Yeah, I make it sound overrated, but hey. Right now, my eyes are on ESP guitars. Why? They sound super good to me and they have great specs and it's awesome. Don't get me wrong tho, I like Ibanez, Xtone, B.C. Rich, and all the other brands.
I'm not a complete metal dude. Why? Because, why listen to one genre when you have a whole bunch of other great genres to listen to?
Perhaps I should rephrase all of this.
GUITARS that I totally want to own. and shred on. of course:
-ESP Snapper-ASM
-Fender Cyclone [1 and 2]
-Fender Gretsch guitar (Any model)
What do I play?
I can play bar chords, power chords, freestroke techniques, solos, rest strokes, sweep picking (still needs a wee bit improvement.) and alot of stuff, in fact. I wouldn't consider myself a good guitarist. I am sadly illiterate on the guitar. but, I can play a lot of songs. Mostly platso music and baroque. One of my favorite artist, Francisco Tárrega is a really good guitarist. My favorite piece of his is Caprice Arabe and Lagrima (I can play those of course). Right now I mostly like listening into baroque music and metal (Symphonic, power, thrash, neoclassical, etc.) And this band called Monkey Majik. Their music is very melodic and nice sounding. o_o I do listening to alot of other music. If you check my profile.
I also love to listen to Jimi Hendrix. (favorite guitarist of time.) Psychedelic. WOOOOOOOO, WAH WAH WAH WAOOOOM.
-Thats all about a guitar and me.
I use an signature acoustic guitar (J.A. Laurence brand, price: $1,000 aprox.) Trying to get a hold of an electric guitar. Money isn't an easy thing to obtain in my current lifestyle.
I wish had any ESP guitars, or at least a Fender Cyclone (Haha, if you managed to even get one lulz. They stop making these.)
ESP (Electric Sound Products) guitars (imo) are the best sounding guitars I have ever heard. All of them has great quality sounding. (Of course if you get a good amplifier too.) ESP guitars also have a custom shop. (I would like to make my own ESP guitar.) Many great bands like "Megadeth, Metallica, Dir en grey, Moi Dix Mois" uses ESP guitar. In fact, many famous bands/solo artist uses ESP. Heh, ESP guitars are overrated but, man they sound sooo gud. 3nodding What makes a ESP good is the pickups, materials, and parts they use.
The American ESP guitars usually modify mainstream guitars like Fender or Gibson or etc. They also make Xtone brands (If you heard of them). Sadly, ESP guitars are expensive. neutral
I would get one in the U.S. but, I rather find ESP guitars in Japan. Why? because ESP guitars was originally and first made in Japan. And most American brand ESPs are usually okay. Like a big let down from an ESP guitar is the Eclipse series. They were originally Gibson Les Paul. But, w/ ESP parts, it sounded worst. You were better off getting a Les Paul than an Eclipse series. Les pauls are good. I would blame the Americans though. American brand ESP is not as good as the ones in Japan. Japan leaves all their good stuff at home. And they make their own guitars rather than modifying. Plus the materials they use in Japan are completely different than ones in U.S. so you will see the differences in sound, and stuff.

ESP guitar Snapper-ASM. swweeet. 3nodding
Looks like a Fender Stratocaster? The pickups is completely different from it. (ESP Custom Lab CL-P-S-2 pickups.) This guitar has a very nice sound. You can play some blues, jazz, rock, pop, and metal with this.

My dream guitar that I want first when I hit college.
ESP guitar RS.
Pickups are Seymour Duncans, Floyd Rose bridge (Hell yeah, dive bombs! WEEEEEEEOOOOOOMMMMM BOOOMOZZ.) Crazy design (Looks like a Gibson Firebird) it's black, and most sounds sooo flipping sweeet.
Oh yeah, the Snapper and RS is found in Japan. Not, American made.
So, what can you play on the guitar? :]
Oooh. Another nice sounding guitars are PRS (Paul Reed Smith) guitars.
Many great bands uses these too like Linkin' Park, Relient K, etc.
Yet, they are also very expensive too. rofl
-Sunny. :]