Its Megan Bitchez

Heyyyyyyy this be megan hackin my BESTIE on gaia.
Let me tell ya bout this chick
Shes cool, funny, and AWSUM!
She one of the coolest people you eva meet.
We've been through ALOT
But we got through it all
Just let brittany be jealous
bc she aint us!
Listen up fellas she be SINGL3 so
get chur flirt on with her!
And if You break her heart ill break your face.
Taylorrrr ilyyyyyyyyy sooo much sissy!
<3 Megan
Ay Dis be Zane hackin tay's page..... Idk even know where to start with this girl. She is one of the coolest people u will eva meet. I mean i havent even known her dat long and i already know she is pimpin for sure lol. She is alsofine as hell and dats no dam joke.. the first time i saw a pic of her i was like woah ha but ya if u get the chance to get 2 know her u betta take that chance. Aight well i could go on and on about how cool dis girl be but i think we got the point rofl ... well zane be out... I luv u Tay

Ayyo Nigguhsz Thisz B Brittany Hackn Taylor'sz Pro. OMq So Much 2 Say So Little Tyme 2 Say It...Meh Nd Taylor Met Baqk N May Nd Was Bestiesz UNTIL Sum Fake Assz Bytch We Call MEGAN *Coughsz* Whore Slut Hoe Bytch Etc. Lmao...Yea Shesz Tha Bytch Tht Pushed Usz Away 4rm Each Otha Nd Tried Makin Meh Jealous Well MEGAN..bYTCH Yhu FAILED So HaHaHa Bytch Yhu A MudaFckn FAILURE Lmao...Instead Meh Nd Nikki Made Tht Bytch MEGAN Jealous Lmao...Shyt I Said Tha "M" Word v_v....Lmao...Well Anywaysz Taylor Yhur An AWSOME Frnd Nd I NEVA Wnna Lose Yhu Again. iLy Tay Tay N.h
-Brittany ♥