I was just sitting here..
listening to Phil Collins..
playing JigSaw puzzles to get some gold..
and I got bored so I decided to look around the site.
That's when I realized
I haven't posted in this journal in forever it seems.
So. Here I am.
I don't play Gaia much anymore,
and when I do, none of my friends are online.
I bet half of the people on my friends list here
don't even remember who I am.
Of course, I hardly ever forget people.
There's this one girl I've known online since I was realllll little.
Her name's Sally.
I talked to her a couple months ago.
It was a holiday - her birthday, Christmas, something.
So I just thought I'd say hi.
Her reply: 'Do I know you?'
Haha, I guess not.
I guess I'm just a very forgettable person.
Ionno. It's just something about me.
For some reason, most of the people I know,
or have known, end up forgetting me.
It's a very lonely life..
I don't know how I got to this subject. ?_?
But anyway.
I should go.
Just thought I'd drop by and say my piece. ;]
Laterz, yo. <3
View User's Journal
Birthday: May 16
Send me gifts? :3
Birthday Quest

breathe in feed on spit it out inner vision inside

Send me gifts? :3
Birthday Quest

breathe in feed on spit it out inner vision inside