Hey guys! >3< ~<3
Though I'd update, I don't write here as much here cuz i do awl that stuff on my DeviantArt page, but I'm on a break from DA now, so Here we go!
Um I haven't got on the computer NEARLY as much since i started Work experience a week ago, I was with an artist by the way, she's so awesome. Her name is Lynn Kenny, she's a multimedia artist and her art has so much personality! Here's her site if u wanna check her stuff out!
Anyway, Art an commissions have been pretty slow recently, and the pressure is building to get things done when i can't >_> Hopefully next week will be better..
I'll show you what i DID get done though!

Also I got another couple commission working out, here's a preview, but this will probably change a lot to my commissioners request ^_^.

I've got a slightly different week next than this week, I'm gunna do work experience in Analog Devices, which is a large electronics engineering company! XD not so arty there, but I'm big into science as well, believe it or not! heart I still have alot to do.. Texaco art comp, landscape commision, two tattoo and a good few others.. so still no commissions, BUSYBUSYBUSY!! XD Sorry! if your really intent on getting me to draw you something, check out my art here on my profile and/ or google 'Foxlip' for my DA page, Its the first thing that comes up, so its pretty simple~ And send me a PM being specific about what you want, maybe take refrence to another one of my pieces? and I'll poke you on a list or ask u to remind me later on when I'm more free..
Ahhhh~ Im trying to relax here, hard when the only computer in the house is in the middle of the family room >___> *sigh* Lol its easy to get paranoid like this! eek
I'm happy though, full of Chinese food and candy! *brap* 4laugh
Okay! Nobody really reads this anyway, so I'm gunna go ahead and shut up now ^3^
Though I'd update, I don't write here as much here cuz i do awl that stuff on my DeviantArt page, but I'm on a break from DA now, so Here we go!
Um I haven't got on the computer NEARLY as much since i started Work experience a week ago, I was with an artist by the way, she's so awesome. Her name is Lynn Kenny, she's a multimedia artist and her art has so much personality! Here's her site if u wanna check her stuff out!
Anyway, Art an commissions have been pretty slow recently, and the pressure is building to get things done when i can't >_> Hopefully next week will be better..
I'll show you what i DID get done though!

Also I got another couple commission working out, here's a preview, but this will probably change a lot to my commissioners request ^_^.

I've got a slightly different week next than this week, I'm gunna do work experience in Analog Devices, which is a large electronics engineering company! XD not so arty there, but I'm big into science as well, believe it or not! heart I still have alot to do.. Texaco art comp, landscape commision, two tattoo and a good few others.. so still no commissions, BUSYBUSYBUSY!! XD Sorry! if your really intent on getting me to draw you something, check out my art here on my profile and/ or google 'Foxlip' for my DA page, Its the first thing that comes up, so its pretty simple~ And send me a PM being specific about what you want, maybe take refrence to another one of my pieces? and I'll poke you on a list or ask u to remind me later on when I'm more free..
Ahhhh~ Im trying to relax here, hard when the only computer in the house is in the middle of the family room >___> *sigh* Lol its easy to get paranoid like this! eek
I'm happy though, full of Chinese food and candy! *brap* 4laugh
Okay! Nobody really reads this anyway, so I'm gunna go ahead and shut up now ^3^