Name: Erandel
Gender: Female
Race: Angel - Eventual Fallen/Vampire
Age: Appears 20-25
Description: Hair is a light brown color and falls to her waist with this style of bangs. Eyes are this color, a light silver-blue with a thick, deep gold ring around the pupils. They are large and almond shaped. She has a button nose with a low bridge. Lightly tanned skin. Muscular body style with c-cup breasts. Wings are a tawny white color with gold accents.
Personality: She's tough, but not hardened. She's a Guardian, a soldier, but war hasn't made her completely cold. She's basically a badass with a soft side. She follows orders to the 't', cutting down her opponents with no mercy and undeniable skill. She has a passion for what she does. She was, after all, created for her purpose. But, she's also soft. She's warm and compassionate to those who do right by her.
Description: Hair is dark brown, same length and style. Eyes are black with entwined strings of crimson and gold circling the pupils, looking much like small, circular lightning bolts; the intensity changes depending on the mood, and the branches that come off of them constantly change. Same shape. Face is the same. Wings are black and torn up with scarlet accents. Scars cover her back.
Personality: She's bitter, regret and grief plaguing her. Her stare is hardened and cold, a ghost of the warmth that used to inhabit them. She comes off as arrogant and condescending, many believing she thinks higher of herself for what she once was. But the blank, emotionless mask she often wears is little more than a facade. She's really very vulnerable, filled with sadness and anger. When alone, her true feelings show, face and eyes engulfed in sorrow and isolation.
Description: Hair is dark brown, same length and style. Eyes are black with entwined strings of crimson and gold circling the pupils, looking much like small, circular lightning bolts; the intensity changes depending on the mood, and the branches that come off of them constantly change. Same shape. Face is the same. Wings are black and torn up with scarlet accents. Scars cover her back.
Personality: She's bitter, regret and grief plaguing her. Her stare is hardened and cold, a ghost of the warmth that used to inhabit them. She comes off as arrogant and condescending, many believing she thinks higher of herself for what she once was. But the blank, emotionless mask she often wears is little more than a facade. She's really very vulnerable, filled with sadness and anger. When alone, her true feelings show, face and eyes engulfed in sorrow and isolation.