lol i took a survey thingy. :P do you think its right?
EMO: [x] you own at least 5 black shirts [] you like skinny jeans [] you're listening to music right now [x] you have painted your fingernails black before [] You have more than 300 songs on your ipod/mp3/itunes [x] Like the color black [x] hate most girly girls [x] have dyed ur hair dark [x] sometimes like to be alone [] hate popular music [x] keep hair in front of your face [x] have given people evil stares [] Hate your parent(s) [x] Life sucks for you [x] have been called emo [] Dislike the colors pink [x] Complain a lot [x] own a studded belt
SLUT/MAN WHORE: [] own more than 10 minishorts [] have kissed more than 2 people in one night [x] have been called a slut/man whore [] like to drink [x] ever wear low cut shirts [x] have been called a tease [] Flirt with every girl or guy! [x] love the opposite sex [] Go to parties/sleepovers at least once a week [] own 5 tube tops [] Sit on the opposites lap [] you kiss because you think its fun
JOCK: [] Own at least 5 jerseys [] Have 10 or more trophies [] Wear hair in ponytail like everyday [] Love sports [] Own 5 or more sweatpants [x] Dont wear makeup
[x] Have / had played lacrosse [] Play more than 2 sports [] Can play a sport if you've never played it before [] You play/ played Basketball on a team [] You play/ played baseball-softball on a team [] You play/ played fieldhockey on a team [x] You run/ran track [] You play/ played football on a team [] Been called a jock [] Have set a record [] Are friends with your coach [] Love watching sports [x] can do 15 situps without getting tired
NERD: [] wear your pants at your waist [] used to/still do have braces [] in advanced classes [] On Math team [] Have all A's [] Like spending time with your parents [x] have been called a nerd [] are *annoyed* or bullied [] LOVE to learn [x] Like your teachers [x] Watch history channel
[x] never go anywhere on the weekends [x] Have been called weird
[] scared to talk to the opposite sex [] Dont have pics of yourself on myspace [x] can read a book in a month [x] You read on your last spring break [] Have your own website [] wear pocket protectors
Multiply each number by 3 then repost as %Emo, %Slut/Man Whore, % Jock and %Nerd
36%Emo 12%Slut 12%jock 21%Nerd