I decided that I would post some artwork that I have received since I've been here on Gaia. Well I would post it all but I lost a couple of them which makes me VERY sad! gonk Either way here are some pictures!!! <3 Oh and they're not in order from when I got them either. ^^;;;
 Sirenas here on Gaia. 3nodding
 Xaki - on Solia again~!!! heart heart heart
 Xaki - on Solia heart heart heart !!!
 Halloween Goodies - commission heart heart
 Hei Xue heart heart heart
 SQ got this for me actually. heart
 Sinthes, aka Ed one of my online daughters. heart
 Anirim heart
 And my all time favorite motivational one by Anirim! heart heart heart xd
If I can find more I will post them. ninja Chances are I wont be able to... xD;
sug chan · Mon May 11, 2009 @ 07:21am · 0 Comments |