This is the place where I'll show off all the avatar art I got on Gaia. Most are freebies, since I don't spend a lot of gold on commissions. Some are bought though, or gotten in art trades. I must admid my collection has grown rather large, but mind that I'm on Gaia since 2003. ;3 heart
As you can probably guess, I love avatar art. If there's someone out there who'd like to draw me a freebie, that would make me uber-happy. Who knows, maybe they will recieve a freebie drawn by me in return ??... That's why I'm posting my favourite art-avatars here:

Now, on to the art that I've been given heart
 bumping contest freebie; drawn by jneb
 bumping contest freebie; drawn by x[ m y s t i c ]x
 bumping contest freebie; drawn by x[ m y s t i c ]x
 bumping contest freebie; drawn by Magena Awinasa
 bumping contest freebie; drawn by crissame
 freebie by emmkitt
 by Florentine
 by Florentine
 by Isaviel
 by Isaviel
 by Anjii
 by Plummy Lovelace
 by Plummy Lovelace
 by Saria Yosei
 by Darth Darkie
 by Darth Darkie
 by GlasFink

 by Jadeth
 by Jadeth
 by Windgrace

 by Nukuneko
 by Nukuneko
 by Jai Cie Tea
 by -Shiver-
 by Karly
 by Karly
 by Lettuce Leaf Head

 by Maiden214
 by Sarkany

 by Asseres
 by Cardamom
 by Phenomenom

 by Yuki Yoshida
 my very first Gaia art - artist unknown ; ; heart
Koma-chan · Mon Apr 14, 2008 @ 12:10pm · 1 Comments |