-back at demitsu's grave-
*arm pops out of the remain of the building*...*something jumps out of no where*
Demitsu: Freakin demons!!...*lands on ground*
Demitsu: what's that?! *something rushes near him* *demitsu does a backflip into the air and throws his sword into the demons body* *the demon is still coming, demitsu stands there with his arm crossed waiting for the demon to come* *as soon as the demon tries to past demitsu, he grabs his sword, without slicing and just lets the sword go through the demon, chopping it in half* *demon lands on ground*
Demitsu: Damn i'm good. *shines sword* Now to find that Ryu who tried to kill me. *jumps into the air and vanishes*
-where Ryo is-
*flying fast as lightning while slicing every monster that gets in his way*

Ryo: I betcha I could beat black doom myself and become ruler!!
-where shenlong and the gang is-
Shenlong: DAMMIT!!! whoever did this will pay!