1.Maniac stage:I go on some stupid rampage where i eather do somthing life threting or illegal.
2.Stillness stage:I'll be in the middle of doing somthing then suddenly sit down and sit there doing nothing for like 3 hours straight.
3.Cluless stage:I'll probly be talking or taking a test then ill just sit there and try to remember what the hell i was trying to do.
4.Really pissed stage:I have no clue what makes this happen it just does... I get really upset then start like going on a really scary throwing s**t around rampage.
5.Giggly stage:if people are trying to get s**t outa me i start getting all giggly stare
6.Depressed stage:I go off and hide somewhere to cry.
7.cute:when im all happy and cute and people will fall for anything that i tell them {like this ----> 3nodding }
8.bored:i just sit there and wonder what the hell to do all day not liking any of the ideas...
9.high:I get really really hyper and start doing random s**t and talking about random s**t.
10.giddy:i get all happy and jumpy when i see or hear somthing amazing {what i mean when i see sumthin amazing its when i see a hot dude ;D}
11.adventurouse:I want to go explore so i run accross the streat get alex and force her to come adventure with me.
12.scuicidal:im eather really hyper or really depressed and ill do somthing bad for my health like sit in front of cars or hurt myself badly.
AND thats all the stages of Riah i hope you enjoyed them :>

please donate soz i can get me demonic anklets D: