Character page 2

[[ where the character information will go]]
Name: Colette Age: 13 Race: bio human Height: 4' 8 Body type: slender Likes: * To poke dead things * To play with her older brother * All kinds of sweets * Being complemented Dislikes: * Getting angry * Getting blood on her * Being rejected Fears: * Bleeding * small furry animals Gang: Italian Any special powers[?] : [ deciding] Other information: Colette was made in a lab by her older brother Demetry, who is a mad scientist who lost his family. Since she was created by him, Colette calls him her older brother. She has no real birthday, nor can she remember a happy time in life, not being born before the out break of the strange disease. She has many secrets, and strange personality fault, thanks to her brothers experiments, trying to change her DNA to be resistant to the disease that has spread around to everyone, even Demetry. She spends most of her time sitting around and watching people become food by the crazy people outside her safe laboratory, owned by the Italian gang. When Colette becomes furious, she is uncontrollable, and cannot be stopped unless her anger is some how softened. A stuffed animal or some candy will do. From this you might think she is a brat, but she is worse then that. Scary to think what she might be like when she gets older.
Name: Demetry Age: 21 Race: ????? Height: 6' 8 Body type: slender Likes: * * * * Dislikes: * * * Fears: * * Gang: Any special powers[?] : [[ if any]] Other information:
Name: Fayt Age: Race: [ bio human to mostly corrupted ] Height: Body type: skinny... plump... ect] Likes: * * * * Dislikes: * * * Fears: * * Gang: Any special powers[?] : [[ if any]] Other information:
Dezi Bunny · Mon Nov 09, 2009 @ 11:44pm · 0 Comments |