
Dark Magician. Not just Magic though. He can channel his energy through his staff to give foes a taste of some very nasty medicine. XD. Age 14. o__O Girls say this is there fav. I wondah why........ He has a Dark Wolf Demon named Amaterasu. Amaterasu is a Master of Dark Magic, however, she accidentally cast the spell on herself instead of a test subject.
Maximum-Ride (I know I copyed th3 name, what do you care? Do you want to fight?! >< wink

The only Female Dark Magic Practicioner known to the world. She uses a sword, which only activates with power when a dark Magician is using it. She is Ranisu's sister. She has a Dark Wolf Demon named Kenshin, who was assisting Amatseru with the Demon Project at the time. He got hit in the backfire, so thats why his coat is not completely dark. Age 14.

A Werewolf that has no quarrel with anyone. He is never one to start a fight, only if neccesary. His pack travels around in the Union Forest, Near the Back Acre. Thats his territory. Cross it and you trip off an alarm that will send Wolf Soldiers to your position. Not Werewolves. Wolves. Yeah. Ow. Age 12.
Ok This is the end of Part 1. If I forgot RPC's or I make up some more, I'll post a part two. If you want me to Tek-Tek Your RPC's, PM me a description and I'll do my best. I can do it for free too!
Peace :]