Epika De'Luicina Rockinwolve_______________| Former Poke'mon Pirate

Ye, err... I mean, You must be here to learn more about me right? Alrighty then, I'll tell you more, just don't expect to learn everything, otherwise where would the story be?
A L I A S ____________________| I was once called, a Poke'mon pirate. Why? Because I hunted not for treasure, but for poke'mon. However, I've put the past behind me, and now I prefure regular nicknames.. like... Epi, or something.
A G E ____________________| Well, I'm a woman, and woman don't really like giving out their age. However, I'll be nice enought to tell you i'm twenty-one.
G E N D E R ____________________| Are you an idiot? Sorry.. but it has to be obvious. I'm a woman, like I said in the last section, duh! Sheesh...
H O M E L A N D ____________________| Well, I never really had a home, but I was born in Viridian city, back in Kanto. But like I said, I moved around alot so I don't really have a homeland. I've lived here in Isshu for just about 3 years, so... I don't know...
A S P E R I T I O N ____________________| It used to be, to have all the rare and amazing poke'mon of the world, but that changed after certain events. Now.. I'd like to dabble in breeding, maybe a few gym challanges here and there, might even take on the Isshu region... Got nothing better to do.
P O K E M O N ____________________|
____| Ret the Male Garchomp - I caught Ret when he was still a lowly Gible. It was in the Shinnoh region, and i'd found the path of my current clientael mission a bore... finding the secret cave below the Bike trail I was amazed to find it riddled with Gibles. The one known as Ret today was actually not my first choice, he was weak looking, but when his younger sister came into trouble I saw potential in his eyes. Thus why I captured him, and to my surprize he grew very strong, very fast, thus he stands now at the top of my roster.
____| Etoile the Female Zeburaika - One of my last catches before my sudden occupation change, the young Shimama was a force to be reckoned with. I was amazed by it's power, for being such a youngling. Shortly after capturing it, the poke'mon evolved. Etoile's knew look, and even more amazing power makes her one of the top poke'mon on my roster.
____| Gin the Male Zoroark - One of my most amazing captures to date! Just before the insodent that changed my life, this Zoroark came into my life. He had made himself into a Regigigas to confuse me and my shipmates, but what he didn't expect was another Zoroark that we had befriended earlier. It was a long battle, and we were very much exsausted, aswell as my ship turned nearly to rubble, eventually I caught him. He's since then become a very keen allie.
____| [color=darkred]Anette the Female Dragonair - 'Caught' in kanto, this dragon poke'mon was a prime catch, being it was an offspring of Lances' Dragonite. I very closely didn't get away with this prize either, but with the help... rather unintended diversion from another pirate I managed escape. Though she knows of how she was caught, amazing the young Dragonair doesn't seem to upset, or angry with me..
____| Luim the Female Kingdra - Another 'Caught' poke'mon, I gained Luim from a traveling dragon tamer. The Dragon tamer was having troubles with Luim to begin with, and eventually I got the Kingdra to join my side. Of course the Dragon tamer didn't give in without a fight, but gladly.. I over powered him. ____| Egg - Obtained from my mother when I returned with the news of my new path in life. She was estatic that I'd decided this, and gave me the unhatched baby poke'mon. She herself is unsure to what is inside. This is no big deal to me, I love surprizes.
P E R S O N A ____________________| ...Pending
B I O ____________________| ...Pending
L I K E ____________________| ____| Rare, strong, New Poke'mon ____| Taveling, nomatter my profession ____| Alone time with my best of companions ____| Music; Singing, dancing, listening to music ____| Battling any kind of opponite ____| The thrill of adventure! ____| Surprizes, I actually love them!
D I S L I K E ____________________| ____| Overly cheery people/Poke'mon s ____| Sore Losers, Sore winners s ____| Losing the chance at gaining a rare poke'mon s ____| The thought of living a normal life!
F E A R I N G ____________________| ____| My past catching up with me...
IndecisiveWolk · Mon Nov 08, 2010 @ 03:07am · 0 Comments |