Hey'o! Guess what I'm doing here with a three tekteks? Yeah, I guess it's pretty obvious - I'm questing.
Since I've recently revamped my Sailor Dione (as well as Pandora and Encelladus and Rhyfallion), I figured I should also have my avatar up-to-date.
The only difference this time is that I've gone mad and brought two quests upon me at the same time(Sailor Dione, the over-confident genius senshi, AND Rhyfallion, the cross-dressing female villain of suspicious orientation). emotion_facepalm I don't really mind whichever one is finished first (although my Sailor Dione one is already pretty much done in an alternative way).
If you're interested in helping an amateur Senshi succeed in terms of visual beauty - proceed. If not, proceed anyway. It's common manners to finish what you started, right?
Sailor Dione

Total Value: 1,067,311 Gold
[Item Information]
Item List:
Fallen Wish
Blue Neck Ribbon
Lovely Genie Blue Headpiece
Ice Prince
G-LOL Azure Maiden Skirt
Angelic Lace
Celestial Monarch
Magical Girl's Lovely Heart Gloves
Porcelina Blue Prim Booties
Purple Serafuku Bow
Albus Egg
Light Blue Serafuku Tie
Rhyfallion - Original

Total Value: 1,281,350 Gold
[Item Information]
Item List:
Golden Aurela
Sainte Ciel: Eros
Red Raven Mask
Blue Dark Elf Pauldrons
Fallen King
Tamer of Blue Flames
Evening Star Sister
Egomanial Cadenza
Rhyfallion - Revived

Total Value: 1,362,650 Gold
[Item Information]
Item List:
Dark Omen
Gothic Butterfly
Starbright Sweeper
Sainte Ciel: Eros
Devoted Spica
Purple Dark Elf Thigh Boots
Ribbon Rapture
Fallen King
Everything that's crossed out is most obviously already in my inventory. I'm doing what I can to earn gold, but I obviously can't do all of this on my own, so I need your help, you precious person who's come to help me. ( *^* )
Whether it's money or any of these items, everything helps. I will also draw a free headshot of your choice for anyone who donates an item (even the cheaper ones on the list) and the first three gold-donors(only one more slot open).
What the layout and size would look like(picture taken from my deviantART account):

Since I've recently revamped my Sailor Dione (as well as Pandora and Encelladus and Rhyfallion), I figured I should also have my avatar up-to-date.
The only difference this time is that I've gone mad and brought two quests upon me at the same time(Sailor Dione, the over-confident genius senshi, AND Rhyfallion, the cross-dressing female villain of suspicious orientation). emotion_facepalm I don't really mind whichever one is finished first (although my Sailor Dione one is already pretty much done in an alternative way).
If you're interested in helping an amateur Senshi succeed in terms of visual beauty - proceed. If not, proceed anyway. It's common manners to finish what you started, right?
Sailor Dione

Total Value: 1,067,311 Gold
[Item Information]
Item List:
Fallen Wish
Blue Neck Ribbon
Lovely Genie Blue Headpiece
Ice Prince
G-LOL Azure Maiden Skirt
Angelic Lace
Celestial Monarch
Magical Girl's Lovely Heart Gloves
Porcelina Blue Prim Booties
Purple Serafuku Bow
Albus Egg
Light Blue Serafuku Tie
Rhyfallion - Original

Total Value: 1,281,350 Gold
[Item Information]
Item List:
Golden Aurela
Sainte Ciel: Eros
Red Raven Mask
Blue Dark Elf Pauldrons
Fallen King
Tamer of Blue Flames
Evening Star Sister
Egomanial Cadenza
Rhyfallion - Revived

Total Value: 1,362,650 Gold
[Item Information]
Item List:
Dark Omen
Gothic Butterfly
Starbright Sweeper
Sainte Ciel: Eros
Devoted Spica
Purple Dark Elf Thigh Boots
Ribbon Rapture
Fallen King
Everything that's crossed out is most obviously already in my inventory. I'm doing what I can to earn gold, but I obviously can't do all of this on my own, so I need your help, you precious person who's come to help me. ( *^* )
Whether it's money or any of these items, everything helps. I will also draw a free headshot of your choice for anyone who donates an item (even the cheaper ones on the list) and the first three gold-donors(only one more slot open).
What the layout and size would look like(picture taken from my deviantART account):