and then what sounded like a female operator would say a string of numbers and then the phrase, "We have prepared the way for you." Interested, I started to search up on strange phone calls like these. I came across The Shift, which was basically pieced together over a scattered series of obscure websites and blogs containing small bits of info about it. I collected enough information over several days to formulate the snippets above. This unnerved me slightly, but nevertheless he and I had thought it was a prank until he received the last call from that unregistered number on March 25, 2010, which began with the normal dial-tone jingle and then the numbers, and finally the voice said at such a high volume that even I could hear it from the other room "THE SHIFT IS COMING DOWN." Right after she hung up, his doorbell rang. When we opened the door, there was no one there. Only a small, black briefcase with "55555" printed on it. It contained a note saying, "RETURN WHERE WE BEGAN" and a disc labeled "SHIFT 5."
Having knowledge of the fates of the previous owners of these discs concerning The Shift, I warned him not to put it on his computer, but despite my earnest begging he refused to listen. Thus, I refused to be in the same room as him while he viewed the contents of the disc. 5 minutes later he walks out of the room, eyes widened and skin as white as a ghost, and falls to the floor, having a massive seizure. He was admitted to the hospital, and just died today.
I managed to get my hands on the disc. I have reviewed it just minutes ago and have suffered no life-threatening effects. Though I'd rather not post the images it contained. They were very, very ******** worthy. I can't really describe them, but if I posted them I can guarantee it would not sit well with many, many people. Anyways, that's my story, and I hope some other people might know something about The Shift so maybe you guys can help me figure this thing ou5555555555555555555555555THE SHIFT IS COMING DOWN5555555555555555555555555

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Hypno's Lulluby
“Come little children, come with me
Safe and happy, you will be
Away from you’re homes, now let us run
With Hypno, you’ll have so much fun
Oh, little children, please don’t cry
Hypno wouldn’t hurt a fly
Be free, be free, be free, to play
Come down in my cave with me to stay
Oh little children, please don’t squirm
Those ropes, I know, will hold you firm
Hypno tells you this is true
But sadly, Hypno lied to you
Oh little children, you musn’t leave
Your families for you will grieve
Their minds will unravel at the seams
Allowing me to haunt their dreams
But surely, all of you must know
That it is time for you to go
Oh little children, you weren’t clever
Now you shall stay with me forever.”