SOOOOO I realized that I've been questing for a Fallen Wish, but I really don't know what I'd do with it once I got it. So, I'ma join the big boys and quest for something that's two million gold. That's right. 2. Million. 2000K. Bam. Now, that's a lot for me. I don't post much, I don't get on much besides the summer, and I've never broken 1 mil before. But here I go. See Meili up there? I want him. This, by the way, is the avi I'm going to have forHALLOWEEN 2K11. Yep. Jumping on that already. I've only got about 70K of stuff to get for it, but I'ma buy it piece by piece so I don't drain myself of 70K instantly haha The little things, like the Lanturn and Jackies I don't really need, or they can wait a bit, because I just kinda like them and want them hahahahaha
EDIT:: Someone just gifted me the Babydoll Gloves heartheart Thank you so much Annon!!! I don't think I've ever been gifted something. Ever. You've made both my day, my profile, and my signature ^^ Now I can't WAIT till Halloween~