I slowly opened my eyes, I saw a camp fire and Suya sleeping. I sat up and looked around. Suya opened one eye, "so your awake..." "Yes, is that a problem?" "Sorta..." We both stood up. Suya glared at me, I crouched into a fighting stance. He pulled out a kunai and ran toward me. I dodged the kunai and punched him in the stomach. I grabbed the back of his shirt and threw him into a tree. I disappeared into darkness, on my way back to Konoha.
Suya slowly stood up, "I must go tell Kie..." He disappeared into a cloud of smoke. "Suya...what happened to you?" Kie asked when he walked through the door, it only took twenty minutes to get to her. "It was Koharru, she beat me up then left, probably back to Konoha." Kie stood up, "I'm going after her." "I'm coming too." "Fine, but your not gonna fight." Suya nodded. "Now, let's go."
"Gaara?" I looked all over in the hotel but he wasn't there. I ran out of the room and went to one of the busy streets. "Koharru, Koharru, you were so easy to find." I turned around, Kie stood there with Suya close behind. The people that were walking by stopped. Kie grabbed the front of my shirt, "here is where you will die." "Part of me wants to die..." I whispered. "What?" "This illness, it causes me much pain and suffering, sometimes I just wanna die, but I know I could never..." Kie threw me to the ground and stepped back. i rolled over and stood up. "You know, no one ever loved you, and no one will," Kie smirked. I looked at the ground. "You fox demon freak!" I continued to look at the ground. I doubled over in pain and coughed up blood, it was my illness. Kie walked over to me and pulled me up by the back of my shirt. She set me down and took a few steps back." "Your wrong you know, I was loved...by mother and Sasuke, but of course, you wouldn't know that, since you left the village when I was born." "Enough talking," Kie said quickly. I pulled out three senbon, "your move first." Kie smiled and pulled out a kunai. She ran toward me. I tried to dodge, but it hurt to much to move. My vision started to go blank, so the next thing I knew I was on the ground with a kuani to my throat. "Now, I will end your life, for good," Kie growled. "Grab her!" I heard some one yell. I felt the kunai move away and Kie struggle. The Konoha police were pulling Kie off of me. A female medical ninja was sitting next to me, she helped me stand up, "you should go to the hospital." I shook my head, "no, i'm fine." I took a step forward, staggered, then fell to the ground unconscience.
Gaara walked into the hospital, sakura and Naruto were at the front desk. He walked over to them, they were asking for Koharru's room. Sakura turned around, "hey Gaara, came to check up on Koharru?" "yeah..." "Come on then, her room is on the second floor," Naruto said, he walked off down the hall, Sakura and gaara followed.
"How is she?" sakura asked the nurse in my room. "Sge still has a fever but her wouds weren't life threatning. She's awake now as well," the nurse left the room. Gaara, Naruto, and Sakura walked over to where I was laying. I carefully sat up, "hey you guys." "Feeling any better?" sakura asked. "A little..." "We saw the whole thing," Naruto mentioned. "We know that something else happened, that woman didn't do it," Sakura said. "So what did happen?" Gaara asked. "You all know about my illness, I just had an attack." Sakura carefully hugged me, "I'm sorry, but me and Naruto have a mission." She kissed me on the forehead, "please get better Koko-chan." Naruto smiled, "take care." The two of them the room. I looked over at Gaara, "I'm sorry, I should have told you sooner." "What are you talking about?" "The attacks, ther've been getting worse and worse, but this is the first time that I've actually been hospitalized." Gaara walked over to the side of my bed and grabbed my hand. I looked down at my lap, "where are the kids?" "They're with Hinata." he sat down next to me on my bed. I leaned against him and closed my eyes. A nurse walked in, "visiting hours are over." "All right," Gaara kissed my forehead and stood up, "I'll be back tomarrow." Him and the nurse walked out of my room. I layed back down and sighed. I looked over at the window, the curtain was closed. I sighed again then looked up at the ceiling, I closed my eyes and eventually fell asleep.
At the end of this chapter I drew Koharru sitting up in her hospital bed.
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Koharru's story
I have finally started on my Koharru and Gaara fanfic. I'll post each chapter at a time. Hope you like it ^_^
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Demented killer Koharru
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A hero is only tested by his courage and the bravery that he holds.